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Orangescrum Update – Task Linking is Here!

Orangescrum Update – Task Linking Is Here, Project Management Blog
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Hi There! OrangeScrum is back with a slew of new important features to enable efficient task management. This time the focus is to make task management robust and further enable agile and scrum project management.

Task Linking and New Task Types have been launched to enable greater sync across tasks and apt categorization so that your project plans do not go off track.

Let us see the “How to” now 🙂


What is Task Linking?

Now with OrangeScrum, you can link any two tasks in a project to show their relationship. Though we do have Gantt Chart to create the dependencies but it is slightly different from Gantt Chart’s task linking. It is nothing but a task reference only. One task can have linking with multiple tasks of the project.

How to create Task Linking?

You can create task linking in two ways.

  1. Create or edit task page
  2. Task detail page

How to link a task in Create Task?

Before you link a task to another, you should know the following:

Relates To: It has three categories. It defines the type of linking.

  • Relates to: This shows the intended task is related to the following linked tasks.
  • Duplicated by: This shows the intended task is a duplicated task of the linking task.
  • Derived from: This shows the intended task is derived with reference from the linking task.

Linking Task: These are the tasks linked to the main (parent) task. You can see them on your task detail page.

Create Task Linking In Create Task Page, Project Management Blog

To create a task link –

  • Click on Create New Task or Click on the + icon
  • On the create task page, define your tasks and other details and scroll down
  • Define the category of the “Related to” from the option Related to, Derived from or Duplicated by.
  • Then define your linking tasks from the task options in the “Linking Task” field

Linking Tasks, Project Management Blog

  • Click on “Save” to create the task and its link tasks.

How to link a task in the task detail or edit task page?

To add task linking on the Edit Task page;

  • Click on the task title from the task page
  • On the detail page, click on the edit icon
  • Scroll down to Relates to and define your link tasks as mentioned earlier.

Similarly, on the task detail page, click on the “+” icon on the Linking Tasks sections and define your linking tasks with respect to the original or parent task.

Linking Task Page In Task Detail, Project Management Blog

Add Linking Task Pop Up, Project Management Blog

How to remove the link from a task?

To remove a link, please navigate to the task detail page and click on Remove Link to delete the linking of a task with another task as shown in the image.

Delete Task Linking, Project Management Blog

Linking Tasks in Brief:

  • It is nothing but task reference.
  • One task can have multiple task linking
  • You can create linking tasks in two ways: Create/edit a task, 2. Task detail page
  • Task Linking has two fields: 1. Relates to, 2. Linking task
  • Relates to having three options (Related to, derived by and duplicated from) predefined option.
  • Current task can’t be linked to the same task
  • One task can have ONLY one distinct link to another task.
  • You can link only one link category in the create and edit task pop up.
  • You can add more link in the task detail page.
  • You can have the list of all link tasks in the task detail page.
  • Linking Task list with options [task actions (start, new, resolve and close], task#, task type, title, status, assign to and remove link option).
  • There is no restriction of remove link, anyone in the project can remove the task link.

New Task Types:

In a bid to enhance our UI, we have launched new icons for our task types. This small changes made a huge difference to our users. These new task type icons can be viewed and used by all users in the project. Also when you add a new custom task type, a default icon is provided for uniformity across the tool.

The below image shows a glance of our new icons used for the Task Types.

New Icons For Task Types, Project Management Blog

Task Types, Project Management Blog

Over to you

These updates will definitely enhance your project management experience and save lots of time. We continue to strive to make your work as fun as possible!

See you next month with added features, enhancements and a further robust OrangeScrum. In the meanwhile, keep pouring your suggestions & feedback.

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