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GitHub Integration for Orangescrum Cloud Released!

GitHub Integration With Orangescrum, Project Management Blog
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We are delighted to announce that starting today Orangescrum provides two-way integration with GitHub.

With this release, you can create, collaborate and manage all your GitHub issues directly from Orangescrum or Github instantly.

This integration is fruitful for the IT and product development teams who use Github to share or collaborate code and monitor code issues.

Most developers, IT teams and agencies use GitHub to organize, release and track issues on their code. If an issue is raised for your code, you will get an instant notification from Orangecrum and the issue will be created as a task for you in Orangescrum.

Improve remote collaboration with Orangescrum

Get More Done With Orangescrum, Project Management Blog


We make your task and issue management easier by bringing them together on a single platform of your choice.

GitHub or Orangescrum you are always on top of your tasks and issues so that you focus on delivering quality products for your customers.

With GitHub integration, you can sync the following data:-

  • Task Title
  • Task Description
  • Comments
  • Task Status

Currently, tasks type, labels, file attachments, sub-tasks, assigned to details are not being synced. However, we are working on this.

If a task is in New, In-progress or Resolve status in Orangescrum, in GitHub, the task will be assigned to Open status. For closed tasks in Orangescrum, GitHub assigns status as Closed.

If a task that is Open in GitHub, it will be default assigned as status New in Orangescrum.

You can do two-way sync or one way as per your requirements. You have the following options:

  • 2-way sync (Orangescrum to GitHub and Vice Versa)
  • Orangescrum to GitHub
  • GitHub to Orangescrum

Why you should Integrate GitHub with Orangescrum?

With the integration, you can have the following benefits:-

  • You can create & manage your GitHub issues via Orangescrum.
  • Auto-sync in Orangescrum helps to update the real-time status of the tasks in GitHub.
  • You can also sync your task comments to your GitHub repository. This helps users to get notified about the task comments without logging in to Orangescrum.
  • You always get the most current and true status of your issues in real-time.
  • No more miscommunications on issues, thereby faster and timely resolution.
  • You can easily collaborate and obtain help from your development teams on identified issues.

How to Integrate GitHub with Orangescrum?

In order to get the most out of this integration, you need to configure with Orangescrum first.

  1. Click on profile picture>Integration>GitHub Issues
  2. It will take you to GitHub setup page where you will be integrating GitHub with Orangescrum. Click on Connect Orangescrum + GitHub.
  3. At GitHub sign-in page, you need to add your GitHub credentials.
  4. Further, provide click on Authorize to provide permission for data access by Orangescrum.

NoteGitHub Integration can only be done by the Owner or Admin of the account. However, all users of the account can use the integration and perform their activities.

GitHub Integration, Project Management Blog

How to Sync Orangescrum Projects with GitHub?

On authorization, it will integrate your GitHub account with Orangescrum. You need to connect your repository to an Orangescrum project.

In order to sync, Project with Repository we needed to follow the steps below:-

  1. Click Add Sync.
  2. Select the Project & GitHub repository which is to be integrated.
  3. If you would like to include your existing closed tasks of the project and repository, then you can enable Include closed tasks.
  4. If you would like to add any predefined task initials/prefix for the tasks that are being created in GIT or Orangescrum, then you can enable Add GitHub issue number to task title and provide your task prefix. By default, when a task will be created, the prefix will be added to the task title.
  5. Select the type of Sync & enable Auto-sync.
  6. Click Reconfirm all the details and click Create Sync.

For more details, you can visit our Helpdesk.

About GitHub:

GitHub is a cloud-based platform that helps developers to store and manage their code, as well as track and control changes to their code.

Over to you

GitHub integration will reduce a lot of time and confusion due to switching between the two products and increase productivity by bringing both tools seamlessly into your workflow.

For all developers and Project Managers, GitHub integration will make your development process & project management easier, simpler and effective.

Before I conclude, I must say there are a lot of improvements and other new features to be released soon. E.g. Subtask view 🙂

Stay tuned and keep sharing your ideas, suggestions to make your project management and task collaboration better with Orangescrum.

Click to Integrate Orangescrum with GitHub Now

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