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How to Foster Team Collaboration at Your Workplace

How To Foster Team Collaboration At Your Workplace, Project Management Blog
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Team collaboration makes direct impacts on your team productivity and project success.

The robust your collaboration approach, the lesser struggle you will have to achieve your business goals.

The best part is that collaborative teams enjoy the perks of being self-driven, higher productivity, and trust.

Here I have some important statistics that will give you a glimpse of how important team collaboration is:

Infographic, Project Management Blog(Source:


What is the Team Collaboration tool?

Let’s take the example of The A-Team, The Expendables, The Avengers, and X-Men.  What do they have in common?

The story of each individual combining with their talents to achieve a common goal.

A team can produce victory in the world of fiction. And the same thing can happen in business too.

Improve remote collaboration with Orangescrum

Get More Done With Orangescrum, Project Management Blog


But a paradigm shift to change the focus from individuals to team success is pertinent.

Collaboration is a major concern for small and enterprise businesses alike. Enabling collaboration within teams whether remote or physical is challenging.

Ways to Foster Team Collaboration at Work

Different businesses could have their own means of communication and work culture. I have mentioned 5 common ways that may help you foster team collaboration at the workplace.

1. Create Communication Channel

Effective communication is similar to a two-way street, here both the parties talk and listen to each other. And it is the key to success when it comes to the business.

Bringing all your people and communication together at your work-place helps to get things done quicker.

Discussion threads and faster information exchange motivate teams to stick together, solve tricky issues promptly and reduce scope of conflicts.

It makes production progression simpler and more useful while giving them flexibility and agility.

2. Manage Tasks

Task management will bring enough benefits for your business – and your own individual and professional life.

Take a look at some of the common payback of task management.

  • improved productivity
  • increased efficiency
  • reduced stress
  • On-time delivery

Task management enables contextual collaboration to making teams self-organized. All required information to execute tasks is centrally available thereby reducing wait-times and human dependencies.

3. Mark the Individual Inputs

“Software innovation, like almost every other kind of innovation, requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people, and to sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs.” –  Bill Gates

So, sharing and discussing your own ideas with the team will encourage employees to do better. To make them feel valued, mark their voice when they share their creative ideas.

As a result teams can perform transparent self-assessment, see the impact of their work and value of the deliverables produced.

The icing on the cake is the fact that teams focus on outcomes instead of outputs. A remarkable differentiator in today’s digital marketplace.

4. Set Team Goals

Setting a team goal is always an essential part of project planning. Here the project managers should understand the significance of goal setting to deliver the projects successfully.

With large and complex projects, project managers have to look beyond the general requirements, timelines, and budgets and start emphasizing on setting SMART goals.

Getting the team to focus on goals will keep individual efforts aligned with desired outcomes.  This keeps the team focused on their deadline and keeps the KPI transparent.

The key is to help the teams keep their eyes on the end objectives at all times. Decision making becomes simple by asking 1 simple question – Will this help us meet our goal?

5. Celebrate Success Together

Last but certainly not the least, celebrate team success. As a project manager, do bake in time for an event to celebrate small wins and major project achievements. Ensure that the entire team is a part of this celebration.

It is not only a great way to keep employees motivated, induce a little healthy competition but also acts as a great learning session.

Other projects too can benefit from solution innovation applied to get past a major issue.

May be you just scratched the tip of an iceberg and the small win may turn into a real great product or a patent idea.


Overall, teams tend to be eager to contribute more and make winning a habit!

 Stay Organized and Up-To-Date with Orangescrum

Stay on the same page with your team using the Orangescrum dashboard. Here, you can monitor and control team tasks/assignments. For any activity on any task, email notification is sent.

Attaching your files to the tasks and Orangescrum centralizes all information exchange. You can view or download them anytime and anywhere as per your need.

With Orangescrum you can use DropBox or Google Drive to share your files, integrate with slack for team collaboration and use google calendar integration as well to place Orangescrum tasks on your calendar.

Track who is doing what using Orangescrum. Assign tasks to the individual team members with a due date. Check status and get real-time reports.

Orangescrum helps you track your time & resources and organizes them efficiently for time tracking, resource utilization and resource allocation. It facilitates end to end collaboration across your organization.

If you are looking for a collaborative work management tool with agile capabilities, you must try Orangescrum! Sign up now!

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