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Orangescrum Open Source Features – A Comprehensive Guide

Orangescrum Enterprise Features, Project Management Blog
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Important Massage to our Open-source, Enterprise & Add-on Users
We discontinued the Add-on Selling from Nov 1, 2021 and the Add-on Support will be discontinued from Feb, 2022. Any user want to use our On-Premise Solution are recommended to migrate into Orangescrum Self-Hosted plan.

Orangescrum Enterprise edition is widely popular as it offers end to end project management capabilities across industries.

Whether you are a digital & marketing agency, Product Development Company, consulting & professional services firm, or an established enterprise, Orangescrum offers all the bells & whistles you need to streamline your operations and successfully deliver your products and services.

Businesses of all sizes have reported spending way too much time in fire-fighting instead of real productive pursuits.

Basically ending with overworked resources, unhappy customers and employees, loss of face, and revenue.

We have compiled a quick list of key problems shared by our customers across industries. Let us take a quick look at the common project management problems.

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  • Do not have a portfolio view of your projects?
  • Time tracking is irregular and not practiced diligently?
  • No way to figure out if resources are available for future projects?
  • Work breakdown structure is messy?
  • Task management isn’t transparent?
  • Too many delivery delays?
  • Unable to track if resources are utilized productively?
  • No visibility to your billable hours?
  • High effort spend on rework and non-billable activities?
  • Resources are often overloaded?
  • Teams aren’t motivated?
  • Lack of real time progress monitoring?
  • Do not have actionable analytics and reports?

And as we progressed in our journey to help and solve their problems we present to you the key features you need to solve each one of them along with the benefits they offer.

The below table provides with you a snapshot of Orangescrum enterprise project collaboration tool’s capabilities that help you focus on your core activities while the rest is taken care of!

Be it a robust task management, adding structure to your projects, automating your static project plans, time tracking, resource management or end to end custom user role management.

Let’s take a look!


Sl. No#

Orangescrum Feature

Benefits & Value Addition

1 Executive Dashboard (coming soon)
  • Subtasks
  • Task Linking
  • Task Labels
  • Task Reminder
  • Project Type & Sub-type
  • Portfolio Mgmt.
  • Project & Milestone Progress
  • Project Overview
  • Profitability Report
  • Many more….
Detailed & real time view of your projects for informed decision making
  • Easily organize your tasks meaningfully into parent tasks, subtasks & sub-tasks
  • Link related tasks of a project to see how these tasks impact each other & WHY do they exist in the first place
  • Project team members’ snapshot to quickly assess what’s on their plate & how they are doing
  • Task reminders for better control & timely action
  • Quick snapshot of an entire project in a presentable format to take informed decisions that comes in handy during reviews with the team and management.
  • Group projects by clients to see their portfolio & progress
  • Additional fields to categorize & assign your projects to the relevant PMs
  • Track Project & Milestone Progress
  • Enhanced & interactive UI
  • Additional fields on My Profile to have skill info for resources to filter out resource availability based on skill – comes in handy with project & task assignment.
  • Budget/Cost Mgmt. of projects
  • Role Based hourly rates
2 Time Log Gold
  • Resource Utilization
  • Resource Availability
  • Leave Planning
  • Timer & Time entry
  • Daily/Weekly Time sheets
  • Timesheet Approvals
  • Consolidated Hours report by Users & Projects
Extensive Time & Resource Mgmt. Module
  • Quickly know who is available and when
  • Plan and assign tasks transparently so no resources are overburdened
  • Tasks will not be left out & will be attended to timely
  • Know skills available at your disposal for project planning & task coordination
  • With the use of time tracking tools, you know how your resources are utilized, what task types consume the max. time of your resources so that you can drill down to identify bottle-necks if any and fix them
3 Task Status Group
  • Create custom task statuses
  • Assign Progress or Completion% to each status
  • Color code each status
Add logical flow to the life cycle of your tasks
  • Create group of statuses – As many as you like
  • Grouping can be done in an intelligent manner to depict the logical life cycle of your tasks for specific projects
  • Basically you can have 1 tasks status group per project
  • But, you can have as many groups as you like to cater to the wide range of projects you deal with
  • Direct correlation of your task status with actual task progress – Status updates to tasks, auto-updates task progress
  • Status Based KANBAN boards make it easier to track milestone and task progress
  • Handy tool for team review and status check point meetings.
4 User Role Mgmt.
  • Roles Based Access (RBAC)
  • Create Role groups & roles
  • Configure permissions & privileges for individual roles
Greater control & closed loop project execution with RBAC
  • Allows for better control of your projects
  • Teams access and work on what is needed
  • Configure permissions so that teams see tasks assigned only to them
  • Control which modules and module actions will members of a role have permission to.
  • Better data sanity & integrity
  • Keep individual depts. related activities separate
  • No distractions and freedom from Too Much Information (TMI)
5 Project Templates
  • Pre-build project plans
  • Unlimited templates
  • Template Master date
  • Automatic user,start & end dates
  • Task Templates
Adds automation to your projects
  • Pre-create entire project plans with required milestones, tasks & subtasks
  • Assign a template to a project during project creation
  • Ability to define when tasks start and end
  • Tasks get auto updated with relevant start & end dates when the project template is activated
  • Thus your project template isn’t a static task list anymore
  • Create once and reuse as many times
  • Create Unlimited project templates
  • Define task recurrences as well (must have recurring task add-on)
6 Gantt Chart
  • Re-order Tasks
  • Add Dependencies
  • Export Project Gantt
  • In-Gantt Edit
Visual Project Scheduling
  • Create dependencies between tasks
  • Project planning is easier and so is execution & tracking
  • Critical Path tells you which task can cause delays to your milestone or project
  • Create & edit tasks from Gantt Charts with clear inputs of your project schedule as seen in the gantt charts.
  • Teams know what is coming their way & how it impacts other team members & the overall project schedule/delivery
7 Recurring Task Save time from repetitive manual task creation
  • Plan your repetitive tasks & set recurrence as required
  • Define daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly recurrences
  • Edit/Stop when needed
  • Better task management as key activities will be auto scheduled & not be missed.
8 Document Management Central Repository of all your project documentation
  • Create unlimited folder and sub-folders
  • Define access & permissions at a file and folder level
  • Configure file and folder actions like view, edit, delete, download etc.
  • Versioning of documents done automatically when files of same name uploaded more than once.
9 Mobile App
  • iOS & Android
Stay Connected on the Go.
  • Create projects, tasks anywhere – anytime.
  • Reply/update tasks and track task progress
  • Do time entry for your tasks
  • Add,download & upload files to tasks
  • Invite team members to projects & assign tasks.
  • Full control of your business anywhere – anytime.
10 Bug & Issue Tracker
  • Custom Value Fields
  • Bug Categorization
  • Bug Reports
  • Bug Trends & Ageing Chart
Identify, track and fix bugs to ship quality software faster
  • Centralized bug listing for quick and easy tracking
  • Collaborative bug tracking for faster resolution
  • Custom value fields with severity, category, bug origin, status & phase to enrich bug information
  • Better issue classification for priority handling by your teams
  • Quick view of your Defects, Status and Severity trends
  • Audit trail that provides end to end visibility of the bug’s life cycle
  • Make your projects profitable by reducing time spent on bug and issue management


The best part about these features are you can opt for them as a full blown enterprise package or bundle them as per your business needs. These plugins can be seamlessly installed on the free Orangescrum open source community edition and offer you perpetual license for unlimited users.

To top it all, you are offered twelve months of free support and updates for your chosen plugins or package.

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