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Product Update: Enhanced Features for Project Template

Enhanced Features For Project Template, Project Management Blog
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Hello, OrangeScrum’ers, we are here with an update for all our SaaS users. Now you can create custom templates with the release of our enhanced Project Template. You can now add Task Groups, Tasks, Sub-tasks, and Sub-subtasks to define your templates. Earlier you could just add tasks to a project templates.

It can simplify your projects that are large & complex yet identical. To get away of creating a complex product workflow, marketing campaign, employee on-boarding etc. projects repeatedly, we have the templates for you.

The Template enable you to replicate and reuse the structure and content of existing projects, including Task Groups and task with estimated hours, task type and task priority to speed up new project creation and standardize workflow processes.

The most use cases are:

  • Business proposal
  • Web Development
  • App development
  • Product Development Workflows
  • SEO Template
  • Audit or QA Template
  • Event Planning
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • New Employee Onboarding
  • Interview Questions
  • Installation Checklists & so on

How To Create Custom Project Templates in Orangescrum?

For create;

  • Navigate to Miscellaneous on left menu panel and click on Template
  • On Project Template, click on + icon,
  • Define the Project Template’s title; it must be a clear name like we mentioned below in the image; it may be Web Development Plan Template or Marketing Campaign Project Template etc. and hit the button “Create”

Create Project, Project Management Blog

  • On the Project Template page, a task can be added under a Task Group or without a Task Group. Under a task, you can add a subtask and under a subtask, you can add another subtask. To Add Task Group, click on +Quick Task Group

Create Task Group, Project Management Blog

  • Once Task Group title is defined, make sure you have enough information regarding the Task Group in the description. Define a tentatively estimated hour for the Task Group or can be ignored initially to standardize the template first.  
  • To create a Task under that Task Group, click on +Quick Task
  • Create tasks with proper Description, Task Type, Task Priority, Attach Files so that anyone receiving this task for the first time will know exactly what to do.
  • Go through the all the tasks you created and define the Estimated Hour for each task.
  • Assign the task to any of your team member if you already know whom from your team will work on that task.

Add Task To Project Template, Project Management Blog

  • You can create Tasks without any Task Groups as well by clicking on +Quick Tasks Under Default Task Group
  • To add a subtask, click on + icon on the right side of the task name.  As a task, you can define the subtask title, description, task type, priority, Assign To, Estimated Hour and Attach files.  Similarly, you can add another subtask by clicking on the + icon of the subtask.

Add A Subtask To Project Template, Project Management Blog

  • Create as many numbers of Task Groups and Tasks as per your requirement.

Task Groups In Project Template, Project Management Blog


Note: At any moment, you can edit, delete or update the Project Template.

How to Use a Project Template in Orangescrum?

Once a template is created, it can be used by anyone from your team within your project considering they have the access to Project Template.

You can use the Template in two ways;

  1. Add the Template to an existing project
  2. Use the Template to create a new Project

How to add a Template to a Project?

To add a Template to an existing project in Orangescrum,

  • Navigate to Project Template page
  • Select the Template to Add to a Project
  • Click on Add to Project on the Template Card on the Template Detail Page

Custom Project Template In OrangeScrum, Project Management Blog

  • Once clicked on Add to project, it will prompt a pop-up, you have all the detail information about the Project Template and all the existing project list on the dropdown option to review

Add A Template To Projects, Project Management Blog

  • Select the Project from the options list, and click on “Add” button.
  • Once you add it to a project, all the Task Groups and Tasks will be added to your existing project

How to use the Template to create a new Project?

To use a Template to create a new project;

  • Navigate to Project Template page
  • Select the Template to Add to a Project
  • Click on Create Project on the Template Card or on the Template Detail page
  • The selected Template will be automatically added to your project once you create a project from the Template
  • or Navigate and click on +Quick Links
  • Click on Project from New
  • On the Create New Project pop-up, navigate to Template to add or select the Template from the existing Template as shown in the image below.

Create Project From Project Template, Project Management Blog

  • Once you create the Project with the Template, all the existing Task Groups and Tasks will be added to your projects.

How to create a template from the Project?

Way to create ,

  • Navigate to your Task List page and select the Project from the project drop-down
  • On the Task List page, select the tasks or all tasks and click on the drop-down arrow as shown in the screenshot below

Create Template From Existing Projects, Project Management Blog

  • Click on “Create Project Template
  • Once clicked, it prompts to create a new template or add the tasks to an existing template.

Create Project Template From Projects, Project Management Blog

  • Click on Select Template and select the Template from the list to add the tasks to an existing Template and click on “Create” to add the tasks to Template.
  • To create a new Template, scroll down and select the option +Add New Template option and define the Project Title, add Task Groups and new tasks if any and click on “Save”

Features of The Template in Orangescrum:

  • Create Template with Task Groups
  • Add Subtasks under Tasks and another sub-task under a sub-task in Template
  • Edit, Delete or Update a task, task group or template
  • Add tasks to default task groups
  • Add Task Groups or Tasks on a click with “Quick Task Group” and Quick Task”
  • Quick drag and drop to change the reorder of the task or task group
  • Drag and drop to move a task from one Task Group to another
  • If a parent task moved to another Task Group, then all the sub-task become a task
  • And if a subtask moved to another TAsk Group, then it will be a new task
  • If you select Task Type “Story”, then can define the “Story Point” for the task
  • Add a new to existing Project
  • Create a New Project from the Template
  • Create a template from your existing project from the task list or task group list view

Benefits of using The Template

The benefits of using in Organizations are

  • Time Savings from repetitive manual work
  • Create automated project Workflows
  • Streamline standard practice across the organization
  • Increase Productivity

Over to You

It’s time to stop spending time on the creation of repetitive projects within your organization. Project Templates not only standardize your process but also increases team productivity. Also, it brings more clarity to your team on which steps they should take to be successful.

This enhanced feature is now available to all our SaaS (Cloud) users. It’s time to stop all your repetitive tasks and create a Template. Sign in now, have no account, here you can sign up for a 15-days free trial.

Tell us more about how you’re using Templates in your Organization below in comments! Have any other queries, contact us.

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