It is very important to keep track of time spent for doing tasks by resources. Orangescrum launched this high utility feature today.
Tracking time spent and taking corrective measures are main factors to increase the productivity of your team. This helps you keep track of the Task & Resources Vs Hours and thereby helps to measure the efficiency of resources.
Orangescrum has the facility to track time spent on each type of task be it a Bug, Issue, Development, Enhancement etc..
Here’s how you can do it
- Enter time in hour or part thereof that you have spent in specified the text-box as shown below while creating the task, for example, if you enter 6.5. that denotes 6-and-half-hours
- Also while posting a reply you can input the hours spent
- The total time spent on the task will be shown on the details section
- View the Time Spent reports under ‘Analytics’ > ‘Hours reports’
- View hours spent on different types of tasks like bug, development, enhancement etc.
- View who spent how much time on a project including the #of replies given and #of task resolved
Categories: Bug Tracking system