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The Use of Story Point and Sprint Report in Agile Project Methodology

The Use Of Story Point And Sprint Report In Agile Project Methodology, Project Management Blog
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In the dynamic world of software development, agile project methodology has emerged as a highly effective approach to project management.

Agile empowers teams to adapt to changing requirements, collaborate seamlessly, and deliver projects in incremental iterations.

Among the many essential tools and techniques in agile, story points and sprint reports play a pivotal role?

In this blog, we will explore the significance of story points, how they are used to manage projects, and their benefits in generating sprint planning reports.

Additionally, we will delve into alternative methods such as time estimation and task count, with a focus on how Orangescrum enhances project planning with its comprehensive feature set.


How Story Points are Used to Manage Agile Projects:

Story points act as a unit of measure in agile projects, representing the complexity, effort, and size of user stories or backlog items.

They provide a relative estimation that allows teams to prioritize, plan, and execute tasks effectively.

Unlike traditional time-based estimations, story points abstract away the constraints of time and enable teams to focus on the inherent complexity of the work at hand.

How Story Points are Calculated During Sprint Planning:

During sprint planning, teams collectively assign story points to backlog items based on their complexity and the effort required.

The Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…) or the modified Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 20, 40…) are often used as a scale to represent story points.

Through discussions, comparisons, and deliberations, teams reach a consensus on the story point values for each item.

Example of story point matrix: This is from Asana we can create something similar of our own.

Storypoint Matrix, Project Management Blog

(Source – Asana)

Best Practices for Effective Story Point Estimation in Sprint

Story point estimation is a crucial aspect of agile project management as it helps teams prioritize, plan, and execute tasks effectively during sprints. To ensure accurate and reliable story point estimation, consider implementing the

Following best practices:

  • Involve the Entire Team: Story point estimation should be a collaborative effort involving the entire team, including developers, testers, product owners, and stakeholders. Each team member brings a unique perspective and understanding of the tasks, leading to a more comprehensive estimation.
  • Use the Planning Poker Technique: The Planning Poker technique is a popular method for story point estimation. It involves each team member providing their individual estimates for a specific user story or backlog item. The team then discusses their estimates and reaches a consensus on the final story point value. This approach encourages open communication and prevents one team member’s influence from dominating the estimation process.
  • Compare with Past User Stories: Use historical data from previous sprints to compare the complexity and effort of new user stories. This provides valuable insights into the team’s velocity and helps in making more accurate estimates for upcoming tasks. Consistency in the estimation process helps improve accuracy over time.
  • Establish a Common Baseline: To achieve consistent estimations, establish a baseline story that the entire team agrees upon. This baseline represents a “medium” level of complexity and serves as a reference for future estimations. Having a common understanding of this baseline helps align the team’s estimation efforts.
  • Break Down Larger Tasks: For complex user stories or tasks with high story points, consider breaking them down into smaller, manageable sub-tasks. Estimating smaller sub-tasks is often more accurate and helps avoid overestimating or underestimating large tasks.
  • Consider Technical Debt and Risks: Factor in technical debt and potential risks associated with a user story when assigning story points. Addressing technical debt or high-risk elements may impact the overall complexity and effort required for the task.
  • Regularly Review and Refine Estimations: During sprint retrospectives, review the actual effort and complexity of completed user stories compared to their estimated story points. This retrospective analysis helps identify areas for improvement and enables the team to refine their estimation process continuously.
  • Use Relative Sizing: Story points represent relative sizing and not absolute units of time. Avoid tying story points to specific time frames (e.g., hours or days). Instead, focus on the relative complexity and effort required compared to other tasks.
  • Re-Estimate When Necessary: As the project progresses and more information becomes available, be prepared to re-estimate user stories if needed. Changes in requirements or new insights may lead to more accurate estimations.
  • Train the Team on Story Point Estimation: Provide training and workshops on the concept and practice of story point estimation. This helps team members develop a common understanding and approach to estimation, leading to more consistent and accurate results.

By implementing these best practices, agile teams can enhance the accuracy of their story point estimation, leading to better planning, improved productivity, and successful sprint execution.

Benefits of Using Story Points in Generating Sprint Planning Reports:

Story points provide several benefits in generating sprint planning reports. Firstly, they offer a more accurate and reliable way to estimate the effort required for each item, considering the uncertainties and complexities involved.

This helps in setting realistic expectations and timelines for project stakeholders. Secondly, story points facilitate effective prioritization, enabling teams to focus on high-value items during each sprint.

Lastly, story points foster transparency and communication within the team and with stakeholders, as they provide a shared language to discuss and understand project progress.

Challenges in Using Story Points

  • Inconsistent Estimations: Team members may have varying interpretations of complexity, leading to inconsistent story point assignments for the same task. This can result in inaccurate planning and difficulties in comparing task efforts.
  • Relatively Abstract: Story points are abstract units of measurement and do not directly translate to specific time frames. This can make it challenging for stakeholders and clients to understand project timelines and delivery dates, especially if they are more accustomed to traditional time-based estimates.
  • Learning Curve: Introducing story points to a team that is new to Agile or Scrum can lead to a steep learning curve. It takes time and practice for team members to grasp the concept fully and estimate tasks effectively.
  • Velocity Fluctuations: A team’s velocity (the number of story points completed in an iteration) may vary from one sprint to another. External factors, team dynamics, and changing requirements can all contribute to velocity fluctuations, making long-term planning more complex.
  • Incorporating Non-Development Tasks: Story points are primarily used for development tasks, but in real projects, there are other non-development activities such as research, documentation, and meetings. Estimating these non-development tasks with story points can be challenging and may require special considerations.
  • Task Dependencies: When estimating user stories or tasks, dependencies between them can influence the effort required to complete each one. However, story points often do not account for such interdependencies explicitly.
  • Overemphasis on Velocity: Teams might overly focus on improving their velocity without paying enough attention to other crucial aspects of project development, such as code quality, testing, and user feedback. This can lead to rushed work and compromised outcomes.
  • Resistance to Change: Some team members or stakeholders may be resistant to adopting story points, especially if they are used to traditional time-based estimates. Overcoming this resistance and convincing the team of the benefits may take time and effort.
  • Scaling Across Teams: In larger organizations with multiple teams working on interconnected projects, aligning story points between teams can be challenging. This issue becomes more pronounced when teams work on different parts of the same project.
  • Misalignment with Business Metrics: In some cases, business stakeholders might want to know the project’s progress in terms of revenue generated or cost savings, which are not directly tied to story points. Aligning story points with meaningful business metrics can be a complex task.

A Real-Life Scenario of Story Point in Backlog and Sprint Planning:

Consider a software development project for an iOS app development of a photo app.

The project team conducts a collaborative session to evaluate and assign story points to the various user stories.

For example, a user story involving implementing a photo filter feature might be assigned 9 story points, indicating its relative complexity.

Task Creation Story Points, Project Management Blog

Meanwhile, a user story related to updating the application’s color scheme might be assigned 3 story points, signifying its relatively straightforward nature.

App Color Scheme, Project Management Blog

These story points then serve as the foundation for prioritizing the backlog items, enabling the team to focus on critical functionalities and manage risks effectively.

View Backlogs, Project Management Blog

How Story Points are Used to Generate Sprint Reports:

Burndown Chart, Project Management Blog

Story points play a pivotal role in generating sprint reports. The cumulative story points completed in each sprint provide insights into the team’s velocity, which reflects their productivity and capacity to deliver work.

This information helps project managers make data-driven decisions, predict future iterations’ outcomes, and ensure a sustainable pace for the team.

Additionally, story points contribute to the accuracy of release planning and forecasting, providing stakeholders with a transparent view of project progress and anticipated timelines.

Top 10 Reasons Why Project Managers Should Use Story Points?

  1. More accurate and reliable estimation of effort.
  2. Effective prioritization based on complexity and value.
  3. Improved resource allocation and task assignment.
  4. Transparent and consistent communication with stakeholders.
  5. Better planning and realistic project timelines.
  6. Facilitates agile adaptability and flexibility.
  7. Accurate progress tracking and monitoring.
  8. Enables data-driven decision-making.
  9. Enhanced forecasting and release planning.
  10. Promotes continuous improvement and learning.

Alternatives to Story Points in Planning a Sprint:

While story points are widely embraced in the agile community, alternative methods for sprint planning do exist.

Time estimation, based on hours or days required to complete a task, is one such approach.

Another method is task count, where the focus is solely on the number of items to be completed.

These alternatives may seem straightforward, but they come with inherent pitfalls and limitations.

Orangescrum Offers Time Estimation and Task Count Features to Plan Projects:

Orangescrum, a leading project management software, understands the diverse needs of agile teams.

With its comprehensive feature set, including time estimation and task count, Orangescrum provides project managers with flexibility in planning their sprints.

While these features can be useful for specific use cases, it’s crucial to understand their limitations compared to story points.

Why Task Count and Time Estimation Are Not Recommended in Project Planning:

Task count and time estimation fail to account for the inherent complexities and uncertainties that are prevalent in software development.

Time estimates often underestimate the required effort, leading to inaccurate planning and missed deadlines.

Similarly, task count disregards variations in complexity, treating all tasks equally and failing to reflect the true effort involved. These limitations make them less effective in managing agile projects.

A Real-Life Scenario of Task Count and Time Estimation in Project Planning and Reporting:

In contrast to story points, task count and the time estimation are alternative approaches used in project planning.

For instance, a project manager may choose to estimate the number of tasks required to complete each user story or estimate the number of hours or days for each task.

However, these approaches often overlook the complexities and uncertainties inherent in software development projects.

Time estimation can lead to unrealistic expectations and missed deadlines, while task count fails to consider variations in complexity and effort required.

As a result, project planning and reporting based solely on task count or time estimation may result in inaccurate forecasts and hinder effective project management.


In the fast-paced world of agile project management, precision, adaptability, and collaboration are paramount.

Orangescrum understands these needs and offers a comprehensive suite of features, including the powerful story point estimation technique, as well as time estimation and task count capabilities.

By leveraging these features, project managers can plan their sprints with confidence, embracing the true spirit of agile methodology.

Unleash the full potential of your agile projects with Orangescrum and experience a new level of efficiency, accuracy, and success.

Remember, in the realm of agile, precision and adaptability go hand in hand, and Orangescrum is your trusted ally on this transformative journey.

Start maximizing your team’s potential today and witness the remarkable difference it can make in your project’s success.

If you need any further clarification on the use of Story Points in agile projects, you can contact our support team at or book a demo with our expert!

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