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How to Use Kanban Board for Better Project Management

How To Use Kanban Boards To Manage Your Projects, Project Management Blog
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Kanban is getting a lot of buzz these days in project management. One of the most noteworthy sayings for Kanban is: “Stop starting and start finishing.” Sounds profound, but how do you implement that? Here’s the answer-

According to the PMI Pulse of the Profession annual report,

  • 48% of projects are not finished within the scheduled time
  • Whereas 43% of projects are not completed within the fixed budget and
  • 31% of projects do not meet the business intent and original goals


I have gone through some other research and found that “only 31% of all organizations deliver projects that are likely to meet original goals or business objectives. In addition, just 34% of organizations deliver projects that are likely to achieve stakeholder satisfaction”.

Kanban, Project Management Blog


Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised”- Denis Waitley

To eradicate the failure rate, Project Management comes as a savior.

Around 97% of organizations believe project management is important to business performance.

Seeing the scenario of today’s business world, Project Management has become even more vital for every organization and the Project Management Tools are turning ideas into workable plans successfully.

They keep tasks, lists, and files into a centralized hub. Hence your team can collaborate effectively. Besides all, there’s a tool that can make it easier and that is “Kanban”.


What is Kanban?

Kanban is one of the leading project management methodologies. It suits almost every team and goal. It helps you in managing the flow of tasks as your team works on shared objectives.

Kanban Todo, Project Management Blog


By applying this approach to project management, the workflow becomes transparent and visual. Each team member can see the task status and track- TO DO, TO BE DONE & DONE!

Benefits of Kanban Methodology at a Glance:

  • Entire work is divided into manageable tasks
  • Collects all the important information that is needed for a task
  • Can adjust to your team and process
  • Gives you a proper work status under one roof

Various project management tools have emerged in the market now. But seeing the complexities and popularity, it is vital to pick the right tool for your project management needs.

To make it simpler and easier, I’ve picked the best among all and that is none other than Orangescrum.

Orangescrum allows you to collaborate with teams, plan projects, assign tasks, track time, and manage resources with ease. Its features and flexibility help you to stay agile and productive.

Being productive and on top of all things is a necessity, not a choice & Orangescrum’s Kanban view can help you to be the best at it.

Around 89% of customers say Orangescrum helps their team to track who is doing what and by when.

But do you know what makes it so popular? Let’s see;

As we know, a picture is worth a thousand words. The brain processes visual information faster than text. Orangescrum’s Kanban board is a PM feature that harnesses the power of visual information. It kills the use of sticky notes on the whiteboard.

The Kanban board helps you to see the teamwork and understand its flow in a better way. It also helps team members to easily communicate with each other.

3 main principles of Orangescrum’s Kanban board:

Visualization of work:

The visual prompts of Kanban help team members communicate quickly and efficiently regarding every aspect of a project.

Work-in-progress limits:

When there are many tasks in progress at a time, nothing seems to meet the finish line. Kanban maintains the flow of work so that more is accomplished in less time.

Maintaining flow:

The workflow should maintain a proper flow from “to do” to “doing” to “done” in an efficient way. Kanban helps in maintaining proper flow. The visual nature eliminates complications and confusion.

So this is a short overview of Orangescrum Kanban board. Now let’s see how to check task group progress in Kanban view easily;

  • First, click on Kanban from the Task Listing Page
  • Select the project from the Project drop-down & click on Task Group i:e on the top right of the screen. You can get all the tasks listed as per their status.

Kanban Status, Project Management Blog

There are two views in Orangescrum Kanban. One is Kanban Status View and another is Task Group View.

Orangescrum’s Kanban Board is preferred because of the multitude of benefits it offers:

  • Productivity Booster
  • Real-Time Status Update
  • Single Pane of view to Project Progress
  • Personalized View

Over to You:

Today’s business world is overrun with a large number of project and task management tools. Out of them, tools with Kanban have proven to be one of the most efficient, customized, and simplest tools available.

So have you already tried Orangescrum’s Kanban board? Not yet? Give it a try.

Sign up for a one-month free trial and share your experience with me! I’d love to read them all 🙂

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