Simple Project Management Software For IT & Marketing Teams

All-in-one simplified online workplace for collaboration and delivering client success with agility.


Why Successful Remote Teams Are Crucial To Your Enterprise

Remote teams and successful virtual collaboration among them will decide the success of enterprises in the coming years. It is a given. Pick up any comprehensive report around project management software adoption & trends will clearly support this claim.

The reasons are highly tactical and the resultant benefits have forced organizations to make virtual collaboration a part of their strategy.

Not all organizations were either prepared or inclined to readily accept remote project management.


  • the gig-economy
  • need to access the best of talents
  • improve go to market
  • stay in sync with emerging global trends
  • benefits of remote and contractual employees

Have forced organizations to promptly adopt project management software to ensure they remain competitive and successful.

A recent Capterra Project Manager Software User Report-2019 stated the rapid adoption of project management tools across martech, advertising & financial services team in addition to the IT, Consulting & digital teams.

Project Management Remote

Why are enterprises relying on project collaboration tools?

The ability to bring the team together on a central platform with transparent work management and clarity of ownership within the team is of prime significance.

Unless, you achieve that, smooth execution of your projects will always be a challenge.

Add to that what you cannot see, you cannot monitor and hence never measure.

Thus, optimizing your team’s performance and the overall project process becomes cumbersome.

And very soon, you start to lose track of tasks, teams are confused, there is more chaos and firefighting than actual execution.

On the other hand, project management software act as a single source of truth.

Not only, the teams collaborate on a single platform, but all communication, information exchange and progress tracking is centralized too.

Hence at any given time, your project managers, teams and executives can

  • track true progress in real time
  • refer to dashboards with insights that enable decision making
  • proactively identify bottlenecks
  • see when activities of their interests will be completed
  • know who is lagging and needs help
  • list activities that need to be planned on priority
  • ensure if resources need to be repurposed

What this means is you develop a well-oiled system.

Your teams are more aligned with your processes enabling predictive success. You know what comes next and what needs to be done.

Which also means you have greater control on the flow of project events.

Thus your

  • customer interactions are further meaningful
  • deviation from the original plan is minimized
  • quality of deliverables is now assured
  • projects stay within budget and deadlines
  • business efficiency improves

Most important of all, now it doesn’t matter if your team is around the table or across the globe!

How remote teams benefit from centralized project collaboration tools?

What matters for your remote team members is

  • the ability to collaborate at will
  • access information when required
  • obtain quick answers
  • still feel connected and part of the team
  • see & understand the impact of their contribution
  • stay focused on the job at hand
  • easily connect with the team and customers when required
  • maintain work-life balance even while working from home

Now imagine how hard it would be for your remote team members to achieve the above benefits without having a trusted task management and collaboration software in place.

Simple yet and understated fact is “your team members are more empowered now.

The ability to see the true status of tasks enables them to be self-organized and be decisive.

Also, the team is motivated to stay on top of their tasks, help each other to achieve collective success and contribute more.

As a result, the overall “effectiveness of the team increases”.

So what does that mean?

Your business tends to achieve more with less. Some examples:

  • less non-productive activities, more billable hours
  • less deviation between your planned vs actual hours
  • fewer errors, better deliverables
  • fewer delays and more on time completions
  • less escalations, higher CSATs

Wrapping it up!

The digital age today is all about information and knowledge. At the same the knowledge worker today is spread across the globe.

It is imperative for all businesses to be agile in their approach, make steady & sure progress & have access to an unparalleled talent pool at all times to further their business goals.

And access to the global talent pool isn’t possible without deploying agile project management tools that enable as well as scale with your business.

So virtual collaboration & remote teams are here to stay. Yes, there are some downsides as at times distractions at home office maybe more than the actual office settings.

But then, the knowledge worker today is no more a 9*5 behind the shift guy. They are all more goal oriented, want among other things – success upon finger tap and hence are always eager to stay ahead of the curve.

And this is what makes them push boundaries, get creative & find solutions that last!

All in all, they prove to be an asset and help organizations achieve goals faster.

How strong is the virtual collaboration culture at your organization?

What goals have you managed to meet with your remote teams?

If you do not have ready answers yet, what do you intend to do next? Find out now how Orangescrum can remote team collaboration for your enterprise.

Categories: Productivity

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