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Benefits of Self Organization Team in Agile

Benefits Of Self Organization Team In Agile, Project Management Blog
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We all know that Agile Project Management methodology is widely adopted across technology companies.

A survey showed that over 76% of all software development projects which are managed using an agile method.

Because agile methodology helps to…..

  • Improves collaboration among teams- 54%
  • Enhances the quality level of software in organizations- 52%
  • Results in enhanced customer satisfaction- 49%
  • Speeds time to market- 43%
  • Reduces development cost- 42%

As a leader, you should create a “self-organizing team” to make the right decisions and choose how things need to be done.

Power Agile Project Management with Orangescrum

Get More Done With Orangescrum, Project Management Blog

What is a self-organizing team?

Self organized teams in agile, is about autonomy and deciding on what to work, when and who within the scrum team.  Scrum Teams are a group of cross functional members who are required to meet the overall product and sprint goal.

Here are some top benefits of a self-organizing team

Benefits Of Self Organization Team In Agile, Project Management Blog

How to form Agile Self-organized Teams

Agile Manifesto states – “The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.” What this means is teams use their best judgments to decide what enables them best to meet the project goals.

With this freedom, there is a steep rise in accountability and ownership putting the team’s skin in the game. Hence they are more committed to the success of the project and are ready to step up efforts when required.

Some of the key traits of self-organizing team members are:

  • Proactive approach towards tasks
  • Communicate effectively and timely
  • Understand value of collaboration and transparency
  • Committed to a common goal
  • Operate with a high sense of ownership and trust

A robust and highly collaborative agile project management tool is integral to a self-organized team.

A centralized platform that provides clarity of task assignments, real time progress status and list of upcoming and due tasks is a must for successful agile teams.

Enhance your team’s agility with Orangescrum Today. Sign up Now

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