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12 Questions to Ask Your Team Members for Project Success

Questions To Ask Your Team Members, Project Management Blog
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It’s always better to ask questions when you need clarity, which is the key to project success. Without proper communication and a shared understanding of the project’s scope, goals and roles it can quickly go off track.

Miscommunication and conflicts are a common thing in a workplace. These misalignment should be addressed sooner to ensure project success. Usually managers wait until it’s too late.

To ensure that everyone is on the same page and their efforts are directed towards a common objective, project managers should ask the right questions to their team members.

In this blog we will explore the top 12 such questions to ask your team members before starting a project.

12 Questions To Ask Your Team, Project Management Blog


1. Do you understand the project clearly?

Before diving into the intricacies of a project, it’s essential to ensure that all team members have a clear grasp of the project’s main objective and purpose.

Without this understanding, team members can become disoriented and work at cross-purposes.

This question sets the stage for a common understanding among team members, establishing a strong foundation for project success.

2. What are your roles and responsibilities?

Clarifying roles and responsibilities is like assembling the pieces of a puzzle.

Each team member needs to know their specific role in the project’s puzzle to ensure smooth and coordinated progress.

This question outlines the boundaries and expectations for individual contributions, preventing overlaps and misunderstandings.

3. What are the milestones and deadlines?

Projects as always need to be developed and deployed on time. Establishing the milestones and associated deadlines provides a clear roadmap for the team.

This question enables the team to be aware of these milestones as well as assess their feasibility.

It further ensures that everyone is on the same page and can determine the tasks should be completed first.

 4. Are there any potential risks or obstacles?

Anticipating and addressing potential roadblocks is an essential part of project planning.

By encouraging team members to voice their concerns and identify potential risks, project managers can proactively develop mitigation strategies and contingency plans, keeping the project on course.

5. What resources, tools, or support do you need?

A well-equipped team is a productive team. This question ensures that team members have the resources, tools, and support they require to excel in their roles.

Identifying resource gaps early on enables project managers to take action to provide the necessary support.

6. How will we measure the project’s success?

Defining success metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) is a vital part of project management.

This question encourages the team to agree on how progress will be measured and what success looks like.

It establishes a shared understanding of project performance and goals.

7. How often do you prefer to have status update meetings?

Effective communication is the single most important factor in project management.

Every team member may have their own communication preferences.

This question helps tailor communication channels and schedules to accommodate the team’s individual needs, promoting efficient and meaningful interactions.

8. Do you have any suggestions for improving the workflows?

The best insights often come from the people doing the work.

Encouraging team members to share their ideas for improving processes and workflows fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

These suggestions can lead to more efficient and streamlined project processes.

9. What is the project’s communication channel?

Transparency and open communication are essential for keeping everyone informed and aligned.

Defining the project’s communication channels and emphasizing open and honest exchanges of information helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that critical updates and issues are promptly shared.

10. Have you encountered any issues or roadblocks so far?

In the dynamic landscape of a project, issues and roadblocks are inevitable.

By asking team members about the challenges they’ve encountered, project managers can address these problems promptly and collaboratively.

This proactive approach keeps obstacles from growing into major impediments.

11. How can we ensure that work aligns with project objectives?

Alignment is key to the success of any project.

This question underlines the importance of each team member’s individual contributions in achieving the project’s overarching objectives.

It reinforces the idea that everyone’s work should be purpose-driven.

12. What is your preferred method for sharing task progress?

Team members may have different preferences for documenting and sharing progress.

By understanding these preferences, project managers can set up communication and reporting processes that cater to individual needs.

This helps maintain an organized flow of information and ensures that everyone is informed and up to date. 


In conclusion, clear communication is at the crux of any successful project. By asking your project team members these essential questions, you can bring clarity to your projects.

It prevents misunderstandings, and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal.

Ultimately, this approach will contribute to the overall success of your projects and foster a more productive and cohesive project team.

To succeed in project management in reality you not only need the right set of questions and answers but also a project management platform to implement those strategies.

Along with having the knowledge to manage projects effectively you also need a working knowledge of using project management software like Orangescrum.

If you want to get your hands on an all-in-one project collaboration tool, try Orangescrum! You can get started for free.

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