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10 Best Bug and Issue Tracking Software in 2024

Bug And Issue Tracking Software, Project Management Blog
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In the dynamic world of software development, efficient bug and issue tracking software are paramount to delivering high-quality products. With 2024 upon us, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve and choose the right tools to streamline the bug-tracking process.

Let’s consider a scenario: A software development project requires developers to write thousands of lines of codes, which makes it evident that there will be bugs and issues in the software.

The absence of a systematic way to track and manage bugs and issues makes it even more challenging to keep track of bugs and let alone fix it.

As the codebase grows, so does the potential for oversight, miscommunication, and project delays.

Enter the need for a bug and issue tracking tool – an indispensable lifeline for IT teams striving for precision, efficiency, and project success in the dynamic landscape of software development.

Below we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best bug and issue tracking software for 2024 to help you make effective decisions and keep your projects on track.

  1. Jira Software
  2. BugZilla
  3. Orangescrum
  5. Mantis
  7. eTraxis
  8. Redmine
  9. BugHerd
  10. Backlog

1. Jira Software:

Jira Software, Project Management Blog


Jira Software is a leading bug tracking and project management tool developed by Atlassian. It is renowned for its versatility and is widely adopted by software development and IT teams around the world. Jira Software provides a comprehensive platform for issue tracking, project management, and agile development.

Key Features:

  1. Issue Tracking: Jira excels in issue tracking, allowing teams to create, prioritize, and monitor software defects, tasks, and other work items. It supports custom issue types, workflows, and fields, enabling teams to tailor it to their specific needs.
  2. Custom Workflows: Teams can design custom workflows to match their software development and bug tracking processes. This adaptability is invaluable for organizations with unique requirements.
  3. Agile Tools: Jira is known for its robust agile project management capabilities. It supports popular agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, providing boards, sprints, and backlogs to manage work efficiently.
  4. Real-Time Reporting: Jira offers powerful reporting and dashboard features that provide real-time insights into project progress and issue tracking. Customizable dashboards make it easy to visualize and analyze data.
  5. Integration Ecosystem: Jira integrates seamlessly with a vast ecosystem of third-party tools and Atlassian products like Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello, enabling teams to connect their entire software development stack.
  6. Automation: Jira Software features automation rules that help streamline repetitive tasks and enforce consistency in your bug tracking and project management processes.
  7. Collaboration and Communication: It provides collaboration features, including comments, mentions, and file attachments, to facilitate effective communication and feedback on issues.
  8. Scalability: Jira can scale to meet the needs of small teams and large enterprises. Whether you’re a startup or a multinational corporation, Jira can accommodate your bug tracking and project management requirements.
  9. Cloud and Self-Hosted Options: Jira Software is available as a cloud-based service (Jira Cloud) or for self-hosting (Jira Server/Data Center), giving organizations flexibility in deployment.
  10. Mobile Accessibility: Jira offers mobile apps for iOS and Android, enabling teams to stay connected and manage issues on the go.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Jira offers highly customizable workflows that can be adapted to suit your specific bug tracking and project management processes Jira’s comprehensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners.
It supports popular agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban Advanced versions can be expensive, especially for larger teams and organizations.
Seamlessly integrates with other Atlassian tools such as Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello Running Jira can be resource-intensive, both in terms of hardware requirements and the time and effort required to set up and maintain the system.
Provides advanced reporting and analytics features, offering real-time insights Excessive customization can lead to complexity and make the tool less user-friendly.
Includes automation rules to help streamline repetitive tasks and enforce consistency Jira has a steeper learning curve than simpler bug tracking tools.
Allows teams to visualize issues using Kanban and Scrum boards Jira can become less responsive, leading to performance issues when used by a large organization.
Offers mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing team members to stay connected and manage issues on the go.

2. Bugzilla:

Bugzilla, Project Management Blog(Source:

Bugzilla is a widely-used and highly-regarded open-source bug tracking system that is known for its simplicity and flexibility. It is designed to streamline the process of reporting, tracking, and managing software issues. Bugzilla has been in use for many years and has a strong user community.

Key Features:

  1. Issue Tracking: Bugzilla is primarily focused on issue tracking, enabling users to log and manage software defects, enhancement requests, and other work items effectively.
  2. Customization: One of Bugzilla’s strengths is its high level of customization. Users can tailor the bug tracking process to suit their organization’s specific needs. Custom fields, workflows, and reports can be defined.
  3. Email Notifications: Bugzilla can send email notifications to keep team members informed about updates, changes, and new bug reports. This feature aids in timely issue resolution.
  4. Search and Reporting: It offers a powerful search and reporting system, allowing users to filter and find specific bugs and generate custom reports.
  5. Version Control Integration: Bugzilla can be integrated with version control systems like Git, allowing for seamless association of code changes with bug reports.
  6. Security: Bugzilla has robust security features, including role-based access control, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of bug data.
  7. Community and Support: Bugzilla has a strong open-source community and a wide range of resources, including documentation and forums, providing support and assistance to users.
  8. Scalability: While Bugzilla is often used by small to medium-sized teams, it can be scaled to accommodate the needs of larger organizations with a high volume of bug reports.
  9. Web-Based Interface: Bugzilla provides a web-based interface that makes it accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Bugzilla is open-source software, which means it’s free to use and can be customized to suit your specific requirements. User interfaces can be less intuitive for beginners, and it may take time for new users to become familiar with the system.
It allows users to customize workflows, issue types, and fields, making it adaptable to various bug tracking processes. It can be complex and require advanced technical skills to set up effectively.
Sends email notifications to keep team members informed about updates and changes in bug reports, ensuring timely communication and resolution. Bugzilla primarily focuses on issue tracking and lacks the more comprehensive project management features found in some other tools.
Integrate with version control systems like Git and Subversion, enabling seamless association of code changes with bug reports. Running Bugzilla can be resource-intensive in terms of server requirements and maintenance efforts.
Offers strong security features, including role-based access control, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of bug data. Creating and customizing reports can be complex, and users may need to invest time in understanding the reporting system.
Dedicated open-source community, forums, and extensive documentation, providing support and assistance to users. Bugzilla does not provide features for visual feedback, which can make it less suitable for visual or design-related bug tracking.
Bugzilla is commonly used by small to medium-sized teams, it can be scaled to accommodate the needs of larger organizations.

3. Orangescrum

Orangescrum, Project Management Blog

Orangescrum is a project management and bug tracking software that is designed to help teams streamline their project management, task management, and issue tracking processes. It offers a comprehensive platform for teams to plan, track, and deliver projects efficiently. While not exclusively a bug tracking tool, Orangescrum’s flexibility allows you to adapt it for bug and issue tracking.

Key Features:

  1. Task and Issue Tracking: Orangescrum allows you to create, prioritize, and track tasks and issues. You can log software defects, feature requests, or any other type of issue within the system.
  2. Custom Workflows: You can design and customize workflows to match your specific bug tracking process. This flexibility is valuable for teams with unique requirements.
  3. Time Tracking: Orangescrum includes time tracking features, making it easy to monitor the time spent on bug resolution and other tasks.
  4. Collaboration Tools: It provides collaboration tools such as comments, file attachments, and notifications, enabling effective communication and feedback on issues.
  5. Gantt Charts: For project management, you can create Gantt charts to visualize project timelines and dependencies.
  6. Reporting and Analytics: Orangescrum offers reporting and analytics features to help you gain insights into project progress and issue tracking.
  7. Integration: It supports integration with various third-party apps and tools to enhance your project and bug tracking capabilities.
  8. Role-Based Access Control: You can set up role-based access control to ensure that the right team members have the appropriate access to sensitive information.
  9. Cloud and Self-Hosted Options: Orangescrum provides the flexibility to use it as a cloud-based service or host it on your own servers, depending on your preferences and security requirements.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Orangescrum combines project management and bug tracking in one tool, making it a versatile solution for software development teams. The pricing structure for Orangescrum can become costly, especially for larger teams and organizations. This may require careful budgeting
The software supports customizable workflows, allowing teams to design issue tracking processes tailored to their specific requirements. Due to its wide range of features, users may experience a learning curve when first using Orangescrum, particularly if they are new to the platform.
Orangescrum offers role-based access control, enabling organizations to manage user permissions effectively and ensure data security. Running Orangescrum can be resource-intensive, both in terms of hardware requirements and the time and effort required for setup and maintenance.
It integrates with various third-party applications and tools, allowing teams to connect their entire project and issue management stack. Orangescrum is not primarily designed for visual bug tracking, which may be a limitation for teams that rely heavily on visual feedback for issue reporting
Orangescrum includes time tracking features, which can be valuable for tracking the time spent on resolving bugs and tasks. Smaller teams or organizations with similar needs may find Orangescrum’s feature set to be more than they require, which can be overwhelming.
The platform provides collaboration features like comments, mentions, and file attachments, facilitating communication and feedback on issues and project-related matters.
Orangescrum offers reporting and analytics features to create custom reports and track issue resolution progress.
Mobile apps for iOS and Android devices allow team members to stay connected and manage issues on the go.


Monday, Project Management Blog(Source: is a highly flexible and intuitive work operating system that empowers teams to manage projects, tasks, and collaboration effectively. While not primarily a bug tracking tool,’s adaptability and customizable workflows allow it to be configured for various work-related purposes, including bug tracking and issue management.

Key Features:

  1. Custom Workflows: allows users to create custom boards and workflows tailored to their specific requirements. You can design boards that suit your bug tracking process, defining columns, statuses, and priorities.
  2. Visual Task Management: Its user-friendly interface employs a card-based system for task and issue management, making it easy to organize, track, and update bug-related tasks.
  3. Collaboration and Communication: provides collaboration features such as comments, file attachments, and @mentions, facilitating communication and feedback on issues.
  4. Integration Capabilities: It integrates with a variety of third-party applications and offers a marketplace of pre-built integrations. This allows you to connect with other tools your team uses, potentially enhancing bug tracking capabilities.
  5. Automation: includes automation features, enabling you to automate routine tasks and updates related to bug tracking and issue management.
  6. Reporting and Dashboards: The platform offers reporting and dashboard features to visualize project progress and issue tracking data. You can create custom dashboards to track bug-related metrics.
  7. Cloud and Mobile Accessibility: is cloud-based, enabling remote access from anywhere with an internet connection. It also provides mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, keeping your team connected on the go.
  8. Custom Forms: You can build custom forms to capture bug reports and issue details efficiently.
  9. User Permissions: Role-based user permissions ensure that team members have appropriate access levels to bug and issue data.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons uses a card-based visual interface that is easy to navigate and understand. Some features that are standard in dedicated bug tracking tools may be less robust or absent.
You can design custom boards and workflows to match your bug tracking process, allowing you to define columns, statuses, and priorities as needed. If you require advanced bug tracking features such as version control integration, visual feedback tools, or specialized bug reporting forms, may not offer these to the same extent as dedicated bug tracking software.
Connect your bug tracking process with other software development or project management tools. Designing custom workflows and boards may require time and effort to learn, especially for those new to the platform.
The platform provides collaboration features like comments, file attachments, and mentions, making it easy for team members to communicate, provide feedback, and share information related to bugs. Bug tracking needs extend beyond visual issues (e.g., server errors, database problems),’s visual interface might be less suitable.
Offers automation features, which are beneficial for streamlining repetitive tasks and enforcing consistency in your bug tracking and project management processes. The pricing structure for can become costly as you scale or add more users, making it essential to manage your budget carefully. is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it suitable for remote teams or for those who need to track and manage bugs from multiple locations.

5. Mantis:

MantisBT, Project Management Blog(Source:

Mantis Bug Tracker, commonly referred to as MantisBT, is an open-source web-based bug tracking system designed to help teams efficiently report, track, and manage software issues. It has gained popularity for its simplicity and ease of use, making it an accessible choice for organizations of various sizes.

Key Features:

  1. Issue Tracking: MantisBT excels in issue tracking and allows teams to create, prioritize, and monitor software defects, enhancements, and other work items.
  2. Custom Workflows: The software supports customizable workflows, enabling users to define their bug tracking process and status transitions to align with their specific requirements.
  3. Email Notifications: MantisBT sends email notifications to keep team members informed about updates, changes, and new bug reports, ensuring timely issue resolution and communication.
  4. Access Control: The system offers role-based access control, allowing organizations to configure user permissions based on their needs and security policies.
  5. Custom Fields: Users can define custom fields to capture specific data associated with bug reports, ensuring that all relevant information is included.
  6. Integration: MantisBT can integrate with version control systems like Git and Subversion, streamlining the association of code changes with bug reports.
  7. Reporting and Metrics: The system provides reporting and metrics features to generate custom reports and track bug-related data, offering insights into the bug tracking process.
  8. Time Tracking: Users can log time spent on bug resolution, which is especially useful for tracking efforts on issue management.
  9. Community and Support: MantisBT has a dedicated open-source community, active forums, and extensive documentation that offer support and assistance to users.
  10. Scalability: While MantisBT is commonly used by small to medium-sized teams, it can scale to accommodate the needs of larger organizations.
  11. Mobile Accessibility: The software can be accessed from mobile devices, ensuring users can manage bug tracking even when away from their desks.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Mantis is an open-source software, making it free to use and customizable to suit your specific needs. It’s a cost-effective solution for bug tracking Mantis, while highly customizable, may lack some of the advanced features found in specialized bug tracking tools.
Has a straightforward and user-friendly interface that is easy for team members to navigate, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users. Setting up and administering Mantis may require some technical expertise, particularly for advanced configurations and installations.
The software offers highly customizable workflows, allowing you to tailor the bug tracking process to match your organization’s specific requirements. While customization is a strength, excessive customization can lead to complexity, making the tool less user-friendly for some team members.
Mantis sends email notifications to keep team members informed about updates, changes, and new bug reports. Generating custom reports and advanced analytics may require more effort and may not be as straightforward as with some other bug tracking tool
Mantis can integrate with version control systems like Git, enabling you to associate code changes and commits with bug reports for improved traceability. Mantis does not provide built-in visual feedback tools for annotating screenshots or capturing visual bugs. It is primarily text-based.
It has an active open-source community, dedicated forums, and comprehensive documentation that provide support and assistance to users.
While Mantis is commonly used by small to medium-sized teams, it can be scaled to accommodate the needs of larger organizations.


MarkerIO, Project Management Blog

(Source: is a visual bug tracking and feedback tool that simplifies the process of reporting and managing website issues. It is tailored specifically for web development and design teams who need a user-friendly and efficient way to capture and resolve visual and functional bugs on websites.

Key Features:

  1. Visual Feedback: allows users to capture and annotate screenshots of bugs directly on a webpage. Team members can visually highlight issues, add comments, and provide context, making it easier to understand and resolve bugs.
  2. Integration with Project Management Tools: One of’s strengths is its seamless integration with popular project management tools like Trello, Asana, Jira, GitHub, and more. This ensures that bug reports are directly linked to tasks and projects, streamlining the issue resolution process.
  3. Browser Extensions: offers browser extensions that allow users to capture and report bugs with a single click, enhancing the speed and convenience of bug reporting.
  4. Customization: Teams can customize bug reports by adding custom fields and tags to capture relevant information, such as bug type, severity, and browser details.
  5. Feedback Collaboration: enables efficient feedback collaboration, allowing team members and stakeholders to discuss and prioritize issues directly on the captured screenshots.
  6. Version Control Integration: It can integrate with version control systems, associating code changes and commits with bug reports for complete visibility into the development process.
  7. Dashboard and Reporting: provides a central dashboard for tracking and managing bug reports. It offers reporting features to analyze trends and monitor bug resolution progress.
  8. Automation: The tool offers automation features for recurring tasks, making it easier to manage and categorize incoming bug reports.
  9. Role-Based Access Control: allows organizations to set role-based access control to ensure that the right team members have the appropriate access to issues data.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons specializes in visual feedback, allowing users to capture and annotate screenshots of bugs directly on a webpage. This visual context simplifies issue reporting and understanding. is primarily designed for visual bug tracking. It may not be as well-suited for tracking non-visual bugs, such as server errors or database issues. seamlessly integrates with popular project management and collaboration tools, such as Trello, Asana, Jira, and GitHub. excels in bug tracking, it may lack some of the comprehensive project management features found in dedicated project management tools.
Offers browser extensions that enable users to report and manage bugs with a single click. The pricing structure for can vary based on the number of users and the desired features. As you scale or add more users, costs may increase.
Teams can customize bug reports by adding custom fields and tags to capture specific information related to bug type, severity, and browser details. Teams that primarily deal with non-visual bugs may find the visual feedback and annotation tools less relevant and might prefer a more text-based bug tracking tool.
Facilitates efficient feedback collaboration by allowing team members and stakeholders to discuss and prioritize issues directly on captured screenshots.
Integrates with version control systems, allowing for the association of code changes and commits with bug reports for enhanced traceability.
Provides a central dashboard for tracking and managing bug reports. It offers reporting features to analyze trends and monitor bug resolution progress.
Enables organizations to set role-based access control, ensuring that the right team members have the appropriate access to bug data.

7. eTraxis:

Etraxis, Project Management Blog


eTraxis is an open-source issue tracking system that provides a platform for organizations to log, track, and manage various types of issues, including software defects, tasks, and project-related matters. It offers features to streamline issue tracking and ensure that teams can efficiently resolve issues.

Key Features:

  1. Customizable Workflows: eTraxis supports customizable workflows, allowing organizations to tailor the issue tracking process to their unique needs. Users can define statuses, transitions, and fields to match their workflow.
  2. Email Notifications: The software sends email notifications to keep team members informed about updates, new issue reports, and changes in issue status. This helps ensure timely communication and resolution.
  3. Custom Fields: Users can add custom fields to issue reports to capture specific information related to the type of issues being tracked, enhancing the comprehensiveness of issue data.
  4. Role-Based Access Control: eTraxis offers role-based access control, enabling organizations to manage user permissions and data security effectively.
  5. Version Control Integration: The system can integrate with version control systems, facilitating the association of code changes and commits with issue reports for improved visibility and traceability.
  6. Reporting and Metrics: eTraxis includes reporting and metrics features that allow users to generate custom reports, analyze data, and monitor issue resolution progress.
  7. Web-Based Interface: The web-based interface ensures that the system is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it suitable for remote teams.
  8. Community and Support: eTraxis has a dedicated open-source community, forums, and documentation that provide users with support and assistance.
  9. Scalability: While eTraxis is commonly used by small to medium-sized teams, it can be scaled to meet the needs of larger organizations.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
It is open-source software, which means it is free to use and can be customized to suit your specific needs. It offers a cost-effective solution for issue tracking. eTraxis is primarily focused on issue tracking and may lack some of the comprehensive project management features found in dedicated project management tools.
eTraxis supports customizable workflows, allowing organizations to tailor the issue tracking process to their unique requirements. Users can define statuses, transitions, and fields to match their workflow. While customization is a strength, setting up and configuring eTraxis for advanced use may require technical expertise, which could pose a learning curve for some users.
The software sends email notifications to keep team members informed about updates, new issue reports, and changes in issue status. This feature ensures timely communication and resolution. eTraxis does not provide built-in visual feedback tools for annotating screenshots or capturing visual bugs, which may be a limitation for certain teams.
Users can add custom fields to issue reports to capture specific data related to the type of issues being tracked, enhancing the comprehensiveness of issue data. Creating and customizing reports in eTraxis may require more effort and may not be as straightforward as with some other issue tracking tools.
Integrate with version control systems, facilitating the association of code changes with issue reports for improved traceability. Running eTraxis can be resource-intensive in terms of server requirements and maintenance efforts.
Provides reporting and metrics features to generate custom reports, analyze data, and monitor issue resolution progress.
Web-based interface ensures that the system is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it suitable for remote teams and collaborative projects.
It has a dedicated open-source community, forums, and extensive documentation that provide support and assistance to users.

8. Redmine:

Redmine, Project Management Blog


Redmine is an open-source project management and issue tracking system that is widely used for managing software projects and tracking issues, including bugs, tasks, and feature requests. Redmine is known for its versatility and flexibility, making it suitable for a variety of project management and issue tracking needs.

Key Features:

  1. Issue Tracking: Redmine excels in issue tracking, allowing teams to create, prioritize, and monitor software defects, tasks, and other work items.
  2. Custom Workflows: The software supports customizable workflows, allowing users to define the status and transitions that match their specific issue tracking process.
  3. Email Notifications: Redmine sends email notifications to keep team members informed about updates, new issue reports, and changes in issue status. This feature ensures that communication is timely and issues are resolved efficiently.
  4. Custom Fields and Categories: Users can add custom fields and categories to issue reports to capture specific information related to the type of issues being tracked, improving the comprehensiveness of issue data.
  5. Version Control Integration: Redmine can integrate with popular version control systems like Git and Subversion, allowing for the association of code changes with issue reports for enhanced traceability.
  6. Gantt Charts and Timelines: The software provides Gantt charts and timelines to visualize project progress and dependencies, enhancing project management capabilities.
  7. Role-Based Access Control: Redmine offers role-based access control, enabling organizations to manage user permissions and data security effectively.
  8. Plugins and Customization: Redmine supports plugins and custom themes, providing users with the ability to extend its functionality and tailor its appearance to their needs.
  9. Community and Support: Redmine has an active open-source community and provides extensive documentation, forums, and resources for support and assistance.
  10. Scalability: While Redmine is commonly used by small to medium-sized teams, it can be scaled to meet the needs of larger organizations.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Redmine is open-source software, making it free to use and customizable to suit your specific needs. It offers a cost-effective solution for issue tracking. Setting up and configuring Redmine, especially for more advanced or customized use, may require technical expertise and pose a learning curve for beginners.
Redmine supports customizable workflows, allowing organizations to tailor the issue tracking process to their unique requirements. Users can define statuses, transitions, and fields to match their workflow. Offering reporting features, creating and customizing advanced reports may require additional effort and may not be as intuitive as in some other issue tracking tools.
Redmine can seamlessly integrate with popular version control systems like Git and Subversion, making it easy to associate code changes with issue reports for enhanced traceability. The user interface of Redmine, although functional, may not be as modern or intuitive compared to some other project management and issue tracking tools.
Offers role-based access control, enabling organizations to manage user permissions effectively and ensure data security. Redmine does not provide built-in visual feedback tools for annotating screenshots or capturing visual bugs, which may be a limitation for certain teams.
It has a robust plugin system, allowing users to extend its functionality and tailor it to their needs by integrating additional features and tools. While the plugin system is a strength, relying heavily on plugins may introduce complexities and dependencies in the long run.
Can add custom fields and categories to issue reports to capture specific information related to the type of issues being tracked, improving the comprehensiveness of issue data.
Has an active open-source community, forums, and extensive documentation that provide support and assistance to users.
It is commonly used by small to medium-sized teams, but it can be scaled to meet the needs of larger organizations.

9. BugHerd:

BugHerd, Project Management Blog


BugHerd is a visual bug tracking and feedback tool created specifically for web development and design teams. It simplifies the process of reporting and managing website issues, making it an efficient solution for capturing and resolving visual and functional bugs on web projects.

Key Features:

  1. Visual Feedback: BugHerd allows users to capture visual feedback by adding pins, annotations, and comments directly onto web pages. This visual context makes it easy to identify, prioritize, and resolve issues.
  2. Integration with Project Management Tools: BugHerd integrates seamlessly with popular project management and collaboration tools, such as Trello, Asana, Jira, and GitHub. This ensures that bug reports are directly linked to tasks and projects, streamlining the issue resolution process.
  3. Browser Extensions: BugHerd offers browser extensions that enable users to report and manage bugs with a single click, enhancing the speed and convenience of bug tracking.
  4. Customization: Teams can customize bug reports by adding tags, labels, and custom fields to capture specific information related to the issues they are tracking.
  5. Feedback Collaboration: BugHerd facilitates efficient collaboration by allowing team members and stakeholders to discuss and prioritize issues directly on the web page.
  6. Version Control Integration: The tool can integrate with version control systems, allowing for the association of code changes and commits with bug reports for enhanced traceability.
  7. Dashboard and Reporting: BugHerd provides a central dashboard where you can track and manage bug reports. It offers reporting features to analyze trends and monitor the progress of bug resolution.
  8. Role-Based Access Control: BugHerd enables organizations to set role-based access control to manage user permissions and data security effectively.
  9. Cloud Accessibility: As a cloud-based solution, BugHerd is accessible from any location with an internet connection. This makes it suitable for remote teams and collaborative projects.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
BugHerd excels in visual feedback, allowing users to capture and annotate screenshots of bugs directly on a webpage. BugHerd is primarily designed for tracking visual issues. It may not be as well-suited for tracking non-visual bugs, such as server errors or database problems.
Seamlessly integrates with popular project management and collaboration tools, such as Trello, Asana, Jira, and GitHub. While BugHerd excels in bug tracking, it may lack some of the comprehensive project management features found in dedicated project management tools.
Offers browser extensions that enable users to report and manage bugs with a single click. This enhances the speed and convenience of bug reporting. The pricing structure for BugHerd can become costly as you scale or add more users, making it essential to manage your budget carefully.
Teams can customize bug reports by adding custom fields, tags, and labels to capture specific information related to the issues they are tracking. Teams that primarily deal with non-visual bugs may find the visual feedback and annotation tools less relevant and might prefer a more text-based bug tracking tool.
It facilitates efficient collaboration by allowing team members and stakeholders to discuss and prioritize issues directly on captured screenshots.
The tool integrates with version control systems, allowing for the association of code changes and commits with bug reports for enhanced traceability.
BugHerd provides a central dashboard where you can track and manage bug reports.
BugHerd enables organizations to set role-based access control to manage user permissions and data security effectively.

10. Backlog:

Backlog, Project Management Blog


Backlog is a project management and bug tracking tool specifically tailored for development teams. Developed by Nulab, Backlog provides a comprehensive platform for software development projects, including issue tracking, version control, wikis, and collaboration tools. It is popular among software development teams for its focus on software project management.

Key Features:

  1. Issue Tracking: Backlog allows teams to create, prioritize, and track software defects, tasks, and other work items. It provides customizable workflows and fields to match your specific bug tracking process.
  2. Customizable Workflows: Teams can design custom workflows to match their software development and bug tracking process. This flexibility is valuable for organizations with unique requirements.
  3. Version Control Integration: Backlog seamlessly integrates with version control systems like Git and Subversion, making it easy to associate code changes with bug reports and track development progress.
  4. Wikis and Documentation: The platform offers wikis and documentation capabilities, allowing teams to create and store project-related documents, notes, and knowledge in one central location.
  5. Collaboration Tools: Backlog provides collaboration features such as comments, file attachments, and mentions, facilitating communication and feedback on issues and project-related matters.
  6. Gantt Charts: Gantt charts and timelines enable users to visualize project timelines, dependencies, and milestones, improving project management capabilities.
  7. Mobile Accessibility: Backlog offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling team members to stay connected and manage issues on the go.
  8. Integration Capabilities: The platform integrates with various third-party applications and offers a marketplace of pre-built integrations, allowing teams to connect their entire software development stack.
  9. Role-Based Access Control: Organizations can configure role-based access control to manage user permissions and data security effectively.
  10. Cloud and Self-Hosted Options: Backlog is available both as a cloud-based service (Backlog Cloud) and for self-hosting (Backlog Self-Hosted), providing organizations with deployment flexibility.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Backlog provides a comprehensive platform for software development projects, including issue tracking, version control, wikis, and collaboration tools. It combines project management and bug tracking in one tool. The pricing structure for Backlog can become expensive, especially for larger teams and organizations. Careful budgeting is necessary.
Teams can design custom workflows to match their software development and bug tracking process. This flexibility is valuable for organizations with unique requirements. Due to its wide range of features, users may experience a learning curve when first using Backlog, particularly if they are new to the platform
Backlog seamlessly integrates with version control systems like Git and Subversion, allowing you to associate code changes with bug reports and track development progress. Running Backlog can be resource-intensive, both in terms of hardware requirements and the time and effort required to set up and maintain the system.
The platform offers wikis and documentation capabilities, allowing teams to create and store project-related documents, notes, and knowledge in one central location. While customization is a strength, excessive customization can lead to complexity and make the tool less user-friendly for some team members.
It provides collaboration features such as comments, file attachments, and mentions, facilitating communication and feedback on issues and project-related matters. Backlog is not primarily designed for visual bug tracking, which may be a limitation for teams that heavily rely on visual feedback for issue reporting.
Gantt charts and timelines enable users to visualize project timelines, dependencies, and milestones, improving project management capabilities.
It offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling team members to stay connected and manage issues on the go.
The platform integrates with various third-party applications and offers a marketplace of pre-built integrations, allowing teams to connect their entire software development stack.


As you evaluate bug and issue tracking software for your team in 2024, consider the unique needs and workflow of your organization. The right tool can significantly enhance productivity, collaboration, and product quality.

Each of these software options has its own strengths, and selecting the best one depends on your team’s specific requirements.

Be sure to explore the latest updates and features of these tools to make an informed decision that will propel your software development projects to success in 2024 and beyond.

If you are looking for an All-In-One Bug and Issue Tracking Software try Orangescrum. It offers powerful tools to manage all aspects of project development such as task tracking, time tracking, backlog management, and most importantly bug and issue tracking.

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Orangescrum's intuitive and simple time tracking tool makes it easy to manage your team and keep them on task so you don't have to spend time supervising.

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