Miscommunication is the thing when both parties don’t agree with each other or they aren’t clear about what the other person is looking for.
In a survey on 400 companies with 100,000 employees made by The Cost of Poor Communications, “The average loss per company is $62.4 million per year due to inadequate communication to and between employees”.
In another study from The Economist, “Communication barriers in the modern workplace, 44% of respondents said communication barriers are leading to a delay or failure to complete projects.
Additionally, 31% reported poor communication resulting in low morale, 25% in missed performance goals, and 18% in lost sales”.
Miscommunications can be funny, frustrating, or upsetting. Speak clearly and remove your assumptions if you want to decrease miscommunications with your team.
Always check in with the person to make sure “he or she has” understood. When communicating electronically, be clear, concise, and informative.
Being a good listener can help to avoid miscommunications too. Overall, you need to put a little effort into your conversations to lower your risk of miscommunication.
Let’s see the exact reason for the miscommunication and how you can get rid of it.
Well, transparency is an essential element when it comes to successful team collaboration.
Having said this, apps like Slack, Zoom, and Orangescrum makes your communication & collaboration methods easier to get the entire team on board and get collaborative work execution.
Simplifying hassle-free communication goes a long way in resolving issues. Orangescrum simple collaboration tool helps you to search and track cases in no time plus offers an accurate view of all the activities.
And If you ever faced the difficulties of assigning documents with no access to all the documents in place, this is the best collaboration tool that could be used to your advantage as a project manager.