Important Massage to our Open-source, Enterprise & Add-on Users We discontinued the Add-on Selling from Nov 1, 2021 and the Add-on Support will be discontinued from Feb, 2022. Any user want to use our On-Premise Solution are recommended to migrate into Orangescrum Self-Hosted plan. [sc name=”announcement”][/sc] Clients or Customers are the heart of any business. They are
Conscious and accurate time & resource management are critical success factors to sustain and excel in this ever competitive age. It is always a race between time and productivity. Time tracking doesn’t exactly find a place in the “To-Do” list of our teams. Rightfully so as they have to go through the time-consuming, mundane and often confusing paper-work to record their activities on the pro
The Project Manager (PM) leads a team on a journey (the project cycle), through trials and triumphs to realize a vision.His basic job is to be able to assign tasks, manage schedules, reach deadlines and manage stakeholders’ expectations etc. But is that really all it is? Real management is developing people through work. ~ Agha Hasan Abedi A PM’s role is 80% about maintaining good relationships,
Only Project Management Suite that is completely Free! An aspiring entrepreneur, a corporate honcho, or the quintessential sales guy – each one is tasked and measured with the same goal – Generate revenue! Traditional management strategy is no more supportive of today’s demands for accuracy, speed, and cohesive growth. Digital agencies, Startups, SMBs, or freelancers all have to survive and perfo
Welcome! You are the Project–Head of your Business. You want to organize your team’s work space? That’s right, here you can keep your projects on track and gets things done effortlessly. You can access this tool from anywhere & anytime with secure access. Less than 60 seconds is all it takes to start using Orangescrum. Create Your Company Account in Orangescrum: All you need is your Name, Ema
September was quite an eventful month! We have Orangescrum Updates ready for you. Preplan your Tasks with the Start date field You have been creating tasks in the current date till now, in Orangescrum Cloud version. Now you have an added privilege to Pre-plan your activity and put a date of commencement in Advance. But, of course, if you want to revise your Start-date to some Back date, you can
In today’s world outsmarting your competitors is your key to survival. You need to outwit them every step of the way from identifying an idea till it is delivered to your customers. This also includes getting your ducks in a row! How do you do that? And how do you keep doing that? Consistency is the key! Project Managers, Architects, Designers, Developers, Consultants or CEOs for that matter need
Task Management + Time Tracking + Team Collaboration + Document Sharing + Invoice Management in Orangescrum Orangescrum offers user-friendly refined features to connect your team and streamline your business processes. Have a look at the top 5 features below to find the functionality you need. OrangeScrum helps you to achieve successful timely project complemention within the proposed budget ef
People’s behaviour stats show that they actually use 60% or less of available work time. Even though they are physically at work five days a week, they are only productively using three days. So you pay almost 70% extra wage for getting things done. How does it happen? How to stop it? Let’s get into the roots first. Reasons… 1-Inability to Track Time on Job: Ironically we have a “To- Do” List but
We’re extremely happy to announce that our mobile app for community users is here. You can get it from the Google Play Store and App Store. With Orangescrum’s incredibly intuitive mobile application, you can create, assign, view & edit tasks on the go. It’s unbelievably fast, that speeds up your productivity. Orangescrum with you all the way, all the time! Features: Mobile App lets you: B
Important Massage to our Open-source, Enterprise & Add-on Users We discontinued the Add-on Selling from Nov 1, 2021 and the Add-on Support will be discontinued from Feb, 2022. Any user want to use our On-Premise Solution are recommended to migrate into Orangescrum Self-Hosted plan. [sc name=”announcement”][/sc] [mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”52″
Every digital leap we take, we’re presented with new challenges to stay effective, focused and productive. But challenges represent opportunity – how can we use apps, software and digital technology to remove manual, time-consuming tasks and let startups and SME owners focus on creating value in the core areas of their business? Orangescrum offers you with several premium features designed speci
We all know that ALL businesses thrive only when they have the 3Ps – People, Process and Product in-sync. And that is when the most value is generated – Performance! You may have the best of ALL 3Ps but they are paper tigers unless they deliver what they are supposed to – Performance!! Little repetitive right? But Hey!!! It’s what we are all about – be it the MVP of your baseball team, your
As announced last week we are now live with 2 fresh add-ons for you Client Management Project Template Save productive time and work Smart with one and forge Client Partnerships built on mutual trust, transparency and confidence with the other. Let us do a quick review of what’s in store!! Client Management Benefits: Collaborate with your clients effortlessly Make them part of your endeavors
Business is successful when delivered on time. Skillful time and resource management are critical success factors to sustain and excel in this ever competitive age. It is always a race between Time and Productivity. Let us review various aspects within Orangescrum that are our true partners in effective time management and boosting productivity. Tracking Your Time It is very important for you t
Hi There! We have our August Release Updates for you: Unlimited Orangescrum “Professional” Plan We have had thousands of enquiries from various industries (small, medium and large) asking for more users, more storage, more features….. BUT at lesser cost, lesser management hassles, lesser accountability and lesser burden…… To keep them motivated, productive & making it (of course projec
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