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FREE PLAN From Orangescrum Because Ideas and Dreams Matter!

FREE PLAN From Orangescrum Because Ideas And Dreams Matter 2, Project Management Blog
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You have a great idea!

You want to transform it to a startup. Rightly so!

Or you have a startup….

…the question is how to grow and make it successful?

May be, you’re running a successful business and still want to scale-up further….


We want to help. We want to walk with you together. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to collaborate & stay organized.

We want to make your idea/business/startup successful.

So we’re thrilled to announce that you can manage your projects, tasks, resources and clients at one place without any cost!

No matter what stage you’re at, the new FREE plan from Orangescrum has all the features you need for Project Management.

“We believe in absolute Collaboration and Productivity and any sort of restrictions impede them. Orangescrum is where Collaboration meets Success!”

Just ask yourself if you are free yet from the below stressful claws ….

Do you use Multiple Apps for Managing Projects and business processes?

Struggling to Manage your Team, Clients and Customers using Emails & Spreadsheets?

Is each of your Resources Fully Utilized?

Struggling to monitor who’s doing what and where?

Do you want to protect yourself from monotonous, time & effort intensive repetitive work?

No matter what you say, the answer is YES. ALWAYS!!!

What we are trying to tell you here is – your efforts are too precious to your enterprise to squander them on manual, administrative and non-value add (NVA) activities.

We want to offer you a platform that lets you focus on your core business functions (CBF) while the project management and other administrative activities happen auto-magically!

What do you get in Orangescrum’s FREE plan?

Once you sign up with Orangescrum, you can

  • invite up to 2 users
  • create 5 projects
  • create “Unlimited Tasks”
  • store files up to 50 MB

And here are few benefits you can take from Orangescrum:

  • Deep dive into your project data with our in-built analytics – Project overview, Gantt Chart, Burn down chart, Task report, Resource Utilization to name a few.
  • Create and Manage projects & Collaborate with teams using refined workflows that enable higher productivity
  • Share and validate information effectively to avoid project delays
  • Visually track progress using the Kanban view – who’s doing what, what’s been accomplished and what needs to be done next
  • Track Time of your project team and manage them efficiently.
  • Automate similar projects without wasting time with Project & Task Templates
  • Review and Share project status with your clients and stakeholders in real-time
  • Automatic time tracking and invoicing 
  • Smart and Interactive Mobile App (iOS & android)

& much more….

We know for sure you will achieve your goals faster with Orangescrum and would join our 8,000+ smart teams in no time and gift your teams & stakeholders with transparent project management & collaboration.

Orangescrum! Collaboration. Success. Simplified.

Are you ready to meet success? We’re waiting!

Start Your Free Plan!

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