Orangescrum is one of the best Project Collaboration tool with in-built Time Tracking and Invoice Control. It’s a perfect web application for small to mid-sized businesses and agencies. Say “goodbye” to emails and manage your workflow using Orangescrum. It has everything you need to make your marketing team more productive.
In the changing digital marketing scenario a new digital marketing channel pops up every few days. Keeping up with the changing market trends as well as maintaining marketing efficiency is a tedious job.
When you focus on results such as conversion rates and branding the marketing team can struggle with team inefficiency. Today creative teams want to ditch the age-old rigid processes and are in a dire need of a collaborative platform. Orangescrum can provide marketing teams the space needed to share innovative work and think outside the box.
A cloud-based project management app with time tracking for digital marketing and creative teams can take the mess out of marketing collaboration and planning. Get all the transparency on your Projects, Campaigns, Workflows, milestones, Tasks, Discussions, and Deadlines.
“Orangescrum is a powerful collaboration tool that can significantly increase productivity.”
You are into the marketing team. You have tried all the important steps to get the desired outcome. If these are working then it’s good but if these are not working then there might be something wrong with your strategy and planning. So you need to follow the simple steps to make your marketing team more efficient.
Marketing is the base of every business strength. By analyzing the marketing process of any business, it would be easy to figure out the business’s capabilities and challenges.
Are you looking for an effective marketing planning process? Try Orangescrum
Top Project Collaboration Features Essential for Marketing Team Collaboration
Orangescrum facilitates team members, marketing managers, and product owners to communicate and exchange information on tasks created. Orangescrum features a ‘comment’ field for team members and stakeholders to communicate on a specific task or project using ‘@mention’.
Marketing managers can exchange marketing information, share files, as well as restrict access to specific team members from a single page.
Steps to communicate using ‘comment’ field in ‘Tasks’
Streamline your team group communication now with Orangescrum.
Marketing team members can share documents, images, on cloud storage applications such as DropBox, and Google Drive.
Steps to share documents in ‘Tasks
Step to view uploaded files
Sign up now to share valuable marketing documents with your team now.
On Orangescrum, task creation is loaded with features to enable team members to streamline task tracking across multiple criteria. Each task is created under a specific project, can have multiple sub-tasks, set priority, attach files & documents, set a start-data and end-date, and much more.
Steps to Create a Task
Don’t have any idea about the progress of your project? Try Orangescrum
4. Time tracking:
Maintain time logs to determine how much time a task takes to complete which thereby enables teams to strategize future tasks.
Don’t know which resource is spending how many hours on which task? Track time with Orangescrum
Set up content calendar schedules to streamline your campaigns.
Are you looking for a content scheduling calendar? Try Orangescrum
With Orangescrum you can integrate multiple third-party tools such as Slack, Google Drive, DropBox and Zapier to create a seamless work-environment experience.
View various marketing task metrics from the Orangescrum dashboard to plan and strategize your marketing campaigns.
Marketing teams can benefit from collaboration tools that enable them to share and develop marketing campaigns and strategies with their peers.
Orangescrum is an all-in-one project collaboration tool designed for marketing agencies to strategize their workflows and achieve their marketing goals effectively.
It allows the marketing team to break down their work into manageable tasks and assign them to team members. It helps the team to stay organized and on track, reducing the risk of missed deadlines and lost opportunities. It’s a platform for collaboration and communication within the marketing team and sharing files, exchanging feedback, and discussing ideas, all in one central location.
Its time-tracking feature tracks the time spent on various tasks and projects and identifies areas where productivity can be improved and ensures that team members are working efficiently.
The project management software provides detailed reports and analytics on team performance and project progress. This helps the marketing team to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions about how to optimize their productivity.
Overall, Orangescrum can help maximize marketing team productivity by providing a centralized platform for collaboration, task management, time tracking, resource allocation, and reporting. So try Orangescrum now with 15 days free trial with all feature access and invite your team.