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Top 15 Tips to Get Most Out Of Orangescrum

OS NewUI Getting Started 704x197 16 3 16 V1, Project Management Blog
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Orangescrum – The Project Management application caters to businesses of any size, to keep them organized; to effectively manage projects and resources. Orangescrum facilitates stress-free project management, team collaboration, issue tracking, notifications, reporting, task functionality and so on.

Orangescrum excels in task management that offers powerful yet easy to use task controlling functionalities.

Let’s take a cue to the Orangescrum’s list of features. Here are Top 15 tips that would make you an Orangescrum Project Management Expert;


1. Settings:

Orangescrum settings are the configuration of your project- the way you want it to be. You can set up overall objectives (what you want to do, by when, how, where and with whom) and determining project scope (what will be included and what will be left out).

Settings”, helps to provide you and your team with guidelines and ideas to resolve issues/problems using all the facts/figures available in a collaborative task management.

Here’s how you can kick-start.

Click on the “User Account Tab” to display the menu as shown in the figure below;

Company Settings1 1, Project Management Blog

  • From the Menu select “My Company” under “Company Settings“.
  • When you click on “My Company” a new window will appear as shown below:

My Company 1, Project Management Blog

  • In the form you will see ‘5’ fill up columns, namely:
    • Name of your company
    • Orangescrum URL (It’s fixed and does not change)
    • Company website contact details
    • Contact number
    • Company logo
  • Having filled up those columns click on “Update” to continue or click on “Cancel” to go back. When you click on update button, a pop up message will appear which will say “Company Updated Successfully“.

2. Email Notification:

This allows you to control types of email you would like to receive filtering from tonnes of email. You can turn off unwanted emails here as well.

Click on Settings,

Email Notification 1, Project Management Blog

  • Personal Settings” window opens up with Notification option
  • Tap on it, that takes you to“Email Notification” page
  • You can now choose from the option to mange your emails as per your preference.

3. Modify your Time Zone:

Since cloud-based project management tools can be updated in real time, teams can make changes as they occur , update schedules in real time to provide a realistic picture and allows teams to be on top of their schedules.

  • Tap on “Setting” button in the dashboard that opens.
  • Then, select “My profile” in “Personal Settings” and click on it.
  • Navigate to “My profile” and click on “Personal Settings”.
  • Now your profile opens up with Timezone
  • Tapping on it, the timezone column sprouts. You can browse and select your preferred timezone.

4. Email Reports:

There are various reports like weekly usage, status update (daily/weekly/monthly). You can also schedule when you would like to get daily updates on specific project(s). Below is the screenshot;

Email Reports 1, Project Management Blog

  • Click on “E-mail Reports” setting in the Email notification page.
  • The above page displays with all the Report options to choose from.

5. Default View:

Over the period we have created different view of same functionality, you can set your default view and save it. Below is the screenshot.

  • You can click on “Default View” option on the main setting to reach this page.

Default View 1, Project Management Blog

6. Daily Catch-up:

When you have globally dispersed team or bigger team, it is very hard to get daily update from each of the team member separately.

The daily catch-up feature solves that problem. Just choose project, select users and what time they will get automated email(s) from system, they just need to reply that, rest Orangescrum will take care. Give it a shot.

Daily Catchup 1 1, Project Management Blog

Daily Catchup2 1, Project Management Blog

7. Project Status

An organization will have many projects go on parallel. We have added a status to the project, so that you can update as you go on and can see it in an elegant way. Below is the steps on how you can do it.

Project 1 1, Project Management Blog

Click on the “Project” option on the Dashboard. You can find the page having details of projects undertaken with their nomenclature. Click on specific project to go to the details which leads to the activities you want to see and edit by scrolling on the page as shown in the screenshot.

8. Email Reply:

This feature allows you to reply to Orangescrum email from your smartphone without logging into Orangescrum. It updates your reply in (email) to same task thread and rest of your team get the updates as well.

9. Import Task:

Importing task to your projects in Orangescrum is simply easy. It makes the cumbersome process of adding and editing tasks one-by-one reduced to zero.

Click on the top settings icon near profile image.

  • You can see the “Import & Export” link on the Company Settings section.
  • Read the instructions on the “Import & Export” page.
  • It accepts only data in CSV format.

Refer the screenshot below;

Import Task1 1 1, Project Management Blog

10. Invoice Default layout and hourly rate

You can change the view to either Portrait or Landscape of invoice and put an hourly rate. This feature is available under company settings. Below are the screenshots.

Invoices 1, Project Management Blog

11.Customize Task Type:

All conceivable Task type are provided in this tool. If you want to customize; you can always create your own and use in your project. Below are the steps to do it.

  • Go to settings, then Navigate to Task Type under Company Settings Heading.
  • You will see the default task type mentioned and a button to add new task type.
  • For example , you want a task type called “Article”, click on Add new task type, fill the information, save it.
  • Come back to create task, you will see it in Task list box.

12. Task template:

Clicking on the Miscellaneous Menu in the Dashboard take you to two Sub-Menus titled (i) Archive and (ii) Template. Clicking on Template gives you entry to the grid view of Project and Task below the Breadcrumb. Clicking on Task, a blue activated bar pointer shows up listing a Grid view of Task Templates. Screenshot displayed as below;

Task Template 1, Project Management Blog

13. Project Template:

Project templates can help you manage your work more efficiently. You don’t have to repeatedly enter the same tasks and can thus save time, being more productive. You can Edit/Delete a template, Modify an existing project template, Create a new project using a project template, set task dependencies in template. Click on Miscellaneous Menu on the Dashboard that opens up two sub-menus. Tap on Template option in the Breadcrumb wherein you get a page showing project option in blue horizontal Bar pointer ‘–^–‘.Now you have all the Project details with names to browse.

Project Template 1, Project Management Blog

14. Time Log:

Click on the Time log option to see on the activities you have been doing recently. You are seeing your time logs only. To view others time log please contact your account Owner/Admin.

Time Log 1 1, Project Management Blog

15. Resource utilization:

Need to know how much capacity you have over the next month or the current month? Find out which resources are under or over-utilized? Resource utilization allows project managers to see who has spent how many hours on which project and when. In order to see this,

Resource Utilization 1, Project Management Blog

  • Here it allows you to filter data for a specific time period, project etc.
  • It also allows user to add/remove columns.
  • User can download data in csv format and share with others for any further analysis.

What do you think? More from Orangescrum?
Please put up your questions/suggestions in the comments section below and we will be more than happy to assist you!

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