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Major Telecom Service Provider from Chile Delivers with Orangescrum

Major Telecom Service Provider From Chile Delivers With Orangescrum Enterprise, Project Management Blog
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One of the largest and renowned Telecom service providers from Chile chose Orangescrum for its project management needs. Some of their key offerings include data center connectivity, voice, data and video transmission, fixed-line telephony and mobile telephony, internet services, data storage, IP and digital and television.

Also, Netflix recently rated them as the ISP that delivers the best streaming on the South American continent.

They have been working with Orangescrum Open Source for over a year to manage their large and complex projects across teams. Let us see what Evelyn Sanchez, Program Manager has to say about their project management challenges and experience with Orangescrum.



Given the complexity of their business, the PMO was always at a fix with getting the right resources, having the team on the same page and collaboration among multiple teams was a huge challenge leading to delays and deviations.

To add to it, getting the real-time information on project progress, time estimates and time spent was cumbersome, time-consuming & added to a lot of manual efforts.

Also, being a large corporation with multi-stream teams involved in each project; striking a balance with the existing internal processes and task management needed a lot of attention & planning.

All in all an overarching Gantt view of the project plan and visibility to task progress in real time was also missing.

Gantt Chart 4, Project Management Blog

In summary, their challenges were –

  • Lack of real-time granular visibility of strategic initiatives
  • Uncoordinated, Unplanned and Silo execution approach
  • Unavailability of analytical data-driven platform
  • Inadequate project-task-deliverable-resource mapping
  • Lack of clarity around business/executive deliverables/directives

Unavailability of single collaborative platform

How Things Changed?

The first and foremost requirement was to have a central home for all their projects and see their portfolio at a glance in terms of the various business and service areas leading these projects.

Once, our project categorization got simpler, we had the required granular visibility of our in-flight projects and their progress. Added with the end to end time and resource management capabilities that Orangescrum offered we knew how our resources were stacked across projects, their utilization across tasks and availability for adequate planning says Evelyn Sanchez their PMO in-charge.

Resource Availabillity Full View 1, Project Management Blog

We decide to buy Orangescrum because we though that the functionalities are pretty interesting and helpful for projects.

Evelyn further adds – “Orangescrum’s Kanban boards are most helpful when it comes to on the fly planning and project status reviews (PSRs). We saved a lot of time on task management and getting task updates with the use of the Kanban view. It provides the required Milestone and Tasks progress at a high level and ability to drill down to individual tasks and their progress. Any deviations in terms of planned vs. actual and delayed tasks were promptly identified and relevant remediation were applied.”

Kanban Milestone View, Project Management Blog

As the usage and adoption among teams grew there was a stable rise in accountability as well. Teams were always aware of their deliverables and any associated dependencies and collaborated accordingly. The instant benefit was the reduction of email follow-ups and exchanges and critical info that was lost in emails was readily available to all involved in the tasks itself.

Slowly, inputs on additional required capabilities poured in and we had them developed by the ever attentive Orangescrum Support team. They were hugely successful in integrating our business needs and processes with Orangescrum & its user-friendly UI made is easier for adoption within our teams.

OrangeScrum Support team is very attentive to our requirements. They always help us when we have issues. Even when we have a different time zone they support us at our time zone.

With OrangeScrum, we were able to plan better, we estimate our resources better and we were able to perceive deviations in our projects and take timely actions to avoid delays in our projects. Also, Orangescrum has a lot of productive features that are very helpful for your daily project management activities and suited for medium and large corporations.

As seen here, Orangescrum simplifies business and aids in its growth; no matter the industry.

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