A project is worked upon by teams across the departments in the company. It becomes imperative for large companies or complex projects that information is shared, made available on a “need to know basis”.
When it comes to project management, it becomes crucial that project leaders invite the right people at the right time.
You need to define clear roles and responsibilities for smooth functioning of your teams as well as the projects. This also forms the basis for communication during the project and ensures how everyone can contribute to a project.
Our new User Role Management in Orangescrum will make working with anyone in your organization a relief.
Before we move ahead, let’s have a discussion over few terms.
Role management helps us manage authorization, which enables us to control specific actions our resources in the application are allowed to perform.
It lets us create groups of users as a unit by assigning users to roles such as manager, sales, developer and so on.
Depending upon different roles different access rules are created. Example we might want to hide some pages which users or clients cannot see but only the Admin or owner can. There may be still some areas which are restricted to the Owner only and depending upon his wish he can grant access.
By using roles, we can establish these types of rules independent from individual application users. Roles give us flexibility to change permissions and add users without having to make changes throughout the site. As we define more access rules for our application, roles become a more convenient way to apply the changes to users.
Depending upon customer’s requirements we are very excited to share that we have implemented the User Role Management functionality in Orangescrum. Yes the feature has been released in form of a “User Role Management” add-on.
Now in Orangescrum you can
Do let us know what access levels and control you would like to deploy while using Orangescrum in your comments below. We would love to hear from you.