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Get Your Team To Track Time Better

2 Ways To Get Your Team To Track Time V2, Project Management Blog
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Business is successful when delivered on time. Skillful time and resource management are critical success factors to sustain and excel in this ever competitive age. It is always a race between time and productivity.

Time tracking doesn’t exactly find a place in the “To-Do” list of our team members. Rightfully so as they have to go through the time-consuming, mundane and often confusing paper-work to record their activities on the project.

Repeated Instructions only yield in resentment and accurate time reports never come to the decision maker for review and process improvisation.

To overcome the erroneous old manual time reviewing process, Orangescrum renders full proof, automated and effective Time Tracking time for your team on the go.


Time keeping has never been easier…

Here are 2 useful tips to get your team to track time:

Make the habit of Time logging

One click and you can view all your time log entries for a particular task or project. Tune your team to log time spent for each task accomplished by each user in Orangescrum and there by tracking time spent for the project. You can manage your Time Log activities effectively using the Calendar view.

Log Time, Project Management Blog

Eventually, you can generate reports with all details including billable/non-billable hours put into project(s).This makes easy for the project manager or admin to take decisions faster besides getting quick information about the project.

Activate Timer functionality

Automate your time tracking using “Timer”. This feature enables you to quick start, pause and log time for a particular task of a project you’re working on. You can track time of your team(s) or individual(s) and generate billable hours for Invoicing.

OS Timer 1, Project Management Blog

Multiple ways to track time

Start your timer anywhere from:

  • Task list page
  • Kanban View
  • Time Log page
  • Quick Link section

Click ‘Save’ once you’re done with the task. The Start Time, End Time and Spent Hours are captured automatically.

Note: Time log entries are directly linked to the Invoice thereby auto- generating Invoices without missing a single billable minute.

Orangescrum Timer makes it easy for business owners to stay organized and map time and resources with the Time-Log feature.

Get more things done in less time. Keep your clients and your team happy. Keep it quick and simple.

Work smarter. Get paid faster!

Start your 30-day Time Tracking Stress-less Free Trial right now!

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