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Project Management Software: Does One Size Fit All

Guest Blog 2, Project Management Blog
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Project Management is an umbrella term for management of inclusive tasks of any vertical. Be it Product Development, Sales or Content; Project Management Software are versatile for all the tasks you consider as important as a Project.

A Project Management Software ain’t a wizard who will just wave his wand and all your tasks will be completed, but it definitely has some magical potions to fasten your tasks. It plans, organizes, manages and even develops estimates for all your resources and tasks.

If you are a fan of Project Management Software who will not be? It is Wizard incarnation, who is willing to go the extra mile for the full package, Software even helps you plan and schedule the required communication, documents, budgets, resources and make your project a smooth sailing experience.

Here is a brief guide as to how a Project Management and Task Management Software provides you a ride of a lifetime:


Integrate Tasks, Calendars, Emails and employees

With Project Management tool, you can effectively manage your tasks by setting deadlines, assigning priority, sending emails for the same and even include your employees in the required dealings.

[bctt tweet=”Effectively manage your tasks by setting deadlines, assigning priority, sending emails for the same with Orangescrum Project Management Tool” username=”TheOrangescrum”]

Plan before Execution

It is essential to plan beforehand. With the software, one can easily plan the steps of execution of any required task and that will keep you informed about our planned course of action.

Sharing is Caring

A team is the heart of the Project. A clear and lucid communication across various teams ensures smooth execution. Project Management tool helps the team achieve transparency with easy file sharing, team communication and dashboard.

When Figures Speak

With Project Management Software, it is easy to store all data in one place. With all the data in place, it is even easier to access it and formulate reports. But, it is not you who’ll be creating those reports. Insightful and customizable Reports with a KPI Dashboard do the entire task for you. These Reports let your figures speak for themselves.

[bctt tweet=”Insightful and customizable Reports with a KPI Dashboard do the entire task for you” username=”TheOrangescrum”]

Resource Management

With the project execution at its peak, one cannot keep tab on all the resources, including employees, assets and raw material, if any. Software does it all for you; it acts an all for one and super efficient secretary for your team.

A Tab on your Pocket

With Project Management tool, you can estimate the budget for the whole project before it begins. With this insight, one can financially plan the budget beforehand.

Money Matter matters!

Well, it is not all about Money; but Saved Money is an added advantage. Project Management tool handles all billing and invoicing related queries. The billing and invoicing process can be automated and tracked. With this effectiveness, streamlining priorities becomes easy.

[bctt tweet=”It’s not all about Money; but saved money is an added advantage. Project Management Tool handles all billing and invoicing related queries ” username=”TheOrangescrum”]

Verticals where Project Management Software can make impact include construction companies, large-scale manufacturing units (Heavy Machineries), research and consulting bodies, software firms, marketing agencies. Other daily tasks of any businesses where Task Management Software ease the workflow are Help Desk, Support Centres, Quality Control, Customer relationship management and many task oriented segments.

But, the Question remains: Does one size fit all?

Well, there is no definitive answer.

The purpose of Project Management Software is to simplify and streamline the execution of tasks and customization is helpful in irrespective of any vertical. Even if you don’t want to customize software, all you need to do is set your priorities straight. Once you know what your project asks of you, selecting a software specific to your need becomes easy.

If prioritizing and tracking are the features essential to you; you need not spend more on document management, billing and invoicing for that matter. There are various project management software’s are available which can perfectly match your requirement.

Orangescrum is one such Project Management and Task Management Software to solve your entire business requirement.

Orangescrum has around 7000+ companies from various domains across the globe.

As a result Orangescrum has been awarded with Great User Experience and Rising Star from CompareCamp and Financeonline. It is also listed as the Best Online Project Management software for 2017 by Accuratereviews.

The most important thing is, anyone can sign up and benefit from its FREE Plan without any card as well as receive support from its very active open source community.


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