Today, we get hundreds of emails a week, from promotions to sales pitches to newsletters. Email seems to be the new form of communication at the workplace, with colleagues and bosses emailing about every damn thing.
Managing our inbox has taken over our actual jobs. Employees spend about 28% of their day interacting with their email accounts, the most time of any daily activity in the workplace.
If we are managing a project, emailing is making us work less efficiently, communicate less clearly, and waste time sorting valuable information.
Predictably we should understand what’s pulling us down.
Email threads are bulky and annoying, especially with a large number of replies or when the conversation drifts off from the original topic, making it hard to focus.
Through Only Text email, we lose 93% of intended communication due to lack of adequate information. Maximum time is wasted attempting to interpret an email. The recipient may just not understand the request or call to action, causing missed deadlines and tasks to fall through the cracks.
Email was meant to enable quick fixes, not for creating an endless tangle of folders and labels to try and organize work. Tasks, conversations, and information are scattered between inboxes, apps, attachments and chats hard to correlate.
Who can keep track of a file when it’s being sent around to multiple people for edits, review, and approval? Attempting to collaborate via email is, digging through a sea of messages and attachments to find the right version. And, the file you’re working on must be constantly synced with everyone else’s version. How?
Each department holds its own truths – statistics, important documents, files, discussions, etc. As there is no central location for work, employees turn to email to find and ask for what they need. Important information can stay siloed in an organization and other employees can’t have access to it.
So now on, let’s cut email out of our project workspace. No! We don’t advise you to delete your inbox and never send a message again. But, to manage projects, collaborate on files, and assign tasks, just find a smart alternative that‘ll make your life easier.
So, how to manage your projects? How about Orangescrum that provides –
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