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Increase Productivity with Orangescrum-Daily Catch-up!

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An important aspect of Time, Task and Team management is Staying Connected – Always!

“You don’t actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it” David Allen

We always love getting information at our fingertips at times even without doing anything at all.

  • Imagine a day at work where you do not have to nag your team or customer or a vendor for information or updates?
  • Imagine when you have everything you need to develop your action plan, strategy on an important project you are working on?
  • Imagine a day where you are not dependent on others to provide you the latest updates so that you can make that crucial presentation to your customer, management, stakeholders or sponsors?

The solution is simple and information rich daily feeds delivered auto-magically to you – On Demand!

Orangescrum’s Daily Catch-up allows you to schedule & receive daily updates on your projects from all your project teams. Same time! Every time!

Sign up Now!

It saves the expensive loss of efforts and time spent on multiple reminders and unwanted update meetings.

All critical and up-to date information on project deliverables is served on a platter with the Daily Catch-up so you can plan your next big move as effortlessly as possible.

Have you caught up with your Projects, People and Productivity? If no, why wait?

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