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Why Productivity is the Real Badge of Honor

Why Productivity Is The Real Badge Of Honor, Project Management Blog
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Employees working for long hours and badging themselves as “I am busy” is not uncommon these days. Researchers show that a busy and overworked lifestyle has become an aspirational status symbol instead of productivity.

This leads to some obvious consequences such as improper work-life balance, staying unhealthy and unhappy frequently and finally decreasing your Productivity at the workplace.

Effective and successful businesses understand the importance of workplace productivity.

If your employees are happy, their productivity will increase, and that’s exactly what you need to help your business grow.

To be happy, you need to have proper work-life-balance which becomes easy with but also with proficient task and time management and a little hard work.

How do we strike that perfect balance?

What can we do to become organized and results driven without creating a ruckus?

Let us take a look at some proven tips to be productive at our workplace:-


Be Goal-Oriented:-

Busy works happen when there is no visualization of clear goals. It is important to be goal-oriented.

Goal Oriented, Project Management Blog

Working on projects without having a clear visualization of the outcomes is just running on the endless path. You are just running to reach nowhere.

Thus, it is important to have documentation on the planned goals and meet regularly to check the progress against it.

Prioritize your Tasks and Time Management:-

In order to be productive, one must learn to prioritize the task in terms of value it adds to your project. Make a quick list of tasks that you have planned for the day. Prioritize the list in terms of value it adds to the project progress and time required to complete these tasks.

Prioritize, Project Management Blog

It is clear wastage of time and resource when they are focused on activities that do not generate any returns.  Hence, time tracking becomes important.

Time management also plays a vital role to enhance your productivity. Just planning out and prioritizing tasks will not help you to be productive.

You should closely watch your estimated vs actual time spend to ensure high resource utilization and timely delivery.

With practice, you should soon be in a position where your estimates always meet your actuals. True hallmark of excellent time management and rising profit margins.

Avoid Multitasking:-

Multitasking is the biggest enemy of productivity. In order to be productive, you should avoid multitasking at your workplace. Multitasking scatters your efforts and concentration across different tasks that you try to do at the same time.

Multitasking, Project Management Blog

In essence, you are only able to provide limited focus and attention and are left with sub-optimal results. Not the outcome you hoped for. It directly impacts your productivity and increases your time and efforts. Neither are desirable.

Maintain Transparency with your team:-

When you are working in a team, it is imperative to maintain transparency within the team. Share your plans, suggestion, progress, and issues with your team. This helps the team to be informed and increases accountability.

Transparency 1, Project Management Blog

Transparency leads to motivation and enhanced commitment to the tasks at hand. The teams are quick to adopt your strategic initiatives and align themselves with the company’s vision.

At OrangeScrum, we ensure transparency is maintained in the team to make sure that our teammates are not only busy but also their efforts are invested in a way which adds some value to our projects

Bringing it Together                                                      

When there is a good amount of investment of time and resource, you should make sure that the work brings out a desired RoI & adds to your success.

Overall, with increasing control over your day, you manage to deliver better results. It is important to break your day into hours and minutes to track them 1hour at a time. Smaller winds lead to great victories over time.

Staying committed to your plans and goals set by you is the key. It adds to the much-needed focus and instills better self-discipline without which one cannot go far!

And soon enough you realize – Productivity and not “Busyness” is the desired badge of honor.

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