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How To Develop A Project Management Plan

How To Develop A Project Management Plan, Project Management Blog
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We have been working to increase project success rates for many years. One of the common reasons for failure has been a lack of project planning. This frequently indicates that the project management team did not involve stakeholders in the project planning and, as a result, was unaware of the project’s scope. The budget and timetable will be unreasonable if you don’t comprehend the project’s breadth. There is a lot of proof that planning is essential to project management success.

According to the statistics, 12% of all resources are wasted due to bad project planning. Only 25% of organizations are using project management software. 77% of high-performing teams use project management software.


How to Create a Realistic and Perfect Project Plan

1. Gather specifications from important stakeholders

Stakeholders, Project Management Blog

Collecting requirements is crucial once you’ve developed a project charter and determined the major project stakeholders. The gathering of needs from stakeholders is the first step in the planning process. Once you have this knowledge, you may define the project’s scope and figure out exactly what you must give your stakeholders.

At this point in the project planning phase, effective communication skills are essential. Without efficient communication, it is easy to overlook crucial information that might be harmful to the project’s success as a whole. A project plan guides every step toward completion.

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2. Specify the project’s scope

Project Scope, Project Management Blog

Consider these questions: “What does the team need to deliver?” and “What issues are the stakeholders seeking to resolve?” Then, create a project template or a project scope statement in collaboration with your stakeholders to create a detailed description of the project and the product deliveries. You need to be well aware of the project’s limitations and the project plan help you keep these in check.

For instance, if you are creating a software program for a client, you need to know what will be and won’t be included. Who will make use of the app? What does it hope to accomplish? What essential features and capabilities must it have?

3. Make a work breakdown framework

Breakdown Framework, Project Management Blog

Reduce the project template into smaller, easier-to-manage deliverables and “work packages,” which are collections of linked activities. This will enable you to allocate resources to various project components according to the expertise required. The task breakdown structure makes it easier to plan and coordinate, two crucial aspects of project management.

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4. Establish the project’s activities

Project Activities, Project Management Blog

Make a list of all the project activities in each work package. Take this as a plan of action. The question “What are the activities that must be carried out to create the project deliverables?” can be useful.

5. Arrange the project’s tasks in order

Arrange Tasks, Project Management Blog

The answer is to carry out as many tasks in parallel as you can if you can do so. Almost everything happens in a sequence. Reducing time-to-market is one of the main justifications for using formal project management approaches. The capacity to cut cycle time is a competitive advantage in dynamic, highly competitive businesses.

6. Calculate the resources, expenditures, and time of the activity

Calculate Resource Cost, Project Management Blog

The project template determines the amount of money, time, and resources needed to complete its activities. Any project benefits from accurate estimating because it helps to establish expectations, evaluate the viability of the plan, and keep costs in check.

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7. Distribute resources among work packages and tasks following abilities and preferences

Resources, Project Management Blog

Resources include things like materials, equipment, space, and technology in addition to labor. After determining the resources you’ll need to determine the degree of expertise required for each activity.

The project’s breadth and level of complexity will assist you to decide in which areas you need to bring in high, mid-level, or entry-level capabilities. You may decide the order in which things need to happen using this step.

Knowing how long each task will take, how much it will cost, which team members you’ll need, and when those team members will be available (for example, looking into vacation plans to minimize unexpected delays) can help you create a realistic timeframe.

8. Include backup plans

Backup Plans, Project Management Blog

A strategy without a backup plan is a lousy idea. As all projects don’t go as planned, projects must have a backup plan. To discover risks that have previously happened on projects that are comparable to this one, historical data may be examined to establish the contingencies.

Your timetable can be affected, for instance, if a vendor you depend on to provide a crucial part of your project has a history of performance problems. If this is the case, a backup plan is required, such as finding alternative providers and calculating the expenses if this risk materializes.

Here, it’s important to take into account both internal and external issues that might affect the goals of your project. The project may be in danger from a variety of external variables, such as the consumer price index, the economy, governmental concerns (such as new rules), and rival activity.

When creating your contingencies, take company culture into account as well. Certain project plan components may be impacted by the organizational culture.

For instance, it’s normal to practice in certain businesses to inflate estimates, yet in others, it’s expected that a project will have precise statistics.

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9. Establish a baseline for performance evaluation

Performance Evaluation, Project Management Blog

As a control tool for your project, create an integrated scope-schedule-cost baseline for the project work. Then, to gauge and monitor performance, compare the project’s execution to your baseline. Within the project management software, status reports may be used to construct these baselines. For the best results make use of Orangescrum which has all the features assembled for your project plan, tracking, and resource allocation.

Performance has to be tracked during a project. By doing so, you can see problems and address them before it’s too late. After the project is finished, performance evaluation is equally crucial. This enables you to assess both general and individual performance by comparing actual outcomes to respective baselines.

10. Keep detailed records

Keep Detailed Records, Project Management Blog

Create a project plan that includes the project’s objectives, timetable, and budget. Plans should often include continuing stakeholder participation as well as cost management, quality management, resource management, communication management, risk management, and procurement procedures (i.e., how to continually engage stakeholders through the lifecycle of the project.)

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11. Create a knowledge base

Knowledge Base, Project Management Blog

Project managers are expected to disclose and document their plans in some businesses because of the learning culture they foster. This can be a helpful approach to learning from other people’s failures and accomplishments. This could be more difficult in other organizations where this historical information isn’t recorded, and it would be required to speak with other project managers directly to get their perspectives. Making use of Project Management software like Orangescrum gives PMOs the ability to handle projects efficiently and track the project metrics.

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