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9 Best Self-Hosted Project Management Software for Enterprises in 2024

Best Self Hosted Project Management Software For Enterprises In 2024, Project Management Blog
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In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, organizations often seek a balance between functionality, security, and control. Self-hosted project management software offers a compelling solution by allowing businesses to manage their projects on their own servers, providing ultimate control over data and infrastructure.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top 9 self-hosted project management software options to help you make an informed decision.

  1. Orangescrum
  2. ActiveCollab
  3. OpenProject
  4. Odoo
  5. GitLab
  6. Taiga
  7. Tuleap
  8. ZenTao
  9. Twproject

1. Orangescrum

Orangescrum 1, Project Management Blog


Orangescrum is a versatile self-hosted project management tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features to enhance team collaboration and project organization.

With its user-friendly interface, Orangescrum facilitates task management, time tracking, and resource allocation. It provides real-time insights into project progress and allows you to set priorities and milestones.

This software is particularly suitable for small to medium-sized businesses looking for an all-in-one solution to streamline project workflows and improve productivity.


  • Task Management: Orangescrum offers a comprehensive task management system, allowing users to create, assign, and prioritize tasks easily.
  • Time Tracking: It includes built-in time tracking features, helping teams monitor how much time is spent on each task or project.
  • Gantt Charts: Users can create Gantt charts to visualize project timelines and dependencies, aiding in project planning and tracking.
  • Resource Management: Orangescrum allows you to allocate resources efficiently and manage team workloads.
  • Document Management: It provides a document repository for centralizing project-related files, making it easier to share and collaborate on documents.
Pros Cons
Intuitive interface makes it easy for teams to adopt and use. Comprehensive features can be overwhelming for small teams
Comprehensive task management features, including time tracking and prioritisation Premium pricing can be expensive for some businesses
Extensive customization to adapt to various project needs
Free community edition and competitive pricing for paid plans

2. ActiveCollab

ActiveCollab 1, Project Management Blog


ActiveCollab is a self-hosted project management and collaboration platform designed to empower teams with tools for efficient project planning, task management, and team collaboration.

It excels in providing features for time tracking, expense management, and invoicing. ActiveCollab also offers a Gantt chart view to visualize project timelines and dependencies.

With its customizable templates and integration capabilities, it’s a versatile solution for businesses looking to streamline project management and optimize work processes.


  • Task Management: ActiveCollab offers a flexible task management system with features for creating, assigning, and tracking tasks.
  • Time Tracking: Users can log time spent on tasks and projects, helping with accurate billing and resource allocation.
  • Team Collaboration: It includes features for team communication, discussions, and file sharing, promoting collaboration.
  • Project Reporting: ActiveCollab provides project reporting and analytics to monitor project progress and performance.
  • Invoicing: Businesses can generate invoices based on tracked time and expenses, streamlining billing processes.
Pros Cons
ActiveCollab excels in task management, offering features like time tracking and task dependencies Can be relatively expensive for small businesses
Its clean and intuitive interface makes it accessible for teams Lacks some essential features in the self-hosted version
Provides robust collaboration tools like discussions and file sharing
Integrates with various third-party apps for extended functionality

3. OpenProject

OpenProject 1, Project Management Blog


OpenProject is a feature-rich self-hosted project management software that offers a comprehensive set of tools for project planning and execution. It includes task management, time tracking, Gantt charts, and agile boards, making it versatile for various project methodologies. OpenProject is designed to foster collaboration within teams and provide transparency in project progress. Its open-source nature allows for customization and integration with other tools, making it a valuable choice for organizations looking to optimize their project management processes.


  • Task Management: OpenProject provides task management features, allowing teams to create, assign, and track tasks.
  • Gantt Charts: Users can create Gantt charts to visualize project timelines and dependencies.
  • Agile Boards: OpenProject supports agile methodologies with customizable boards for managing sprints and backlogs.
  • Time Tracking: It includes time tracking capabilities for accurate project monitoring and resource allocation.
  • Collaboration: OpenProject offers collaboration tools, including discussion forums and document sharing, to enhance team communication and knowledge sharing.
Pros Cons
Excellent support for Agile methodologies with features like Kanban boards and backlogs The extensive feature set may be overwhelming for small teams
Offers customizable workflows and templates Resource management features could be more robust.
Provides Gantt charts for visualising project timelines
Active community and regular updates

4. Odoo

Odoo 1, Project Management Blog


Odoo is a versatile self-hosted ERP system that includes project management modules. It provides a wide range of features, including task management, time tracking, and document management, making it suitable for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution to manage projects within their broader enterprise resource planning system.


  • Task Management: Odoo’s project management modules offer task creation, assignment, and tracking capabilities.
  • Time Tracking: It includes time tracking features for monitoring time spent on tasks and projects.
  • Collaboration: Odoo provides collaboration tools, such as discussions and document sharing, to enhance team communication.
  • Resource Management: Users can efficiently allocate and manage project resources, including team members and equipment.
  • Integration: Odoo can integrate seamlessly with other Odoo modules like CRM and finance for end-to-end business management.
Pros Cons
Seamlessly integrates with Odoo’s ERP modules for end-to-end business management Overwhelming number of features for smaller teams or projects.
Highly customizable to adapt to various project needs Learning to use all its features effectively can take time
Cost-effective and open-source, making it highly customizable Resource management features could have been better
Scales well for growing businesses

5. GitLab

GitLab 1, Project Management Blog


GitLab is a well-known self-hosted platform initially recognized for its version control capabilities. However, it also includes robust project management features, such as issue tracking, milestones, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. GitLab is particularly favored by development teams for its tight integration with source code repositories.


  • Version Control: GitLab is renowned for version control capabilities, allowing teams to manage and track changes in source code.
  • Issue Tracking: It offers issue tracking features, making it easier to manage tasks, bugs, and feature requests.
  • CI/CD Pipelines: GitLab includes built-in continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for automated testing and deployment.
  • Milestones: Users can set milestones to track project progress and achieve project goals.
  • Wiki: GitLab provides a wiki system for documenting project-related information and knowledge sharing.
Pros Cons
Renowned for robust version control and source code management Can be overwhelming for non-technical users
GitLab offers extensive integration with various development and CI/CD tools While it has project management features, they may not be as comprehensive as dedicated PM tools
Provides built-in CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment Resource management features could be improved
Includes issue tracking for managing tasks and bugs

6. Taiga

Taiga 1, Project Management Blog


Taiga is a self-hosted project management platform designed for agile teams. It offers features for backlog management, sprints, and issue tracking, aligning with agile methodologies. Taiga’s focus on simplicity and user-friendliness makes it an attractive choice for teams embracing agile project management.


  • Backlog Management: Taiga supports backlog management, making it suitable for Agile methodologies like Scrum.
  • Sprint Planning: It provides features for sprint planning and execution, helping Agile teams manage their work effectively.
  • User Stories: Users can create user stories and prioritize them based on project requirements.
  • Customization: Taiga is highly customizable, allowing teams to adapt it to their specific Agile workflows.
  • Burndown Charts: It offers burndown charts for visualizing project progress and sprint performance.
Pros Cons
Designed for Agile methodologies with Scrum and Kanban boards May require time for users new to Agile practices to adapt
Supports user story creation, backlog management, and sprint planning Resource management features could be more robust
Highly customizable to adapt to different Agile workflows.
Cost-effective and open-source, allowing for customization.

7. Tuleap

Tuleap 1, Project Management Blog


Tuleap is an enterprise-grade self-hosted project management and application lifecycle management tool. It encompasses agile planning, version control, and document management features. Tuleap is particularly suited for organizations requiring a comprehensive and integrated approach to project management and software development.


  • Agile Planning: Tuleap supports Agile planning with features for backlog management, sprint planning, and Kanban boards.
  • Version Control Integration: It integrates with popular version control systems like Git and SVN, enhancing collaboration for software development teams.
  • Custom Workflows: Tuleap allows organizations to define custom workflows to match their specific project processes.
  • Document Management: It includes document management features for storing and sharing project-related documents securely.
  • Code Review: Tuleap offers code review capabilities, facilitating code quality and collaboration among development teams.
Pros Cons
Supports Agile planning with Scrum and Kanban boards May take time for new users to fully grasp its capabilities
Integrates with Git and SVN for seamless code management Lacks advanced project management capabilities
Highly customizable workflows to match project processes
Includes document management for project-related files

8. ZenTao

Zentao 1, Project Management Blog


ZenTao is a self-hosted project management system primarily designed for software development teams. It supports various methodologies, including Scrum, Kanban, and Gantt charts, making it adaptable to different project management approaches. ZenTao provides a range of features to facilitate project planning, execution, and collaboration, with a particular focus on the needs of development projects.


  • Scrum and Kanban Support: ZenTao is designed for Agile teams and supports both Scrum and Kanban methodologies, offering flexibility in project management.
  • Bug Tracking: It provides a robust bug tracking system to help teams identify, prioritize, and resolve issues efficiently.
  • Release Planning: ZenTao allows for release planning, enabling teams to set goals and milestones for their projects.
  • Test Case Management: Users can create and manage test cases and test plans, making it suitable for quality assurance in software development.
  • Custom Fields: ZenTao offers customizable fields and workflows, allowing organizations to tailor it to their specific needs.
Pros Cons
Supports Scrum and Kanban methodologies May require time for new users to become proficient in Agile practices
Highly customizable to adapt to various project workflows Resource allocation features could be improved
Offers robust bug tracking capabilities May be too feature-rich for smaller teams or simpler projects
Allows the creation of visual roadmaps to communicate project plans

9. Twproject

Twproject 1, Project Management Blog


Twproject is a self-hosted project management software that offers task management, time tracking, and collaboration features. It simplifies project management processes and facilitates communication within teams, making it a valuable tool for organizations looking to improve project efficiency.


  • Task Dependencies: Twproject allows users to define task dependencies, ensuring that tasks are completed in the correct order.
  • Time Tracking: It offers time tracking features to monitor the time spent on tasks and projects.
  • Document Management: Users can store and share project-related documents within the platform.
  • Project Templates: Twproject provides project templates to streamline project setup and management.
  • Resource Allocation: It includes resource allocation features to optimize resource usage and team workloads.
Pros Cons
Allows defining task dependencies for precise project planning Users new to the platform may require time to fully utilize its features
Includes time tracking capabilities for task and project monitoring May not provide the depth of features needed for complex projects
Offers document management features for file storage and sharing Integration options may not be as extensive as some other tools
Provides project templates to standardize project setups

Self-Hosted vs Cloud Project Management Software

Self-Hosted Project Management Software Cloud Project Management Software
Hosting Self-hosted software is installed and run on the organization’s own servers or infrastructure, giving full control over hosting and data Cloud-based software is hosted and managed by a third-party provider on their servers, requiring no on-premises installation or maintenance
Initial Set-up Requires IT expertise for server setup, software installation, and maintenance, which can be time-consuming and complex Typically offers a quick and hassle-free setup process, allowing users to get started immediately
Cost Structure Requires upfront hardware and software investment, ongoing maintenance costs, and IT personnel expenses Usually follows a subscription-based pricing model, eliminating upfront hardware costs and simplifying budgeting
Accessibility Accessible primarily within the organization’s network or via a VPN, limiting remote access Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating remote and distributed team collaboration
Maintenance and Updates Organizations are responsible for software updates, security patches, and server maintenance, ensuring control but demanding ongoing effort Providers handle software updates, security, and server maintenance, reducing the IT burden
Scalability Scalability may require hardware upgrades and additional IT resources, potentially causing delays and costs Easily scalable by adjusting subscription plans or resources as needed, offering flexibility for growing organizations
Security Organizations have direct control over security measures, but they are also responsible for implementing and maintaining them Cloud providers often offer robust security features, data encryption, and compliance certifications, enhancing data protection
Backup and Recovery Organizations must implement their backup and disaster recovery solutions to safeguard data Cloud providers typically offer automated backups and recovery options, reducing data loss risks
Downtime and Reliability Uptime and reliability depend on the organization’s infrastructure and maintenance practices Reputable cloud providers offer high uptime guarantees and redundancy to minimize downtime
Upgrades and Features Upgrading to new software versions may require significant effort and testing Cloud solutions often provide seamless updates and access to the latest features without user intervention

Top Things to Consider When Choosing a Self-Hosted Project Management Software

Start by identifying your organization’s specific project management needs. Consider factors like project complexity, team size, collaboration requirements, and project types. Knowing your requirements will help you select a software that aligns with your goals.

  • Scalability: Evaluate whether the software can scale with your organization. As your business grows, you’ll need a system that can accommodate additional users, projects, and data without compromising performance.
  • Customization: Look for software that allows customization. Your projects may have unique workflows and processes, so the ability to adapt the software to match your requirements is essential.
  • Budget: Determine your budget constraints. Self-hosted solutions often involve upfront hardware and software costs, along with ongoing maintenance expenses. Ensure the software aligns with your financial resources.
  • Hosting Infrastructure: Assess your organization’s IT infrastructure and capabilities. Self-hosted software requires servers, storage, and IT expertise for setup and maintenance. Ensure you have the necessary resources or consider outsourcing hosting.
  • Security Features: Data security is paramount. Look for robust security features, including data encryption, user authentication, and access control. Regular security updates and compliance with industry standards are also crucial.
  • Integration Capabilities: Check if the software can integrate with other tools and systems your organization uses. Integration enhances workflow efficiency and data consistency.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The software should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface to ensure easy adoption among team members. A steep learning curve can hinder productivity.
  • Mobile Accessibility: In today’s mobile workforce, having mobile accessibility is vital. Ensure the software offers mobile apps or responsive design for on-the-go project management.
  • Support and Documentation: Consider the availability of customer support, training resources, and documentation. Quick and responsive support can help resolve issues and minimize downtime.
  • Updates and Maintenance: Evaluate how the software handles updates and maintenance. Regular updates are essential for security and feature enhancements. Determine whether updates are automated or require manual intervention.
  • Backup and Recovery: Data loss can be disastrous. Check if the software provides backup and recovery mechanisms to safeguard your project data in case of unforeseen events.
  • User Reviews and References: Research user reviews and seek references from organizations that have used the software. Real-world feedback can provide insights into the software’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Licensing and Costs: Understand the licensing model and costs associated with the software. Some software may charge per user, while others have fixed pricing. Consider long-term costs.
  • Data Portability: Ensure that you can export your data easily if you ever decide to switch to a different software solution. Data lock-in can be problematic.
  • Trial Period: Whenever possible, take advantage of trial periods or demos to test the software’s functionality and suitability for your organization.
  • Future Proofing: Consider the software’s development roadmap and commitment to staying current with industry trends and technology advancements.


Self-hosted project management software offers organizations the flexibility, security, and control they need to manage projects effectively.

The options listed above cater to various project management needs, from agile development to general task management.

Evaluate your team’s requirements and preferences to select the software that aligns best with your project management goals.

Whether you opt for an open-source solution or a commercial offering, these tools can significantly enhance your team’s productivity and project success.


What are the advantages of self-hosting project management software in terms of data privacy and compliance, especially for organizations with strict regulatory requirements?

Self-hosting project management software offers several advantages for data privacy and compliance:

  • Enhanced Control: Organizations have complete control over their data, servers, and access, allowing them to implement strict security measures tailored to their specific compliance needs.
  • Data Sovereignty: Self-hosting enables data to be stored within specific geographic regions, ensuring compliance with data sovereignty laws and regulations.
  • Custom Security Measures: Organizations can implement custom security protocols, encryption, and access controls to meet regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA or GDPR.
  • Audit Trails: Self-hosted solutions often provide robust audit trail capabilities, aiding in compliance reporting and demonstrating adherence to regulatory standards.

How can self-hosted project management software enhance team collaboration and communication within a remote or distributed workforce?

Self-hosted project management software can boost collaboration and communication in remote or distributed teams by:

  • Real-time Updates: Team members can access and update project information in real-time, keeping everyone on the same page, regardless of their location.
  • Centralized Information: All project-related data, documents, and communication are stored in one location, making it easy for remote team members to find and collaborate on tasks.
  • Customization: Self-hosted solutions often allow for customization to match a team’s specific workflow, improving efficiency and collaboration.
  • Secure Access: Teams can access project data securely through VPNs or other secure connections, ensuring sensitive information remains protected.

Are there any specific industries or types of projects that benefit the most from using self-hosted project management software, and why?

Self-hosted project management software is versatile and can benefit various industries and project types, but it is particularly advantageous for:

  • Highly Regulated Industries: Sectors like healthcare, finance, and government, which have strict compliance requirements, benefit from the customization and control self-hosting provides.
  • Large Enterprises: Organizations dealing with complex and sensitive projects often prefer self-hosted solutions due to their scalability and tailored security options.
  • Research and Development: Projects involving proprietary research or intellectual property often require the data control that self-hosting offers.

What are the steps involved in setting up and maintaining a self-hosted project management software solution, and what technical expertise is required?

Setting up and maintaining a self-hosted project management software solution typically involves these steps:

  • Selecting Hardware: Choose suitable server hardware or cloud infrastructure based on your needs.
  • Software Installation: Install the project management software on your chosen server, following the software’s installation instructions.
  • Configuration: Customize the software to match your workflow, including setting user permissions, data access controls, and integrations.
  • Regular Maintenance: Continuously monitor and update the software, apply security patches, and back up data regularly.

Technical expertise required depends on the complexity of the solution. Basic setups may require minimal technical knowledge, while complex configurations may demand IT expertise.

What are the potential limitations or downsides of self-hosted project management software that users should be aware of before making a decision?

Some potential limitations of self-hosted project management software include:

  • Higher Initial Costs: Self-hosting involves upfront hardware and software costs, which can be substantial compared to cloud-based alternatives.
  • Maintenance Responsibility: Organizations are responsible for software updates, security, and server maintenance, which can be time-consuming and require technical expertise.
  • Scalability Challenges: Scaling self-hosted solutions may require additional hardware and expertise, making it less flexible for rapidly growing organizations.
  • Limited Accessibility: Remote access to self-hosted software can be more challenging than cloud-based options, potentially impacting remote teams.

Data Security Risks: While self-hosted solutions offer control, inadequate security measures can lead to data breaches, making robust security practices essential.

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