Earlier days, team members were generally needed to be at the same premises in order to work effectively. However, in today’s trend, any project member can operate from anywhere in the globe by forming a “virtual” team.
Orangescrum is an awesome Collaboration tool that offers an ideal platform for managing your virtual team.
It acts as a virtual room where all the stakeholders such as team member and your clients, documents such as PDF, Video stay together to leverage project development.
This cloud based web app not only facilitates faster and easier collaboration but with facility to have daily scrum.
Consider a scenario where the all the project stakeholders are away from each other, for example, the manager sits at San Jose, and coordinating 4 developers from Japan, UK, France and Germany while the client lives in Canada.
Here, Orangescrum can do the perfect collaboration among all of them. Email notifications are sent out upon each task completion or any status updation.
One does not need to be before his computer to respond to such email notification, he/she can respond from his cell phone which in turn gets updated in Orangescrum.
OrangeScrum is a single application which takes care of the below major aspects of any business process. This makes Orangescrum different from rest of the world.
Please visit orangescrum.com, create your accounts & start exploring it!
Try it now, you can create 2 projects and Unlimited users for FREE, No credit card required.