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How to Work Properly In a Remote Team 10 Tips

How To Work Properly In A Remote Team 10 Tips, Project Management Blog
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The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we work. Now, many companies are switching to some amount of remote work – sometimes fully remote. Employees are also looking to adopt themselves in remote works.

With that in mind, remote work is still a new way of operating for many professionals, developers notwithstanding.

So how can you ace this new mode and succeed as an employee? In this article we will give you tips to do just that!


Be clear on your responsibilities and expectations

There are all sorts of ways to work remotely. You could be working for a single person, or be a remote project manager, or the only remote worker while everyone else works on-site, and so on.

Whatever the arrangement you have, however, it is important that you enforce sensible boundaries about what your responsibilities are, and what you expect from management. If your work times are 9-5, for example, then it doesn’t make sense for the boss to ask you to do work at 8pm or 5am without agreeing on it beforehand or remunerating you for the extra work. To help with this, it is best to get a contract for your work arrangement, so there are no disagreements and misunderstandings going forward.

2. Take your work seriously

Working remotely allows you to do work at your own pace, in your own time, and without supervision, but that isn’t a ticket to slacking off. Take your work as seriously as you would if you were under supervision, minding the details with as much diligence.

This attitude will give your employer even more confidence in their investment in you.

3. Set the right boundaries

Try as hard as possible not to work from your bedroom. That’s not your office. The reason for this is that your mind works best when it can see a clear distinction between work space and relaxation space. When you do serious work in the same place as you relax, your brain can’t effectively make that distinction and you’ll end up sleeping instead.

Instead, try to go to a dedicated workspace, either in the house or outside of it, or even a coffee shop. Also, consider dressing up for work, even if you’re not going anywhere. This really helps get in the mood for work.

4. Encourage feedback

Constructive feedback about your performance can help you improve drastically at your job. You should therefore welcome as much helpful criticism from your team as you can, as it will give you insight into problems that other developers struggle with.

5. Be prepared for video conferences

There are often sessions when teams hold video meetings and conferences, when everyone gets to share their ideas. On the day, don’t forget to be professionals.

Find a good spot, where you will be clearly seen and heard, dress well and make sure your tone and body language is communicative enough for the team to understand you.

6. Have the right tools for work ready

There are some tools you will need to do your work effectively. Have them all at the ready. For example, headsets with a good microphone are quite essential. You will need them for meetings, to listen to music and get into flow state, and also (if they’re noise-canceling) to help you block out noise and focus on work.

You will also need a stable power source, internet connection and comfortable desk and chair. You might need more, but these are the essentials.

7. Don’t forget to invest in your own growth

You will face many challenges as a remote developer, such as working alone, having to hold yourself accountable, adapting to time zone differences, and so on. That said; even as you work to handle these challenges, don’t forget to invest in your own growth. Set aside some time every day to work, learn something new, join an online developer community, and make sure to always look for new opportunities.

The world of software evolves far more rapidly than most other industries, so don’t forget to constantly grow, lest you become a dinosaur.

8. Get a mentor

The best way to learn programming remains through mentorship and pair programming. Forming partnerships helps you get through the development process far more easily than you would alone.

Find an expert at work and ask them to pair programs with you every so often. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions, as well as for career advice. You will get better much faster that way.

9. Learn from the best

There are many great developers out there, and they are very active on social media. Take your time to follow them and learn from them.

You will gain a lot of insight about best practices and new industry trends from these people, so make learning from them a part of your daily schedule.

10. Enjoy the good things

There are many great things about being a remote developer. You can take a break in the middle of the day, which corresponds with fewer crowds and less traffic, and run your errands, you can take power naps and short breaks, go on holidays while working, and carve out time to spend with family.

These are the things that make remote development a wholesome job. Take full advantage of them.

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