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Orangescrum Product Update for January: From New Kanban Board to New Task Detail Page

Orangescrum Product Update For January From New Kanban Board To New Task Detail Page, Project Management Blog
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Hello Orangescrumers!

We’re excited to share the progress we made at the beginning of this year and would love to get your feedback!


New Navigation for Task View

Now navigation to Kanban Board, Task Group and Calendar View of tasks have been made easy.

  • To view Task Group, click on the Task Group tab on the Task list top bar as shown in the screenshot below.

Task Group View, Project Management Blog

  • Similarly, click on Kanban or Calendar tab to view the respective view of tasks.
  • Also, we have added the default view of All Tasks, My Tasks, Overdue, All Opened, All Closed Tasks tab in the left menu panel under the Tasks menu.
  • You can add the Custom Filter tab as usual and you can see it below All Closed tab as shown in the image.

My Tasks Tab, Project Management Blog

New Task Detail Page

We have made certain changes to our Task Detail page as seen in the below screenshot:

New Task Detail Page With Comments, Project Management Blog

  • The color stripe on the left shows the task’s Priority. In this case, it is High Priority.
  • There are Reload, Edit, Archive, Delete, Resolve, Close, Download buttons for quick actions below the Task Title
  • You can change the Task Status and Progress of tasks in percentage (%) from the right side, as shown in the below image.

Task Title Bar, Project Management Blog

  • In the second row, it has Project Name, Task Group, Task Type, Priority, Est. Hour(s), and Spent Hour(s)

Task Detail 2nd Row, Project Management Blog

  • As usual, it has the same layout for comments, time logs, reply, file attachment and notify via email as before.

Comments Section, Project Management Blog

  • The Activities trail has been removed from the comments and added in the sidebar as a new section. So a user can track the comments and activities transparently for a task. This is one of the key changes we made after getting feedback from our users.
  • Along with the Activities, in the sidebar, you can also find Assign To, Created Date, Due Date field and the Files

Activities In The Task Detail Page, Project Management Blog

New Kanban Board

A few noticeable changes have been made in the Kanban Board.

New Kanban Board, Project Management Blog

  • The Kanban Card has Task Title, Estd. Hr., Spent Hr., File Attachment and Assign To User name along with task priority. In the below screenshot, you can see the red strip for high priority, Est Hr. 2 hrs., Spend Hr. 1.2 mins and assigned to Richard.

Kanban Card, Project Management Blog

New Kanban Task Group View

This is a complete overhaul of the Kanban-Task Group View.

  • To navigate to the Kanban Task Group view, click on Kanban Tab, and then click Task Group as shown in the screenshot below.

Kanban Task Group View, Project Management Blog

  • On the Task Group Kanban View, you can see the Kanban cards for each Task Group with the percentage of progress of each Task Groups. You can click on the right arrow to view other Task Groups.

Task Group Kanban View, Project Management Blog

  • Click on any Task Group name to view all tasks under that Task Group with the tasks neatly stacked in their relevant Task Status cards. E.g. New, In Progress, Resolved, Closed.

Task Group Kanban View Progress Details, Project Management Blog

  • Now you can drag and drop the Task Group Card to re-order your Task group cards. Click on the three-line icon and drag it to other cards to reorder the Kanban Cards.

Task Group Card Drag And Drop, Project Management Blog

Import Customers

We understand that growing business means a growing customer list. Bring your customer information into Orangescrum with ease with the new “Import Customer” feature.

To import your customers –

  • Navigate to Settings > Company Settings > Import & Export
  • Click on Import Customers tab
  • Download the sample import file and update your customer list
  • You can import the following details as shown in the screenshot

Import Customers, Project Management Blog

Free Templates

We have also released a few yet relevant templates for your quick reference and use.

  • Gantt chart
  • Project Tracking
  • Invoice
  • Timesheet

Free Template, Project Management Blog

These are the same templates available on our cloud website. You can download it from our Resources section.

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time (abbreviated DST), is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months so that evening daylight lasts longer while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Typically, regions that use daylight saving time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring and adjust them backward in the autumn to standard time.

So we have addressed this considering a global clientele. Now you can set the DST (Daylight Saving Time) setting in the user profile to on/off as per the requirement.

Daylight Saving, Project Management Blog


And at last, we would love to get feedback about Orangescrum. The more the merrier!

Share your issues, suggestions, requests through this quick feedback option, and rate us as well.

Click on the feedback icon on the right side of Quick Links, you can see a pop up to comment and connect with us instantly.

Feedback, Project Management Blog

Coming Soon

Now you can download task list page in PDF format. It is in beta testing and will be released to all users soon.

A new feature Workload report has been introduced for few companies and will shortly be released for all users.

Over to you

We hope all these changes help enhance your productivity and make your Orangescrum usage even simpler.

Log in now to feel the changes, don’t have an account? Sign up now…

See you next month again with quite a few interesting releases. Have something to say or share?

Do comment below!

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