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New Enhanced Sub-task Management Released

Orangescrum Product Update Enhanced Subtask Management, Project Management Blog
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Making sub-task management efficient and effective is one of our main goals at Orangescrum.

Easily task breakdown, assignment and making it simple for teams to get to crucial information quickly goes a long way in enhancing the overall project execution.

With that in mind we have enhanced the task and sub-task management within Orangescrum with the following additions:

  • Create Sub-tasks from the task list action menu
  • Updated “create subtask” form with new fields – assign to, start & due date, estimated hours & task type
  • Convert a task into sub-task and vice-versa

Enhanced Sub-task Management with Orangescrum

Get More Done With Orangescrum, Project Management Blog


Let’s take a quick look on how you can use and benefit from the new releases.


Create Subtasks from Task list-

You can create task directly for the task list now. Here is how you can do-

  • Navigate to task list of the specific project.
  • Click on 3-dot icon of the specific parent task for which you want to add sub-tasks. Further, click on Create Subtask. If you are unable to find the Create Subtask option, then the task should be already a Sub sub task.
    Quick Task, Project Management Blog
  • In create subtask, provide Task name, task type, estimated hour, assignee, start date & end date and click save.
    Sub Task, Project Management Blog
  • The subtask will be created and shown in task list view. You can also create subtask from Task list, Task group & Kanban view.
    Application Framework, Project Management Blog

Convert Task to Subtasks & vice versa from Tasklist-

No more struggles in managing tasks & subtasks. You can convert parent tasks to subtasks and vice versa seamlessly.  Here is how you can do so-

Convert Tasks to Subtask-

  • Navigate to the task list of the specific project.
  • Click on 3-dot icon of the specific parent task for which you want to convert to subtasks. Further click on Convert to Subtask. If you are unable to find the option, then there should be the Subsub tasks associated with it.
    Convert To Task, Project Management Blog
  • In the Convert to Subtask popup, select the parent for which you want the associated task as Subtask. Please note that, you will be able to find Tasks & Subtasks only in that menu.
    Application Framework Subtask, Project Management Blog
  • Select the specific task or subtask and select save. Once saved, the specific task will be added as Subtask.

Convert Sub-task to Task-

  • Navigate to task list of the specific project.
  • Click on 3-dot icon of the specific Sub-task or Sub sub task and select Convert to parent. You can find that option for Subtasks and Sub sub tasks only.
    Task List, Project Management Blog
  • Once clicked, you will be asked for the confirmation about the change. Click OK on the alert box.
  • The sub-task or sub sub task will be detached from existing parent and become a normal task.

Wrapping Up

Overall, with these new capabilities your teams will be able to

  • Perform insightful task breakdowns
  • Access task information without hassles
  • Get more done with minimal efforts within the tool
  • Eliminate unwanted task rework and reordering
  • Focus more on task execution and collaboration

Hint: Also, we are currently busy in providing an action-packed hierarchy view of task groups>tasks>subtasks>sub-sub tasks which would be your main playground for all things tasks. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks.

Sign in to your Orangescrum account today and check out these cool features. And if you are still sitting on the fence, Sign Up Free for 15 days. No commitments & no cards required.

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