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Tips to Help You Manage a High-Performing Virtual Team

Working with remote teams is not about challenges or risks. It is more of a culture.

It’s about a high trust, high performance work culture.Sure, seems very rosy. But then, a lot of attention to the right principles, tools and techniques must be put in place to achieve that ideal state.

Wildly successful companies like Grovehq, Basecamp, Noko Time, Close CRM etc. are totally remote companies.

So what is it that has enabled them to build successful SAAS companies powered by remote teams?

Building a high performing remote team is all about

  • Greater visibility of all activities
  • Setting clear expectations & timelines
  • Promoting a self-organizing culture
  • Personal responsibility in all actions

And to achieve the above, deploy some of the simple work management tactics as illustrated below.

Tip to Help You Manage a High-Performing Virtual Team


Technology, competition and nature are all at the moment promoting remote work in one way or the other. Remote work enables access to a greater talent pool, gets you closer to your customers, increases your market presence, keeps your OPEX low and lastly increases work-life balance.

And as it is today – prevents the spread of COVID-19! Stay Home, Stay Safe!

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