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9 Excellent Time-Tracking Software for Project Managers

9 Excellent Time Tracking Software For Project Managers, Project Management Blog
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As the old saying goes: ‘Time is money.’ In business, the correlation between time and earnings, or rather time wasting and loss of earnings, is crystal clear.

Efficiency is a field dedicated to the idea of time management and how to get the most from your employees and from your company.

Efficiency experts are often drafted into companies to take a long hard look at the personnel, their current utilization with the goal to ensure there aren’t any glaring leaks when it comes to planned vs. actual hours.

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If an efficiency expert is being called in, that means something has already gone wrong. A project manager, it’s your job to know enough about this side of things to avoid needing to get to that stage.

One of the most useful tools in that regard is a Time-Tracker of some sort; software that you can use to keep a tab on the work rate of your office or of certain teams on their projects.

In the age of technology, there are so many options to choose from, so let’s take a look at a few now.


1. Harvest

Like most of the software on this list, Harvest has a free option with limits on its functionality and then has options to upgrade to paid versions suitable for large teams or office-wide usage. One of the really impactful things which Harvest brings with it is its ability to integrate with other software. Often project managers will like to build a suite of tools and the more that they slot into one another, the more useful it is. In this instance, it can connect smoothly with lots of pre-built software. It is cloud based for convenience and plays very well with small businesses as a way of monitoring progress as it is made.

2. Orangescrum

Orangescrum is a popular & easy to use time tracking software. It has many useful features such as agile project management, task management, resource management, time tracking and others. It promises that you will be at least 30% more productive, something many users have witnessed themselves.

All in all, very useful and surprisingly modern services that will help you improve your business life.

3. Google Calendar

It wouldn’t be a list of tech solutions for business if Google didn’t manage to worm its way onto it. Google calendar is an intuitive program with good time-tracking abilities that can be an excellent free option for you and your team. This said, it still makes most sense only if you’re working within the Google+ suite already, and it obviously integrates like clockwork with the other applications that Google offers. It’s highly reviewed and come with all the usual excellent features that Google offers with their stuff. What’s not to like!

4. Timesheet

Timesheet is a time-tracker that offers an individualistic solution that you won’t have even thought about needing before. And that is automatic time tracking. Instead of needing to clock in, Time Tracker has a smart system where it recognizes things like a certain Wi-Fi connection and begins tracking time as soon as that connection begins, automatically backing up the data through Dropbox. The biggest disappointment with Timesheet is that it isn’t compatible with Android, only iOS, which feels as if they’re missing a trick. Otherwise worth checking out.

5. Hubstaff

Hubstaff is a really rigorous time-tracking tool that can be used for a variety of applications. It’s particularly efficient in handling the back end of projects, with a built-in system for issuing invoices, and paying employees. One of Hub staff’s huge draws is how it is an excellent option for tracking off-site employees. So much of modern commerce can be achieved through freelancers and employees scattered around the globe that this is a really valuable tool for most modern companies. A brilliant time saving option, Hubstaff is an all-in-one service with a lot to like.

6. Toggl

Toggl is a smart and modern solution for time-tracking, with all the bells and whistles one would expect from a forward-facing tech option. With great inter-software integration, particularly for Fresh Books users, apps for all devices and cloud or installed options, it’ll always be a really valuable option for you. Its ability to integrate is particularly powerful and its flexibility sets it apart from its competitors. Toggl is also a leading option for individuals running small businesses, at least in part due to the aforementioned flexibility. Definitely a smart option that you are going to want to check out.

7. TSheets

TSheets is a unique entry on this list in that it comes complete with GPS tracking. This may not be something that interests you for your business particularly, but for a lot of employees it is a bit of a God send. Not only is it particularly useful for companies who have employees off-site, in the field, it can also be immensely useful if you are trying to protect yourself against fraudulent clocking in, since you can see where employees are when they clock in. TSheets also has great customer service for if you run into problems at any point.

8. aTimeLogger

aTimeLogger, with its simplistic and direct name, appeals most specifically to individuals. So if you are your own project manager, this could be for you. It is able to be used outside of work, meaning that if you are working remotely and struggling to separate work-life and home-life, aTimeLogger will really help you to stay on top of how you split up your day and how best to alter things for optimal results. It also has a cool goal-setting area that can be a helpful motivator.

9. Avaza

Avaza is a cloud-based tool with lots to offer. It has a real sense of all-in-one with tons of extra abilities that can help you keep all of your employees in order. It is also known for its customer support service which we all know to be a great thing. A popular option that has everything you need.


It’s important that you take the time to ensure that you find the right tracker for you, because once you do, you will find your productivity, and the amount you achieve with the time you and your team have, could skyrocket. There are lots of options out there, so get exploring!

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