For managing the project proper planning, task scheduling, collaborating resources, and estimating the project budget are must required components. And we always try to up skill our readers to focus o
Digital Marketing & SEO is an integral part of each company’s strategy to reach out to their customers. More than 60% of the marketing efforts are spent on digital outreach across social media pla
Many companies waste their time transferring the tasks through various departments and getting approval for it. In Workflow Management Coalition’s study, it was found that almost 90% of all time used
A workflow consists of a sequence of actions needed to complete a task or a project. A workflow reflects the working culture of your team or organization or a set process you need to follow for certai
In today’s world outsmarting your competitors is your key to survival. You need to outwit them every step of the way from identifying an idea till it is delivered to your customers. This also includes
Hi There! We have our August Release Updates for you: Unlimited Orangescrum “Professional” Plan We have had thousands of enquiries from various industries (small, medium and large) asking for m
Disruptive technologies have changed the way we communicate today only to mark increased need of a single platform to do so. And a lack of one makes it overwhelmingly difficult when we deal with multi
Hurray! – The new skinned Orangescrum has just gone Live! We’re proud to present a fresh-look user interface inspired by Google Material Design. Just made for you, your team and all your stakeho
Last year was awesome, we got the opportunity to bring on board thousands of users around the world. We asked our customers, what we can do to make Orangescrum even better and easy to use! Many of ou
Thanking you from core of our hearts to be with us in 2015, it has been a fantastic experience in terms of New Releases, improvements based on your feedback to serve you even better, attending confere
Kanban is a latest technique for managing software development process in a highly efficient way. A way for teams and organizations to visualize works in progress, to identify and eliminate bottleneck
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