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Why And How To Manage Multiple Projects

How To Manage Multiple Projects, Project Management Blog
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Running multiple projects simultaneously is a given. As project and portfolio managers we have to run multiple programs and projects to further the strategic vision of our company and customers alike.

Project management becomes more and more complex if the right approaches and skills are not applied at the right time.

And as a manager you need to deploy a broad range of skills from leadership, business acumen, stakeholder expectation management, time & resource management, planning and strategist, empathy, emotional intelligence to technical know-how and understanding of the organization dynamics.

How can the above skills help us to manage multiple projects “


1. Grow Your Experience and Save more Time:

By working on multiple projects you get to constantly learn new technology, work with new teams, and improve domain knowledge and overall multitasking skills.

2. Organizations Look for Multi-Project Handlers:

Know full well that organizations want a jack of all trades who can shift gears as and when required. You should be able to run a whole program with multiple projects along with project that have unique requirements.

Some projects will check your team management skills while others may test your domain knowledge or your adaptability to customer requirements.

Giphy, Project Management Blog

So you need a very high emotional quotient to understand the needs of these different teams, to keep them motivated, to improve productivity rates, and to keep them all committed to the profitability of the project at the same time.

Take a look at how successful company founders, co-founders and CEOs handle multiple initiatives, like Mark Zuckerberg running Facebook, Instagram and more.

In the Infographic, we have mentioned the project management strategies that will help to streamline your multiple projects.

Why And How To Manage Multiple Projects, Project Management Blog


Working on multiple projects at the same time requires more dedication and skills. Simple and effective project management software makes your work simpler and easier.

A tool like Orangescrum that is designed to accommodate as many project as possible. Thanks to the simple and intuitive operation of UI, it can be used even by people who have no experience with project management.

You can track all your projects, tasks, resources and their allocation, availability and utilization with Orangescrum giving you a 360 degrees view of your entire portfolio.

Start running multiple projects successfully with a 15 day free trial today!

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