Continuing the drive to constantly improve project & team collaboration, Orangescrum now offers @mention to tag teammates, tasks and sub tasks.
@mentions have been a proven means of prompt timely communication while working with large project teams.
It is particularly helpful when you are working on a task that requires inputs from multiple collaborators.
You can now use the @mention within Orangescrum tasks.
You can now quickly access the users of the project and tag team members who may or may not be directly involved in the task.
So, seeking inputs or asking for help becomes lot easier without having to assign a task to the concerned team member.
Let’s take a quick “how to” instructions for using @mentions within Orangescrum.
@mention feature can be used in task description and comments. In order to use this feature, you can follow the below steps-
In Task description-
In Task Reply or Comments-
Users can get access to mentions by clicking on @Mentions in the left main menu of the tool.
You can access all @mentions from one central listing page and respond to them intuitively without having to navigate to other task views.
Hence, task responses and communication is faster, leading to improved collaboration and task management.
Task execution and overall project management are directly dependent on seamless collaboration. Also, productivity takes a hit if collaboration isn’t accorded enough importance. The key lies in exchange of timely responses between team members to move tasks to closure.
In-time progress and completion of tasks encourages teams to collaborate more and deliver project goals faster.
And @mentions are a great way to remove any cogs from your project execution wheel across all levels!
Still stuck with complex task management steps, delayed task responses and tasks missing their deadlines?
Fix all of these with smart collaboration using @mentions with Orangescrum!