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Simplified Project Flow with Orangescrum

Simplified Project Flow V2, Project Management Blog
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Task Management + Time Tracking + Team Collaboration + Document Sharing + Invoice Management in Orangescrum

Orangescrum offers user-friendly refined features to connect your team and streamline your business processes. Have a look at the top 5 features below to find the functionality you need.

Task Management 1, Project Management Blog

 OrangeScrum helps you to achieve successful timely project complemention within the proposed budget effortlessly. Its powerful yet easy to use task management functionalities such as Gantt Chart, Kanban Boards and Daily catch up help control the project flow and keeps the teams well synchronized with the business goals and desired outcomes.

Gantt chart Add-on

Real-time collaboration and information sharing also contributes immensely to operational efficiency

Time Tracking 1, Project Management Blog

Time is the most precious element companies throw away as they don’t know how to track it. All time management begins with planning. Orangescrum’s “Timer” helps easy and instant time logging of all tasks throughout the project.

Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.-Peter Drucker

Time spent on any particular task by all users is calculated and reflected automatically in the Time Log page for your review.

Time Log Add-on

You are successful when you accomplish the goals and dreams you set for yourself.”
Brenda Johnson Padgitt

Team Collaboration 1, Project Management Blog

Ideations, brainstorming are critical to project success. You can invite/add team members, your clients to a project. Orangescrum’s secure chat enables faster real time transparent discussions and saves administrative overheads in terms of approvals, sign-offs.

The auto email notifications and activity feeds keeps everyone aware of the overall tasks and project progress while improving team engagement at multiple levels.

Chat Add-on

I love meeting new people; I think everyone has a story to tell. We should all listen sometimes.–Kim Smith

Document Sharing, Project Management Blog

Information sharing within the tasks and communication on task progress is to keep the projects, the team, and the business alive and active. OrangeScrum helps you manage and share project documents effortlessly.

Be it a web design, a marketing campaign, event dossier, a CAD diagram share them all.

Upload and download project files in real-time for quicker decision-making and execution.

Orangescrum is a social as you with its inbuilt integrations with Dropbox & Google drive.

Invoice Management, Project Management Blog

Orangescrum enables quick, accurate and timely Invoice generation for your clients. You can easily Create and Manage your customer info saving time and eliminating risk of missing out on billable work.

Select billable hours, define hourly rates, Create, track and manage invoices, download invoice details in PDF along with sending invoices directly from Orangescrum. You can choose your desired currency, applicable tax and do lot more. It’s simply efficient!

Invoice Add-on

We don’t have to say it all. Orangescrum benefactors do too –

Orangescrum is amazing, with an astonishing design, and a unique way to interact with projects and teams. You reinvented the platform. In other words, it’s perfect

Pedro Artur, Gestor de clientes (Manager) | CAIXA, Lda.

If you have opinions about what Orangescrum should offer further, we are just a shout away.


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