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Everything You Need to Know About Sprint Backlog Creation and Optimization

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The sprint backlog is a fundamental component of agile project management, specifically in Scrum. It plays a crucial role in planning and executing work during a sprint, which is a time-boxed iteration in agile development.

In this blog, we’ll delve into what a backlog is, why it’s essential, and the top tips and strategies for preparing it effectively.

Scrum Sprint Progress, Project Management Blog



What is a Sprint Backlog?

It is a dynamic and evolving list of tasks, user stories, or features selected from the product backlog to be worked on during a sprint.

It acts as a blueprint for the development team, outlining what needs to be achieved within the sprint’s timeframe.

When Should You Use a Sprint Backlog?

It should be used at the start of each sprint in agile development.

It helps in planning, tracking, and managing the work for that specific sprint.

It ensures that the team is aligned with the sprint goal and has a clear focus on what needs to be accomplished.

Product Backlog vs. Sprint Backlog

Product Backlog Vs Sprint Backlog, Project Management Blog


While the product backlog is a comprehensive list of all the features, enhancements, and bug fixes that may be developed over time, the sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog.

It contains the specific items that the team commits to completing within the current sprint.

What is the Need for a Sprint Backlog?

In the world of agile software development, the backlog plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of a sprint.

But what is the need for a backlog, and why is it an essential component of the agile framework?

Let’s delve into the reasons behind its significance.

1. Focus and Clarity

It helps bring clarity to the team’s objectives for a specific sprint. It serves as a focused, time-bound plan that outlines what work needs to be accomplished.

This clear direction eliminates ambiguity and ensures that team members are aligned on the sprint’s goals.

2. Prioritization

One of the key needs for a backlog is prioritization. In Agile, there’s a constant influx of new tasks and requirements.

The backlog acts as a filter, allowing the team to select the most important and high-priority items from the product backlog.

This prioritization ensures that the team is working on the most valuable tasks first.

3. Commitment

Agile teams commit to delivering a set of user stories or tasks within a sprint.

The sprint backlog is a commitment made by the team, and it creates a sense of accountability.

This commitment is essential for meeting deadlines and achieving sprint goals.

4. Transparency

It is a transparent document that is accessible to the entire team.

It provides visibility into what work is being done and the progress being made.

This transparency promotes collaboration and allows for better decision-making.

5. Adaptability

The need for a sprint backlog also arises from its adaptability.

If changes or new information emerge during a sprint, the team can update the backlog accordingly.

This flexibility ensures that the team can respond to changing requirements or priorities.

6. Efficient Resource Allocation

By defining the work to be completed in a sprint, the backlog helps in effective resource allocation.

Team members know their responsibilities, and there’s no time wasted on indecision or uncertainty.

7. What is Included in a Sprint Backlog?

Sprint Backlog, Project Management Blog


Before diving into what’s included in a sprint backlog, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what it is.

A backlog is a dynamic and evolving list of tasks, user stories, or features selected from the product backlog to be worked on during a sprint.

It acts as a blueprint for the development team, outlining what needs to be achieved within the sprint’s timeframe.

What’s Included?

  1. User Stories and Tasks: The primary elements in a sprint backlog are user stories and tasks. User stories are descriptions of features or functionality from an end-user perspective. Tasks are smaller, actionable items that contribute to the completion of user stories.
  2. Estimates: Each item in the sprint backlog should have an effort estimation required to complete it. These estimates are typically in the form of story points or hours and help the team gauge the workload.
  3. Prioritization: The items in the backlog are prioritized based on their importance and their alignment with the sprint goal. The team decides the order in which they will be tackled.
  4. Dependencies and Constraints: If there are any dependencies between tasks or user stories, these should be clearly identified in the backlog. This ensures that the team is aware of any prerequisites or constraints.
  5. Definition of Done: For each item in the backlog, there should be a clear definition of what “done” means. This definition sets the criteria for when an item is considered complete.

What’s Not Included?

  1. Items from Future Sprints: The backlog is exclusively for the current sprint. It does not include items planned for future sprints.
  2. Uncommitted Work: Only the work that the team has committed to completing within the sprint should be in the backlog.
  3. Nice-to-Have Items: The backlog is for essential work that aligns with the sprint goal. Nice-to-have or low-priority items should not be included.

Top Things to Consider Before Preparing the Sprint Backlog

  1. Understanding of Sprint Goal: Ensure that the team fully comprehends the sprint goal and the specific objectives to be achieved.
  2. User Story Refinement: Prioritize user story refinement sessions to clarify requirements and expectations.
  3. Estimation: Accurately estimate the effort required for each item, using techniques like Planning Poker or Story Points.
  4. Team Capacity: Be mindful of the team’s capacity and avoid overloading the backlog.
  5. Dependency Management: Identify and address any dependencies or impediments that might affect sprint progress.

Top Tips to Improve Sprint Backlog

  1. Frequent Refinement: Regularly refine and update the backlog to incorporate new insights or changes.
  2. Clear Definition of Done: Ensure that each item in the backlog has a well-defined “done” state.
  3. Daily Stand-ups: Conduct daily stand-up meetings to track progress and discuss any challenges.
  4. Visualize Progress: Use visual boards or Agile tools to make sprint progress visible to the team.
  5. Retrospectives: Include sprint backlog-related discussions in sprint retrospectives to continuously improve the process.

How to Create and Optimize Sprint Backlog in Orangescrum?

Orangescrum is project management software that also enables backlog management. Let’s learn how you can create and groom a backlog on Orangescrum.

First, let’s consider a mobile app development project for a photo app. The project development begins with a team collaboration session and then creation of backlog items. We will also add a story point to each user-story created in the backlog.

Steps to Create a Task for Backlog

Step-1: Click on ‘Tasks’ in the left panel

Step-2: Click on ‘Create Task’ button

Step-3: Create task by filling the form

App Color Scheme 2, Project Management Blog

Step-4: Next create all the user-stories you need for the project in the backlog

Backlog Story Points, Project Management Blog

After creating the backlog items you can optimize it when needed. Simply click on the user-story and edit the estimates, resources and schedules as per your project requirements.


Creating an effective sprint backlog is essential for a successful sprint. It empowers the team to work cohesively toward a common goal, stay adaptable in the face of changes, and deliver value with each sprint.

By following these tips and strategies, you can enhance your sprint backlog preparation and execution, ultimately leading to more productive agile development.

To effectively manage sprint backlog you need a scrum project management software like Orangescrum. The project management platform offers tools and features to efficiently carry out sprints.

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