[sc name=”announcement”][/sc]
Hello OrangeScrumers! A good news for all our Open Source users. We have released a new PHPMailer add-on to simplify your SMTP configuration further.
Email notification is an important feature for any product. From user invites to email reports or any actions within the tool must be notified to users/admins or the owner of the tool.
But to send and receive email notifications, the application needs proper SMTP configuration. OrangeScrum, the Open Source Project Management tool also needs SMTP configuration to send email notifications.
In addition to our earlier SMTP configuration method, we have released the PHPMailer function to configure SMTP in OrangeScrum. This PHPMailer is available as an add-on in our Marketplace. This is completely free and can be used by both existing and new users.
PHPMailer is a class library for PHP that provides a collection of functions to build and send email messages. PHPMailer supports several ways of sending an email with SMTP server or without SMTP server. You can use any feature of SMTP-based email, multiple recipients, via to, CC, BCC, etc. In short: PHPMailer is an efficient way to send the email within PHP.
Here is the instruction to a successful PHP Mailer configuration:
For Example:-
chmod -R 777 app/Config
chmod -R 777 app/tmp
chmod -R 777 app/Plugin
chmod -R 777 app/webroot
Ex. http://localhost/orangescrum (if you are using localhost) (if you are using IP)
http://myprojects.orangescrum.com (if you are using any valid domain)
Note: if you are facing any issue or seeing any blank page after doing all the above steps, then just do the following once.
Use below URL to install the basic code of OrangeScrum.
Ex. http://…./install/phpmailer (for Php Mailer add-on)
Note: If you don’t want use phpmailer add-on please run below query
UPDATE `addons` SET `isactive` = ‘0’ WHERE `addons`.`id` = 1;
If you want use php mailer add-on please run below query
UPDATE `addons` SET `isactive` = ‘1’ WHERE `addons`.`id` = 1;
If you have installed add-ons & interested for PHPMailer add-on, then kindly contact us for the updated package with PHPMailer add-on.
We hope you liked our new add-on PHPMailer & useful for your SMTP configuration. Share your feedback, queries below in comment section. We’re listening!
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