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Orangescrum Learning Series: #4 How to Maximize Efficiency by Grouping Tasks

How To Group Your Similar Tasks, Project Management Blog
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In the previous chapter, we mentioned how one can categorize a task. But sometimes we need even sub-categories to define & group similar tasks for better management & monitoring.

Let’s say we have created a Task type “Email Campaign” to define tasks related to our email campaign. Whenever we need we can find the task details or procedure required or template we use for email campaign from these Tasks by using the filter.

Task Type Email Campaign, Project Management Blog

But here is the problem. The Email Campaign may be for Sales or maybe it is a marketing email. Again we need to categorize the Task related to Email Campaign. So the Task type “Email Campaign” doesn’t help us. We need to create again two task types “Email Campaign for Sales” & “Email Campaign for Marketing”.

Task Type For Sales Marketing, Project Management Blog

Now we have two task types and we can use to define & monitor for sales and follow-ups. But what about if we have a feature to group these two task types under one category?

That is where Orangescrum comes to your rescue. You can use the “Task Group” feature (don’t confuse with Task Status Group add-on of community edition) to categorize tasks which can be even sub-categorized by Task Types.

Create Task Group, Project Management Blog

In this case, you can create a Task group “Email Campaign” and under that you can add these task types “Email Campaign for Sales” & “Email Campaign for Marketing” related tasks.  

Task Group For Email Campaign, Project Management Blog

In large and complex projects, you can use Task Groups as many ways. It may be used to define Task Categories, different departments or branches of a project or as a sub-project.

That’s cool, No?

You already know how you can use it to categorize tasks.

Sometimes you need to categorize tasks as per different departments or branches. Let’s take an example of projects in a Software company. Under that project; WordPress developers, mobile team, marketing team and graphics team are working.

So the task will be different for different teams. But you need to monitor who has done how much work on which day/month.

The more you define a tasks clearly the performance & the productivity will be better for each department or team. “Clarity leads to better accountability and ownership.”

You can create different Task Groups under a Project and under each task group you can assign tasks to respective teams (users).

In this case you can define Task groups as per the Team like WordPress, Mobile App, Marketing, Graphics Design etc.

As I mentioned earlier, it helps organize your tasks better, brings enhanced transparency and quicker actions. At the same time you are able to keep a tab on the progress easily!

And Kanban view is where the fun is. It will give/show a clear picture of progress along with who’s doing what & on which stage they’re.

TaskGroup In Kanban, Project Management Blog

Even you can create a Task group & assign the group of tasks to a user/resource with a start and end date which is helpful to many organizations for better management of large & complex projects.

Ohh, I forgot one important thing!

Though currently we don’t have this feature, but many users use Task Groups to create sub tasks in Orangescrum. How?

As you know under Projects you can create Task Groups, similarly under Task Groups you can create Tasks. So in this case; to create sub tasks, the Task Group will be your Tasks and Tasks will be your sub tasks.

Create your First Task Group

Over to you

Get going with your task groupings and tasks classification for faster results! Share your issues or brilliant ideas if any.

We’ll be back with the next Learning series “How Kanban increase your Team’s Productivity” soon.  

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