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How To Deal With Non-Performing Employees At The Workplace

How To Deal With Non Performing Employees At The Workplace, Project Management Blog
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Human resources are supposed to be one of the biggest resources in a business. The success of your business depends on the performance of your employees.

But what happens if they don’t perform up to your expectations?

In today’s competitive business world, a company can’t ignore an under-performing employee. It must be able to manage its non-performing employees effectively. But if you fail to do so, it would be a great loss to your company.

The consequences of failing to manage non-performing employees consist:

  • Disappointed Customers
  • Lost efficiency and productivity
  • Demotivate good performers
  • Loss in revenue

Non Performing, Project Management Blog

From a survey, 68% of employees are found to be non-performing. This is where the role of management plays an important role.

When the non-performing employees are managed in the right way, they can exceed or meet expectations to become valuable resources. It also ensures that the company maintains a high level of productivity.

So how you can deal with such employees? Let’s deep dive more into that below,


Analyze their performance:

In most cases, skilled resources become under-performers if they are stressed, unfocused, and not able to handle the workload. That’s why it is important to analyze the potential of under-performing employees.

Work performance history, past reports, behavior, and personal experience with the employee allow managers to analyze their performance.

Listen to them:

Once you realize that you are dealing with a non-performing employee, it’s time to organize a meeting to find out the reason behind their poor performance.

According to Gallup, “75% of the reasons people quit an organization comes down to their managers”.

So don’t be in a hurry to share your thoughts on their performance. Listen to them and allow them to share their concerns.

It helps you to figure out a strategy that can improve the employee’s performance.

Give genuine feedback:

It is important for managers to give genuine feedback to under-performers. So that they can share their concern.

69% of employees say they would perform better if their efforts were better understood.

Considering that, you should give the employees a chance to improve their ways. Don’t force them to perform better in the next step.

It would be beneficial if you can try few procedures as discussed below:

Define clear goals:

Organizations with clear and defined goals always lead. Therefore, it is important to define goals and set clear standards for employees.

This can be done effectively and easily with the help of collaborative project management software. This tool clears the confusion that an employee might have about their tasks, role, and responsibilities in the organization.

Perform Teamwork:

Teamwork is essential for your business success. Teamwork is what the solution to problems. Lack of communication is the main reason for every problem.

We are fortunate enough that there are many strategies to improve team collaboration. One of them includes implementing a productive tool.

A good project management tool keeps all team members on the same page with clear targets and deadlines. It provides an easy-to-use communication platform.

Monitor their progress:

Don’t let employee’s poor performance affect your company’s productivity. Monitor their performance before time.

Once your resources have been provided the right tools, it’s time to check their performance regularly. This can be done perfectly with a project management solution.

Encourage them:

Along with giving the right guidance, it is beneficial to motivate under-performing employees. Always appreciate them and their efforts.

When an under-performer overcomes his/her old habits, motivate them to keep on going in the same spirit. Figure out their goals and motivate them.

Here are some effective strategies to address non-performance in the workplace:

6 Ways To Fix Performance Management, Project Management Blog

  • Open Communication: Start by having an open and honest conversation with the employee. Understand their perspective, any challenges they’re facing, and their perception of their role and expectations.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Ensure that the employee understands their role, responsibilities, and performance expectations. Clarify specific goals and objectives to provide a clear path for improvement.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on behaviors and outcomes. Highlight areas that need improvement and suggest solutions for enhancement.
  • Performance Improvement Plan (PIP): Develop a performance improvement plan in collaboration with the employee. This plan outlines goals, milestones, and actionable steps to address the performance gaps.
  • Offer Training and Development: Identify training and development opportunities that can enhance the employee’s skills and capabilities. This not only improves performance but also shows your commitment to their growth.
  • Mentoring or Coaching: Assign a mentor or coach who can provide guidance, support, and constructive feedback. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can help employees overcome challenges.
  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular one-on-one meetings to track progress, discuss challenges, and provide ongoing support. This demonstrates your commitment to their improvement journey.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge and reward incremental improvements to boost the employee’s motivation. Positive reinforcement can help them regain confidence and enthusiasm.
  • Peer Support: Encourage teamwork and collaboration among peers. Sometimes, a supportive work environment can positively impact an employee’s performance.
  • Performance Appraisal: Conduct regular performance appraisals that focus on accomplishments and areas for growth. This provides a formal platform to discuss achievements and challenges.
  • Document Performance Issues: Keep a record of performance-related discussions, feedback, and improvement plans. This documentation can be valuable for tracking progress and making informed decisions.
  • Address Personal Issues: If personal issues are affecting performance, consider offering support or resources to help the employee manage those challenges.
  • Time-Bound Expectations: Set specific timeframes for improvement. Having a timeline helps both the employee and the management track progress and assess the effectiveness of interventions.
  • Consider Reassignment: If appropriate, consider temporarily assigning the employee to a different role that aligns better with their strengths and interests.
  • Progress Review: Regularly review the employee’s progress against the established goals and improvement plan. Adjust strategies as needed based on their development.
  • Explore Alternative Solutions: If performance issues persist, explore alternative solutions that may be more suitable for both the employee and the organization, such as role changes or voluntary departures.

And it’s a wrap:

The above-mentioned tips can help non-performing employees to increase productivity, rectify their poor work habits, and enhance their skills. Instead of firing non-performers, try to get the best out of their capabilities and talent.

Project management software plays an essential role in enhancing your employees’ performance. Tools like Orangescrum are emerging in this business world.

Orangescrum Project Management software has designed with a thoughtful approach for more productivity.

It has features like task management, time tracking, Gantt chart, Kanban view, invoice, and resource availability which help you to organize projects and manage resources effortlessly.

From a survey, only 58% of companies fully understand the value of project management.

By monitoring employees’ performance, keeping them on track, and finding their issues, you can make improvements whenever you need to do.

If you are facing the same problems, then say “HELLO” to Orangescrum, #1Task management software and strengthen your market position.

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