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Guide To Workload Management, Project Management Blog
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The business success depends on smooth running of all its departments and it can be possible with proper workload management.

Managing workload sounds like the easiest task. Just assign the right work to the right person, right?

It’s harder than it sounds.

Giphy, Project Management Blog

A proper workload management plan defines tasks, facilitates better planning and time management.


What is Workload Management?

It is the practice of assigning tasks among working employees and checking their spent hours on the same task. Main objective of workload management is to delegate tasks to meet deadlines without overburdening the employees. This is important to avoid employee burnout and inefficiency.

There are many things you need to keep in mind as mentioned in the infographic below when you’re designing a workload plan. Most workload plans fail because of in-appropriate work strategies, lack of realistic time frames etc.

Guide To Workload Management 1, Project Management Blog


Workload management is all about high productivity, efficiency and accuracy. While these will keep your deliverables in good stead the resultant benefits would be greater team contribution, satisfied employees and more commitment towards the project goal.

Hence, efficient mapping of resources to tasks becomes key in ensuring the work gets done timely and with more than agreed quality levels.

For this you also need to have the relevant skill to resource mapping in place so that you can quickly identify the right resource for the right task along with their availability.

Thus you have a robust system to ensure the triple constraints of time, quality and cost are well managed seamlessly.

What’s your go to tool for workload management? If the answer is none or not just one, Try Orangescrum Today!

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