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Major Update to Orangescrum Project Collaboration Tool Mobile Apps

Mobile Updates 1, Project Management Blog
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The wait is over! Now you can use our premium features in our mobile apps as well. You can update apps on your iOS/Android device from the Play Store or App Store. This major Update provides you with the latest features of Orangescrum.

We know it is very difficult to exclude mobile apps from our business interaction and communication. The customer doesn’t want to wait for a reply, you want to allocate your resources and assign tasks while you’re on the go; all these things can be done using the mobile app to increase your communication & engagement with your resources and clients/customers/stakeholders.

So here are our major updates available for both Android & iOS app, but please note the premium features for the open source/community version is only available subject to their add-on installation on their web version:


Enter and Manage your Time Logs

You can enter your time entries for a task through your mobile app now. The spent hour will be calculated as per your start time and end time excluding the break time.

Now you can do the following actions through your mobile app:

  • Time Entry
  • Edit, Delete Time Log
  • Billable and non-billable time log
  • Time Log List view
  • View Time Log in Task Detail page

Time Log List View, Project Management Blog

Time Log, Project Management Blog



Check Resource Availability

This feature is only available to community users if you’ve installed the “Time Log Gold” add-on. You can assign a task to a user/resource and it will show you if the resource is unavailable or overloaded and you’ll get to know the next available dates of that particular user or another resource’s available time & date.

Resource Availability, Project Management Blog

Add and Manage Milestones/Task Groups

Before you were able to add tasks, and projects through the mobile apps. Now you can add Milestones/Task Groups from your mobile as well.

  • Add, Edit, Delete Milestones/Task Groups
  • Move Task to Task Groups/Milestones

Task Group Lisy View, Project Management Blog Milestone Management, Project Management Blog

Check Dependencies

You can check dependent tasks. The icon will show you which is the parent and which is a child. Unless you complete the parent task, you can’t start the child task.

Task Dependencies, Project Management Blog

We’re rolling out more features for the mobile app in the coming days!  The much-awaited “Push Notifications” and “Offline Mode” would be part of our next release.

Explore DemoBuy Mobile API

If you haven’t tried our mobile apps yet, head to the App or Play store to download the Orangescrum Mobile App to start your project and work management – Anytime, Anywhere, Any device.

Android AppiOS App

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