We are excited to announce that the Orangescrum is gone LIVE today with Premium plan. The beta testing is over successfully. Today, Orangescrum is open for individuals, small businesses and enterprises. It’s an efficient Project Collaboration Tool that gives you full visibility and control over your projects. It is an agile project management tool for perfect team collaboration, project tracking,
Jeff Bezos said – small team works better than a larger team. Small teams can be located from different regions around the globe. They just need a system where they can collaborate and stay up-to-date on the product development. Challenges while working with a remote team Orangescrum is best suited for today’s project management scenario. Agile Development and Scrum have been extrem
Orangescrum is one of the most powerful project management and collaboration tool available on the web. Where you can collaborate with projects, resources, relevant documents and all the communications. Monitor project schedules closely and make your project a success. It really does not matter wherever you are sitting in the world. Within 60 seconds you can keep your projects on track, collabor
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