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A Complete Guide to Test Case Management Using Orangescrum

A Complete Guide To Test Case Management Using Orangescrum, Project Management Blog
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In the dynamic landscape of software development, ensuring the quality and reliability of your product is paramount.

Orangescrum emerges as a critical process in this journey, offering a structured approach to test planning, execution, and tracking.

Let’s delve into the world of Test Case Management and explore how Orangescrum is the best test case management software.


Understanding Test Case Management

Test Case Management is the process of creating, organizing, and tracking test cases to ensure comprehensive coverage of software functionality.

It involves designing test cases, executing them, and managing the results to validate that the software meets the specified requirements and functions as expected.

Benefits of Test Case Management

1. Improved Test Coverage

By using Orangescrum you can systematically design test scenarios & cases, ensuring that all aspects of the software are thoroughly tested. This helps in identifying potential issues early in the development cycle.

2. Efficient Collaboration

It fosters collaboration between developers and testers. With a centralized system for test case creation and execution, teams can work seamlessly and share insights for continuous improvement.

3. Faster Issue Resolution

When defects are promptly recorded and tracked, developers can address them swiftly. Orangescrum streamlines the communication process, leading to quicker issue resolution and ensuring a faster time to market.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making

Comprehensive reporting and analysis functionalities in Orangescrum empower stakeholders to make informed decisions. By identifying testing patterns and trends, teams can enhance their testing strategies for future projects.

How Orangescrum Can Be Used as a Test Case Management Software?

In Orangescrum you can customize the ‘Task Type’ as a ‘Test Case’ which enables you to create tasks as test cases. You can also manage test scenarios using the ‘Task Group’ feature.

Task Group’ can be employed as a ‘Test Scenario’ and it can have multiple ‘Test Cases’. Similarly, you can create multiple such test scenarios each having multiple test cases.

Orangescrum has a task linking feature where you can link a test case to another test case; this brings clarity in executing the test cases efficiently.

Moreover, you can execute these test cases in a customized bug tracking workflow. Let’s look at how you can create a custom workflow for test case execution.

How to Create a Custom Status Workflow for Test case Management

1. Click on ‘Status Workflow’ ? ‘Create New Status Workflow’

Status Workflow View, Project Management Blog

2. Provide a ‘Status Workflow Name’ and a ‘Description’ ? Click ‘Add’

Create New Status Workflow, Project Management Blog

3. Then click on Create New Status ? Provide Status Name ? Set Status Type ? Progress (%) ? Update

Create New Status, Project Management Blog

Here is a customized bug tracking workflow created in Orangescrum:

Bug Tracking Workflow, Project Management Blog

For Test case management we can create the status workflow as “To be executed”, “Execution in progress”, “Pass” & “Fail”

 Now, Let’s Create a Test Scenario and its Test Cases on Orangescrum

1. Click on Create Task Group to use as a test scenario

Subtask View, Project Management Blog

2. Enter the details of the ‘Task Scenario’ ? Click Save

Note: While creating a test scenario you can add a description with an objective for the test scenario as well.

Create Task Group, Project Management Blog

Now, Let’s Create the Test Cases for the Test Scenario created

  1. Click ‘+’ on the bottom right corner to create task
  2. Then Select ‘Project’ ? Enter ‘Task Title’ ? Select ‘Task Type’ as ‘Test Case
  3. For a test case “Precondition”, “Test steps” & “Expected Results” are essential which we will add in the description
  4. Click on the task group to select the test scenarios we have created. This will save this test case under the selected test scenario
  5. You can also upload any supportive document needed or the test case execution
  6. Then click ‘Save

Note: The task type ‘Test Case’ is custom created to ensure that you can manage the test cases in a workflow customized to your needs.

Create Test Case, Project Management Blog

View Test Case and Add additional Details in Test Case

Test Case View, Project Management Blog

When you find a bug you can link it to the test case by clicking on the Bugs tab. In the below form you can provide bug details such as Bug Title, Issue Type, Bug Severity, Bug Category, Bug Owner and the Due Date etc.

Create Bug, Project Management Blog

Next, you can also add files to the bugs form. Write your message and then click on the Drop files then click on Post Comment.

File Upload, Project Management Blog

You can use the checklist feature to list out all the precondition requirements or test steps to execute the test case.

Here is the example of the checklist needed to effectively execute the test case – Verify that the core functionalities of the web app work seamlessly on various browsers.

Test Case Checklist, Project Management Blog

Reporting and Analytics:

You can view all the test scenarios by clicking on the ‘Subtask View’

Test Scenario View, Project Management Blog

You can also view the task list grouped by status: Click Task List ? Group By ? Status

Task List View, Project Management Blog


Leverage Orangescrum’s reporting features to generate test case execution reports. Analyze trends, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Acme QA Report, Project Management Blog

Collaboration and Communication:

Utilize Orangescrum’s collaboration features, such as comments, to facilitate communication between developers and testers. Ensure seamless information exchange for faster issue resolution.

Communication And Collaboratin, Project Management Blog


In the realm of software development, Test Case Management is crucial for ensuring the quality and reliability of your product.

By adopting a structured and efficient process, you can enhance collaboration, accelerate development cycles, and deliver products that meet or exceed customer expectations.

Mastering Test Case Management is not just a best practice; it’s a key to unlocking the full potential of your software development endeavors.

Say goodbye to silos! Streamline your testing workflows, collaborate effortlessly with your testing team, developers, and stakeholders in one centralized test management platform. Feel free to schedule a demo and learn more about the application.

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