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How to Adopt On-Premise Project Management Software

How To Adopt On Premise Project Management Software, Project Management Blog
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Project managers and business owners today need more control on how they manage their data. When it comes to using project management software, using an on-premise version provides a good option for higher data security. Today, we’re diving into the exciting world of project management software. We will explore how it can significantly boost your company’s productivity and efficiency. In this blog, we’ll be focusing on implementing an on-premise project management software.

If you’re eager to take control of your projects and streamline your processes, you’ve come to the right place!


What is On-Premise Project Management Software?

Before we dive into the implementation process, let’s clarify what on-premise project management software actually means.

Unlike cloud-based solutions that rely on external servers, an on-premise software system is installed and hosted on your company’s own servers.

This means you have complete control over your data and infrastructure, which can be a game-changer for businesses with strict security and compliance requirements.

Project Management Trends, Project Management Blog


Why Implement On-Premise Project Management Software?

  • Centralized Project Visibility: You can access all project-related information from a single platform, providing a bird’s-eye view of progress and bottlenecks.
  • Improved Collaboration: Break down communication barriers between teams by facilitating real-time collaboration, file sharing, and discussions on tasks and projects.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Say goodbye to manual tracking and micromanagement; the software automates repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for your team to focus on important work.
  • Resource Optimization: Efficiently allocate resources, identify potential conflicts, and ensure optimal resource utilization across multiple projects.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Generate insightful reports and analytics to make informed decisions, identify trends, and foresee potential project risks.

Implementing a robust team collaboration software can revolutionize the way your team collaborates, communicates, and delivers projects.

To make the most of this transformative tool, let’s delve into the step-by-step process of implementing an on-premise project management software.

Step 1: Assess Your Business Needs and Objectives

Before diving into any new project, it’s essential to evaluate your company’s unique requirements and objectives.

Engage with key stakeholders, project managers, and team members to gather insights and identify pain points.

This initial assessment will form the foundation of your software implementation plan.

  • Identify the challenges and inefficiencies in your current project management processes.
  • Clearly define the goals and expectations you want the software to achieve.
  • Collaborate with teams to understand their specific needs and workflow preferences.

Step 2: Research and Select the Right Self-hosted Project Management Software

With a clear understanding of your needs, it’s time to research and select the most suitable project management tool for your organization.

There are numerous options available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Take the following factors into account during your selection process:

  • Evaluate the software’s usability and user interface to ensure easy adoption by your team.
  • Check for scalability to accommodate future growth and increasing project complexities.
  • Analyze customization options to tailor the software to match your unique processes.
  • Consider integration capabilities with other tools and software already in use.
  • Read reviews and testimonials, and seek recommendations from other businesses.

Step 3: Plan and Prepare for Implementation

The success of any project relies on careful planning and preparation.

Establish a clear roadmap for implementing the self-hosted project team collaboration tool to minimize disruptions and maximize efficiency during the transition.

  • Create a detailed implementation timeline with specific milestones and deadlines.
  • Appoint a dedicated implementation team or project manager to oversee the process.
  • Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to keep all stakeholders informed.
  • Set up training sessions to educate team members about the software’s features and functionalities.

Step 4: Testing and Feedback

Before rolling out the software across your entire organization, conduct pilot testing with a small group of users.

This phase allows you to identify any potential issues and gather valuable feedback from real users.

  • Select a diverse group of team members from various departments to participate in the pilot.
  • Encourage participants to actively use the software for their projects and provide regular feedback.
  • Analyze the feedback to address any usability concerns and make necessary adjustments.

Step 5: Roll-Out and Training

With the pilot phase successfully completed, it’s time for the full roll-out of the self-hosted project Collaboration software across the organization.

Comprehensive training is crucial to ensure a smooth and successful adoption.

  • Conduct training sessions for all users, covering basic functionalities as well as advanced features.
  • Provide user guides, video tutorials, and other resources for self-paced learning.
  • Encourage hands-on practice and offer ongoing support during the initial implementation period.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize

After the software is fully integrated into your project management processes, your journey doesn’t end there.

Continuously monitor the software’s performance and gather insights to optimize its usage.

  • Regularly review project data and performance reports to identify areas for improvement.
  • Encourage team members to provide feedback on their experiences with the software.
  • Stay informed about software updates and new features to leverage the latest improvements.

Project Management Software Features, Project Management Blog

(Source: workamajig)

Top 10 Features to Look For in a Self-Hosted Project Management Software

  1. Customizability: A self-hosted project management software should allow you to tailor the tool to your organization’s unique processes and workflows. Look for customizable fields, templates, and project hierarchies.
  2. User Access and Permissions: Ensure the software provides granular control over user access and permissions. This feature allows you to define roles and limit access to sensitive data, ensuring data security and privacy.
  3. Task Management: Robust self-hosted task management software capabilities are essential for assigning tasks, setting due dates, adding descriptions, and tracking progress. Look for features like subtasks, task dependencies, and task prioritization.
  4. Gantt Charts: Gantt charts provide a visual representation of project timelines, dependencies, and resource allocation. This feature aids in planning, scheduling, and project management.
  5. Resource Management: An effective self-hosted project management software should offer resource management features, enabling you to allocate resources efficiently, track their availability, and prevent over allocation.
  6. Time Tracking: Time tracking functionality helps monitor how much time team members spend on individual tasks and projects. This feature assists in analyzing productivity, estimating future projects, and billing clients accurately.
  7. Collaboration and Communication: Look for features that facilitate seamless team collaboration and communication. Discussion boards, file sharing, and notifications ensure teams stay connected and informed.
  8. Reporting and Analytics: Advanced reporting and analytics features provide insights into project performance, progress, and key metrics. Customizable reports enable data-driven decision-making.
  9. Integration Capabilities: Check if the software offers integrations with other tools and systems used in your organization. This ensures smooth data flow and reduces the need for manual data entry.
  10. Mobile Accessibility: A mobile app or responsive web interface allows team members to access and manage projects on the go, promoting flexibility and productivity.
  11. Data Backup and Security: Make sure the software offers data backup options to prevent loss of critical information. Additionally, robust security measures should be in place to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  12. Scalability: Consider the software’s scalability to accommodate your organization’s growth and increasing project complexities in the future.

Top 10 Self-Hosted Project Management Software Statistics

  1. Adoption Rate of PM Tools: According to a survey by Capterra, 32% of businesses preferred self-hosted project management tools over cloud-based solutions for data control and security.
  2. Top PM Tool Market Share: As of 2021, Jira (Server) by Atlassian dominated the self-hosted project management software market, accounting for nearly 60% of installations, as reported by Datanyze.
  3. IT Industry’s Preference: A survey conducted by SoftwareAdvice revealed that 72% of IT professionals preferred self-hosted solutions due to their customizable features and internal data control.
  4. Security Concerns: According to a TrustRadius survey, 45% of businesses chose self-hosted project management tools because they considered data security and compliance to be their top priority.
  5. On-Premise Tool Usage by Industry: Research by Statista showed that the manufacturing and technology sectors were among the top adopters, accounting for 28% and 22% of the market, respectively.
  6. User Satisfaction with d PM Tools: A G2 survey indicated that 84% of users reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the performance and reliability of various on-premise project management tool solutions.
  7. Self-Hosted vs. Cloud Adoption Trend: A report by Info-Tech Research Group indicated that self-hosted task management tools’ adoption rate remained relatively stable over the past two years, while cloud-based solutions saw a slight increase in popularity.
  8. Project Size: Small to mid-sized businesses were more likely to opt for self-hosted solutions, as noted by a survey conducted by GetApp.
  9. Reasons for Choosing PM Tools: A study by PMI (Project Management Institute) found that 42% of organizations chose self-hosted solutions to maintain control of their data and customize their software according to specific requirements.
  10. Projected Market Growth: While cloud-based project management solutions have seen rapid growth, Markets and projected that the self-hosted project management software market would continue to grow at a steady rate of approximately 6% annually through 2025.

Top 10 On-premise Project Management Software

Orangescrum, Project Management Blog

1. Orangescrum:

Orangescrum is a feature-rich project management tool that offers task and resource management, time tracking, Gantt chart visualization, and customizable project templates for streamlined workflows.


  • Task and subtask management for detailed project planning.
  • Time tracking and timesheets to monitor resource utilization.
  • Customizable project templates for streamlined project setup.
  • Gantt chart for visualizing project timelines and progress.
  • Resource planning and workload management.

Microsoft Project, Project Management Blog

(Source: Microsoft Project)

2. Microsoft Project:

Microsoft Project is a comprehensive project management software that offers robust planning, scheduling, and resource management tools. Its integration with other Microsoft tools enhances collaboration and provides powerful reporting capabilities.


  • Robust project planning and scheduling capabilities.
  • Resource management for efficient allocation of team members.
  • Gantt chart visualization to track project progress and dependencies.
  • Integration with other Microsoft tools like Excel and Teams.
  • Reporting and analytics for data-driven decision-making.

Jira Software, Project Management Blog

(Source: Jira)

3. Jira (Server):

Jira is a popular project management and issue tracking software, widely used in the software development industry. It excels in agile project management, customizable workflows, and seamless integration with developer tools.


  • Agile project management with customizable workflows.
  • Issue and bug tracking for software development teams.
  • Advanced reporting and dashboards for performance analysis.
  • Integration with developer tools like Bitbucket and Confluence.
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for additional functionality.

Asana, Project Management Blog

(Source: Asana)

4. Asana (Enterprise):

Asana is an intuitive and user-friendly project management software that simplifies task management, fosters team collaboration, and provides valuable project insights through reporting and analytics.


  • Intuitive task management with due dates and priorities.
  • Kanban boards for visual project tracking.
  • Team collaboration through comments and file attachments.
  • Advanced search and reporting for project insights.
  • Task dependencies for streamlined workflows.

Wrike, Project Management Blog

(Source: Wrike)

5. Wrike (Enterprise):

Wrike is a versatile project management solution that offers interactive Gantt charts, task dependencies, and custom request forms for workflow automation. Real-time collaboration and advanced reporting add to its strengths.


  • Interactive Gantt charts for project planning and scheduling.
  • Task dependencies and critical path analysis.
  • Customizable request forms for project intake and workflow automation.
  • Real-time collaboration with @mentions and document sharing.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics for performance insights.

Basecamp, Project Management Blog

(Source: Basecamp)

6. Basecamp:

Basecamp is known for its simplicity and easy-to-use interface, providing task management, message boards, and centralized file storage for efficient team collaboration.


  • Simple and user-friendly task management.
  • Centralized file storage and document sharing.
  • Message boards for team communication and updates.
  • Project templates for efficient project creation.
  • Schedule with deadlines and upcoming events.

Redmine Interface, Project Management Blog

(Source: Redmine)

7. Redmine:

Redmine is an open-source project management and issue tracking tool, primarily designed by software development teams. It offers customizable workflows, time tracking, and integration with version control systems like Git.


  • Issue tracking and bug management for software projects.
  • Customizable workflows and ticket statuses.
  • Time tracking and activity monitoring.
  • Wiki and document management for knowledge sharing.
  • Integration with version control systems like Git.

Trello, Project Management Blog

(Source: Trello)

8. Trello:

Trello’s visual Kanban boards make it a popular choice for task organization and project tracking. Its customizable task cards, seamless collaboration, and integration options make it versatile for various team needs.


  • Visual Kanban boards for task organization.
  • Customizable task cards with due dates and labels.
  • Collaboration through comments and file attachments.
  • Power-ups for integrations with third-party tools.
  • Calendar view for project deadlines and schedules.

Team Gantt, Project Management Blog

(Source: TeamGantt)

9. TeamGantt:

TeamGantt’s intuitive Gantt chart interface enables efficient project planning, resource management, and tracking of project progress. It also offers time tracking and workload tracking features.


  • Intuitive Gantt chart interface for project planning.
  • Task dependencies and timeline adjustments.
  • Resource management and workload tracking.
  • Project progress tracking and completion status.
  • Time tracking and timesheets for accurate billing.

Meiestask Interface, Project Management Blog

(Source: Meistertask)

10. MeisterTask:

MeisterTask’s Kanban-style task boards and customizable task automation workflows simplify project management and enhance team collaboration. Its real-time activity tracking keeps everyone in the loop.


  • Kanban-style task boards for project management.
  • Task automation with customizable workflows.
  • Collaboration with comments, mentions, and attachments.
  • Real-time activity tracking and notifications.
  • Integration with popular third-party tools.


Implementing an on-premise task management software is an exciting and transformative journey that can elevate your team’s productivity and project success.

By carefully assessing your needs, selecting the right software, planning effectively, and prioritizing user training, you can seamlessly integrate the software into your organization’s workflow.

Remember, successful implementation is an ongoing process of monitoring, optimizing, and adapting to the evolving needs of your team and projects.

Orangescrum is a powerful on-premise project management tool that can seamlessly integrate to your organization’s existing work processes. Try all features to learn how it can transform your team – Sign Up today

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