

Launched Now – “Orangescrum Community Pre-Built”

Thank God It’s Friday! And we happily present the weekend bonanza Pre-installed Community edition with ALL Add-ons A more lively Services page so that you can easily connect with us – ALWAYS! A new and more dynamic version of latest On-premises Edition is now live along with our Orangescrum service page. This upgrade brings improvements to the user experience and easy to opt for the services &a


Gantt Charts -Your Key To Operational Efficiency

Ahoy! It’s a Monday!!!! And a good day to present you with another gift from the house of Orangescrum! Really!! What is it anyway…. Wait for it, Wait for it… (Oh stop it stupid Barney Stinson?) Operational Efficiency Improved time management and productivity Proactive readiness to deal with strategic and operational delays                                    The Gantt Chart – Your own Oracle!


Bug Tracking made easy with Orangescrum

From developer to CEOs to customers, everyone hates bugs in their code/software/product. A product manager will always want to make it zero while delivering the product to customers. But still customers find their product buggy! There could be many reasons. May be there is a requirements gap or a communication gap between QA team(s) & developers, or maybe they are using traditional methods to


Stop Being Redundant With Recurring Tasks

We all know that Smart work is the key to productivity plus there is no fun in a work that is monotonous, time & effort intensive, impacts productivity and makes us look dumb! No matter the industry, they all come with their own productivity dampeners – Repetitive work. How great it would be to have them tailor-made and automated to make our lives efficient?? With Orangescrum Recurring Task,


In-App Chat Add-on Efficiency to YOU!

In a major thrust to simplifying your project communication woes the Orange Chat; our In-App Chat is now available in Orangescrum Marketplace.  Chat is one thing you don’t have to explain. Type a message, troubleshoot and brainstorm in real-time or get a notification when you receive a reply, and it just conveys. There’s nothing complicated, confusing, or time consuming. Teams always perform bett


Get Over Spreadsheets To Manage Your Projects!

Trying to manage any task in a new project, many of us go for the good old spreadsheet. Sure it’s a great tool for many things, but task management is not suited for it, particularly when you need to keep that spreadsheet updated across team(s) —especially in large complex projects. Task Management: How you go about managing your project successfully? You want to see how people and resources are


Increase Productivity with Orangescrum-Daily Catch-up!

An important aspect of Time, Task and Team management is Staying Connected – Always! “You don’t actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it” David Allen We always love getting


July Update: What’s New in Orangescrum

Hi there! Hope you’re having a great summer. It’s time for our July update! This month, there are a couple of introductions to make some news to share. Grab a cool beverage, pull up a comfy chair, and let’s get into it! Amazing Combo –Add-on-pack offered Buy any combination of 2 add-ons, You get 10% Discount + avail Free New UI- Add-on worth $99 Time log Chart View released: We are delighted to a


6 simple steps to make your marketing team more efficient

One question that arises on every growth marketer’s mind – “How can we grow this week/month/quarter/year?” Of course budget and employing the resources is pivotal. But, growth comes from being more strategic and tactical. It’s important we adhere to a data-driven approach, attention to detail and focus on driving revenue. Here are 6 surefire steps to make your marketing team more efficient.


4 Must Have Add-ons to Power up Your Orangescrum Community Version

Important Massage to our Open-source, Enterprise & Add-on Users We discontinued the Add-on Selling from Nov 1, 2021 and the Add-on Support will be discontinued from Feb, 2022. Any user want to use our On-Premise Solution are recommended to migrate into Orangescrum Self-Hosted plan. [sc name=”announcement”][/sc] [mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”52″


Still Using Emails To Manage Your Projects

Today, we get hundreds of emails a week, from promotions to sales pitches to newsletters. Email seems to be the new form of communication at the workplace, with colleagues and bosses emailing about every damn thing. Managing our inbox has taken over our actual jobs. Employees spend about 28% of their day interacting with their email accounts, the most time of any daily activity in the workplace. I


Collaboration made easy with our In-App Chat!!

Success of any project banks on team performance. Teams always perform better when communication is made easy and seamless. Orange Chat (In-App Chat) is yet another endeavor from us to make your projects fun! No, we mean it. Real fun! Features: See real-time availability of users[mks_icon icon=”” color=”#000000″ type=””] Simple & highly interactive UI Auto


Orangescrum is Now Available on DOCKER!

We have yet again taken a step further towards a simplified experience for our 21000 and counting community users. Orangescrum now on DOCKER! Paying attention to our diverse users we now bring a hassle free and self-explanatory installation option. My guitarist to your CEO – can now setup Orangescrum without any tech-support by following the simple steps outlined below! What is Docker? D


June Release: What’s New in Orangescrum

Download Open source Orangescrum Hassle-free! No name, No e-mail, No forms – Just Download! Project Management Simplified – Get your source code, explore, work faster and smarter across your work-space seamlessly. Enhanced and easy to own Orangescrum Marketplace for you. Orangescrum Community Add-ons  Time Log  Manage your time accurately! Interestingly, you spend more time to track time. B


Use Orangescrum As An Applicant Tracking System

Hiring is an integral part of any organization’s Human Resources (HR) team and millions of dollars are spent by these organizations on setting up their HR department, processes and tool sets. Every time a company outgrows itself they look out for a new process or a new tool. And we all know what this entails; yet the cycle goes on… It is crucial that the hiring process must be highly granular, in


Time Log Chart View Released!

We are delighted to announce the Time log Chart View – yet another new feature. This will help the Project Managers, team members, Stakeholders to view the time spent by the project teams in a monthly as well as daily view. Chart View provides “quick explain it all” snazzy pie charts. Never get confused with complex analytical data! – Better assess resource capabilities & save time while usi

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