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10 Best Self Hosted Project Management Software

Top 10 Enterprise Project Management Software For Your Business In 2021, Project Management Blog
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In today’s business workflow, business success can be identified by the ability of your project management methodology. As the project management guides to a better alliance of projects with the organization’s strategy.

Using some of the best self hosted project management software, organizations can easily observe the growth of ROI, budget, and team performance as well.

But the organizations that are not looking to invest in certain software, open-source or  self hosted project management could be the best option to go for.

Once the culture of project management practice becomes more mature between the team, the organization can go for the full phase ahead.

Let’s explore the top benefits of open-source project management tools.

The Myths Of Open Source Project Management Tool, Project Management Blog


The Open Source Project Management Software

To understand what EPM is , it’s better to take a step back and consider the definition of project management.

It will be better to have a step back and re-consider about the description of project management to make a better understanding of open Source project management.

Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time” – Wikipedia

However, a company involved in multiple projects, each focused on a unique goal with a specific deadline, needs a way to organize and direct those projects. That’s where Open Source Project Management comes into play.

The Open Source project management refers to the way of handling projects on a company-wide scale.

The methodology of EPM brings together several strategies and methods that focused on agility and increasing the effectiveness of the company’s portfolio.

Here I have listed the Open Source project management software that is available for large-scale business.

1. Orangescrum Self Hosted

Built on Open-source, Orangescrum Self hosted Project Management tool enables organizations to manage increasingly complex business requirements. This is the one centralized solution for all vital portfolio stats – project progress, resource management, time tracking, CSAT & profitability. This Open Source Project Management Software that enables collaboration & agility at “all” levels. Success & Efficiency for every role.

Orangescrum, Project Management Blog

Features Available:

  • On-Premises Installation
  • 100% Data Ownership
  • High security – LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory
  • Unlimited Projects, Milestones & Tasks
  • Project Planning
  • Schedule Management
  • Time & Resource Management
  • Executive Report & Dashboard
  • Budget & Expense Management
  • Bug & Issue Tracking
  • Google & Dropbox Integration
  • Document & Wiki Knowledge Management
  • In-App Chat

To learn how Orangescrum Open Source Project Management software can help keep your projects within budget, set up a personalized demo today!

Don’t wait another day!

Orangescrum gives unlimited storage for any number of projects to your whole team for free.

2. WorkZone

Workzone pairs the clean, intuitive design of software designed for smaller teams, like other EPM, with the security and raw power and many more options. What’s great about this combination is that it allows you to continue using Work zone as your business grows larger and larger, without the hassle of having to move to a different platform.

Workzone, Project Management Blog

3. Primavera

Oracle’s project management solution Primavera isn’t worth considering unless you’re working with multiple projects at once. Besides project management, it’s focused on project portfolio management. If that’s what you need then you’ll find all sorts of useful features to keep all your programs and projects running smoothly. The ability to add project expenses at the activity level and multiple project tracking.

Primavera, Project Management Blog

4. Clarizen

Clarizen is one of the most user friendly Open Source project management software options. But don’t let it ease, it’s still packed with all the powerful tools you need like extensive planning features and state of the art security technology. Of course, all of this comes at a price, but if you can afford it, it’s worth the investment.

Clarizen, Project Management Blog

5. Liquid Planner

If you need a program that allows for flexibility within each project, then look no further than Liquid Planner. Whenever you reprioritize the tasks in a project, or your available resources change, this software will automatically update the task and project completion dates across your whole portfolio. Another nifty feature is the integrated time and budget tracking, making it easy to keep on budget.

Liquid Planner, Project Management Blog

6. Workfront

Everyone on a team has a specific role. Workfront is designed to maximize the output from each role-player and therefore get the most productivity possible out of your teams. With well-developed resource allocation features, Workfront makes it easy to balance team members’ workloads, dragging and dropping assignments from one to another.

Workfront, Project Management Blog

7. VersionOne

VersionOne is another option targeted towards software developers, but it is even more specialized than JIRA, focusing solely on Agile development. This sort of specialization makes VersionOne an easy choice if you do fit into its target market, but if you don’t you’re going to want to pick another option from this list.

VersionOne, Project Management Blog

8. Smartsheet

If you like spreadsheets and are looking for a project management solution then you’ll love Smartsheet.   It is essentially mashes the both. And since it’s built to scale, you’ll enjoy the simplicity of your average spreadsheet no matter how many people you’re managing. If that doesn’t sell you, perhaps the fact that it’s used by half of Fortune 500 companies will change your mind.

SmartSheet, Project Management Blog

9. Twproject

Twproject makes sure that everything is always just one click away. Their central document archiving is second to none, with files associated with specific projects and also completely searchable. In addition, it is also offers impressive time tracking options and a very nifty automated resource allocation feature.

Twproject, Project Management Blog

10. Sciforma

Sciforma is all Open Source all the time, so much so that it actually limits you to a minimum of 20 users.  And just to make that clear, they define a user as ‘a project manager, portfolio manager and/or resources manager’, so most of your team members don’t count towards that number. That focus shows through in the features they provide, many of which have their eye on the big picture.

Sciforma, Project Management Blog


The purpose of  Open Source workflow management software is to build a single environment to run the complexity and recurring business and individual projects.

Open Source are overwhelmed with too many projects, and a simple tool just doesn’t cut it.

Open source is fit to coordinate the multiple work-groups using multiple technologies from customized to multicultural group solutions.

Explore more to define logical workflow across your projects.

If I have missed any useful Open Source project management software that are available on market, share your thought on the comment section.

Orangescrum gives unlimited storage for any number of projects to your whole team for free.

Orangescrum gives unlimited storage for any number of projects to your whole team for free.

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