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How to Manage Financial Projects Using Orangescrum

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Managing financial projects can be particularly challenging due to the high stakes involved, stringent regulatory requirements, and the need for precise execution.

Whether it’s implementing a new financial system, managing a corporate merger, or conducting a comprehensive audit, finance projects require meticulous planning and coordination.

Orangescrum, a robust agile financial management software, can significantly streamline the management of various projects, ensuring that they are completed efficiently, within budget, and in compliance with all relevant regulations.


Why Finance Projects Need Project Management Software

Finance projects are unique in several ways that necessitate the use of agile financial management tool

  • Complexity and Scale: Finance projects often involve complex tasks, numerous stakeholders, and significant financial data.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to financial regulations and standards is crucial, requiring careful documentation and control.
  • Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating financial risks is essential to prevent losses.
  • Resource Allocation: Efficiently managing resources, including team members, budget, and time, is critical.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Maintaining transparency and accountability is vital to build trust and ensure project success.

What Are the Various Phases of Finance Project Management?

Project development in a cost management software typically involves several key phases:

  • Initiation: Defining the project scope, objectives, stakeholders, and feasibility.
  • Planning: Developing detailed project plans, including timelines, budgets, and resource allocation.
  • Execution: Implementing the project plan, coordinating tasks, and managing teams.
  • Monitoring and Controlling: Tracking progress, managing changes, and ensuring the project stays on track.
  • Closure: Completing project deliverables, obtaining stakeholder approval, and conducting post-project evaluations.

How Each Phase Can Be managed using a cost management tool

Let’s explore each phase using an example project: Implementing a New Financial Reporting System.

Phase 1: Initiation

Stages of Implementing a New Financial Reporting System

Implementing a new financial reporting system is a comprehensive project that requires careful planning and execution across several stages. Each stage involves specific activities and deliverables that contribute to the successful deployment of the system.

Here’s a detailed look at each stage:

1. Initiation


  1. Project Conceptualization: Define the purpose and objectives of implementing the new financial reporting system. Identify the need for improved accuracy, efficiency, and compliance in financial reporting.
  2. Feasibility Study: Conduct a feasibility study to assess the viability of the new system. This includes evaluating current reporting capabilities, budget requirements, and potential benefits.
  3. Stakeholder Identification: Identify all stakeholders, including finance department heads, IT staff, auditors, and regulatory bodies.
  4. Project Charter: Develop a project charter that outlines the project’s purpose, objectives, scope, key stakeholders, and high-level timeline.


  1. Project Charter
  2. Feasibility Study Report
  3. Initial Risk Assessment
  4. Stakeholder Register

Project Initiation, Project Management Blog

2. Planning


  1. Scope Definition: Define the detailed scope of the project, including deliverables like the new system features, data migration, and user training.
  2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Develop a WBS that breaks down the project into manageable tasks, such as software selection, installation, and testing.
  3. Schedule Development: Create a detailed project schedule with timelines and milestones, including vendor selection, system setup, and user training.
  4. Resource Planning: Identify and allocate resources, including team members from IT and finance, budget, and necessary tools.
  5. Risk Management Planning: Identify potential risks like data migration issues, system integration challenges, and compliance requirements. Develop mitigation strategies.
  6. Communication Planning: Establish a communication plan to ensure timely and effective communication among stakeholders.
  7. Quality Planning: Define quality metrics and standards for the new system to ensure it meets the required performance and compliance standards.


  1. Project Management Plan
  2. Detailed Project Schedule
  3. Resource Plan
  4. Risk Management Plan
  5. Communication Plan
  6. Quality Plan

Project Planning, Project Management Blog

3. Execution


  1. Task Assignment: Assign tasks to team members, such as IT staff for system setup and finance staff for data migration and testing.
  2. Task Coordination: Coordinate activities and tasks to ensure they are completed as planned.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with stakeholders to keep them informed and address their concerns throughout the implementation process.
  4. Quality Assurance: Perform quality assurance activities to ensure the system is being implemented according to plan and standards.
  5. Issue Management: Identify and resolve issues that arise during the system implementation, such as technical glitches or resistance to change.


  1. Completed Project Tasks
  2. Status Reports
  3. Quality Assurance Reports
  4. Issue Logs

4. Monitoring and Controlling


  1. Progress Monitoring: Track project progress against the project plan and schedule.
  2. Performance Measurement: Measure project performance using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as task completion rate and budget adherence.
  3. Risk Monitoring: Monitor identified risks and identify new risks. Implement risk response plans as needed.
  4. Change Control: Manage changes to the project scope, schedule, and resources through a formal change control process.
  5. Quality Control: Perform quality control checks to ensure the new system meets quality standards and is functioning correctly.


  1. Performance Reports
  2. Risk Reports
  3. Change Requests
  4. Quality Control Reports

Project Monitoring, Project Management Blog

5. Closure


  1. Project Completion: Ensure all project tasks and deliverables, such as system setup, data migration, and user training, are completed.
  2. Final Deliverables Handover: Handover the fully operational financial reporting system to the finance department and other end-users.
  3. Stakeholder Approval: Obtain formal approval and acceptance from stakeholders, confirming that the project objectives have been met.
  4. Post-Project Evaluation: Conduct a post-project evaluation to review what went well and identify areas for improvement in future projects.
  5. Project Documentation: Document all project-related information, including system manuals, training materials, and lessons learned.
  6. Project Team Release: Release project resources and team members to their respective roles.


  1. Final Project Report
  2. Stakeholder Approval Documents
  3. Lessons Learned Document
  4. Project Closure Report

By following these stages, the project of implementing a new financial reporting system can be managed systematically and efficiently.

This ensures that the system meets its objectives, risks are mitigated, and stakeholders are satisfied with the outcomes.

Finance project management software like Orangescrum can greatly aid in managing these stages effectively, providing a structured approach to planning, execution, and monitoring.

If you are looking for a customizable project management software for the financial industry then Orangescrum is the right solution for you. Sign up today to get started.

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